Father's Day

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~I had a photo saved but it will not appear, sorry.

Dean~ (Mer is supposed to be a shortened version of the name Mary)

"Daddy...Daddy, it's time to get up." Your daughter Mer shouted while she jumped onto the bed that you and Dean shared. Dean groaned as he rolled over, but began to smile once he saw Mer and you sitting on the bed with a plate of eggs and bacon (extra bacon of course).

"I'm up, I'm up." Dean spoke softly as he pulled Mer towards him, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

"We made you breakfast daddy!" Mer looked up and smiled brightly while she began to snuggle up to Dean.

"Oh wow, and it looks very yummy." Dean smiled backwards as you began to slide closer to him to hand him the food.

"Happy father's day babe." You leaned over and kissed him sweetly.

"Thanks beautiful." Dean replied as he reached over and grabbed three pieces of bacon off of the plate, one for each of us. Mer jumped up and gasped before running out of the your room. You turned back towards Dean who gave you a weird look but you just shrugged back just as clueless. In less than a minute Mer was running back in the room with a piece of paper in her hand.

"Here daddy!" Mer jumped back on the bed and gave Dean the piece of paper which turned out to be a homemade card.

"Wow, Alex thank you so much. I love you!" Dean leaned over and hugged her tightly, tickling her a little bit causing her to giggle.

"I love you too daddy!"


"Okay, here John let me help you finish writing." You reached over and placed your hands around you're son's and dragged the tip of the frosting bag against the cake you two had baked.

"Is daddy going to like this?" John looked up at you with a questioning look on his face.

"Of course he is! How about you let me clean up and you go and wake him up." You kissed his cheek and sent him on his way. You then threw the dishes in the sink and brought the cake out to the table.

"I'm coming John, slow down so you don't fall." You heard Sam's voice down the hallway.

"Close you're eyes daddy!" John spoke as he jumped into Sam's hands and placed her hands over his eyes.

"Okay they're closed." He chuckled as he entered the room holding your son.

"Open them!" John pulled his hand away quickly. Sam opened his eyes and smiled brightly when he saw the cake and you standing by it.

"Happy Father's Day!" You and John said in sync.

"Did you help make this John?" Sam walked up and placed his hand around your lower back as he motioned to the cake. John nodded ecstatically.

"Well it looks amazing!" Sam leaned over and kissed you. When he looked back to John you saw that he had frosting all over his hand and you knew exactly what he was going to do. He placed his hand on Sam's cheek and giggled. You began to laugh too as you saw a little blue hand print on his cheek and Sam's shocked face. This little action of his lead to a huge mess with frosting all over everyone.

"Well the cake tastes amazing." Sam smiled as he wiped frosting off of your cheek and licked his finger.


"Happy Father's Day!" Your daughter Hale and you cheered as Castiel appeared. Castiel gave you a confused look as Hale handed him a gift box.

"Father's Day?" Cas questioned you as he held the box awkwardly in his hand.

"It's a day that we celebrate for dads. It's like how I have mother's day." You smiled back. "Now open your present!" You motioned towards the box and picked up Hale.

"Oh, Okay." He shrugged as he began to tear off the paper. Hale looked at you and began to jump around as she tried to contain her excitement. Inside of the box was an old watch that was customized with a picture of Cas, Hale, and you inside of it behind the hands. It had belonged to your father and you decided to customize it and give it to Cas, since your father had always said to give it to your true love.

"Wow, this is amazing." Cas picked up the watch and admired it.

"Now no matter what time it is or where ever you are, we will always be with you." You smiled and leaned in, kissing him.

"Thank you, I love you two so much!" Cas pulled Hale out of your arms and hugged her tightly. He then pulled you in and hugged you too.

"I love you too Cas."

A/N~ Hey! Sorry I know this is a day late, but I had a softball tournament out of state all weekend so I couldn't post. First of all can I say how absolutely amazing you guys are! 1,000 favorites!!! I'm literally crying, and almost 30,000 views. Eeek! You guys are the best! Please let me know what you think and don't forget to request imagine! I love you all so much!


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