Castiel Imagine~ For Better or For Worse

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~Your P.O.V.

Ever since the moment you had woken up both Winchester brothers had been acting weird around.  Dean was winking at you all morning and making inappropriate remarks about you and Cas, while Sam would just smile awkwardly at you and exit the room.  You had questioned their weird behaviors, but they just shrugged it off like nothing was going on.

"Okay what the hell is going on?" You questioned walking into the library were Sam and Dean were sitting.  They smiled brightly at each other before looking towards you and shrugging.

"Well I don't know what you are talking about." Dean spoke in a blank voice. "Oh and I think Cas wants to talk to  you." You looked at both boys giving them a weird look before you walked out of the room.

"Cas?" You called out waiting for a response. You jumped a little bit feeling Cas's strong arms wrap around your waist tightly.

"Hello beautiful." He smiled brightly turning you around. You blushed as you looked down. "So, I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner tonight?" He asked you softly, like he was nervous.  You saw his eyebrows furrow as he waited for your response. That honestly had to be one of your favorite things about him.

"Of course I would!" You smiled brightly before leaning in and quickly pecking him on the cheek.  His smile grew bigger as he heard your answer.

"Okay, be ready by eight please." Cas told you politely and you nodded back.  You quickly looked at your phone seeing the time read 5:45. 

"Well then I better go start to get around, I'll see you soon." You hugged him one last time before running towards your room.  Your decided to wear a black fitted dress that had lace sleeves that ran all the way down to you wrist and black heels which weren't to tall because well you weren't the most coordinated person.  You decided to curl your hair and put a little bit of makeup on, but not too much.  You knew Cas liked it better when you had a natural look, a more realistic look.  When you had finished you checked your phone and saw that the time now read 7:45. 

You decided to go downstairs and kill fifteen minutes with Dean and Sam.  You walked carefully in the library and saw Dean and Sam look up in awe at you. 

"You know (Y/N), if uh things don't work out with you and Cas, I'm still here." Dean winked at you. You walked up and punched him as hard as possible in the arm still smiling.  He bent down grabbing his arm and groaning. 

"Oh shit, I was kidding." Dean smiled towards you as Sam laughed in the background.  You continued to make small talk until Cas appeared wearing his usual suit and trench coat. 

"You look amazing!" Cas stuttered out, he started to tap his fingers on the side of his leg which he only did when was nervous.  You noticed and walked over to him and grabbed his hand. "Are you ready to leave?" He asked me softly and you nodded in response beaming.

Castiel took you to an absolutely beautiful restaurant with elegant decorations that were outstanding. You were amazed by the man.

"Castiel, this amazing!" You smiled searching the room.  Castiel looked up at you and smiled.

"Thank you, but not as amazing as you look." His cute comment made you lightly blush. 

"Cas, has Dean been teaching you some things?" You smiled as he shyly looked away.

"Yes, but (Y/N), I have an important question to ask you." Castiel spoke quietly and nervously.

"Yeah?" I saw him take a deep breath and stand up before walking over and kneeling down on one knee.  You gasped as you saw him pull a small black box out of his pocket. You could feel the lump in your throat grow bigger. 

"(Y/N), I love you so very much, and I have never felt this feeling before ever.  I learned that here on earth when someone loves someone else very much they propose, though I am not completely sure why.  But, that is not important.  What is important is that I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, which is a very long time."  I giggled as I felt Cas reach up and whip a tear from my cheek.  He opened the box and showed the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. I felt my hands cover my mouth as I gasped.  "(Y/N), would you make me the happiest angel every and marry me?"

It took me a minute to get the words out of my mouth between tears but I finally did. "Yes-Yes, absolutely!" I smiled as he slid the ring on my finger. I reached down and hugged him tightly.

"Why are you crying, did I do something wrong?"  He pulled back as I was hugging him.  I giggled as he wiped away a few more tears.

"No, you dork! I just love you!" I smiled before leaning in and kissing him gently.

A/N~ OMG thank you all of over 17,000 reads and more than 500 favorites!!!! I love you all so freaking much!!!! Please let me know what you think and don't forget to request please!  Would you guys want me to possibly make a second part of the actual wedding?  Let me know.


P.S. Can I just say damn that gif though!!!!

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