Dean Winchester Imagine~ Playing Hard To Get (Part 2)

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"Here's some asprin." I rubbed my pounding head as Dean reached forward towards me and handed me two pills.

"Thanks." I groaned out.

"You're welcome." Dean responded as I felt the bed shift under his weight as he sat down on the edge of the bed.  I grabbed the glass off of the counter and tossed the pills down my throat. 

"I wanted to say thank you." I looked up at Dean.  I saw him raise an eyebrow confused by my statement.

"For what?" He questioned me.  I placed the glass back on the side table and pulled my knees up to my chest.
"For not taking advantage of me.  I was a drunk mess and you actually took care of me.  You didn't treat as me as some drunk girl you could sleep with." I looked down and then back up to Dean waiting for his reaction. He scratched the back of his neck and looked up to me slowly.

"I wouldn't do that to you.  Or to anyone.  I know I kind of come off like that and I will admit at first, when you weren't drunk.  I was going to try and get with you." I raised my eyebrows at his last statement, a little bit it shock.  After hearing what he had said he slid closer to me and shook his head quickly. "No, no.  That was before I knew you.  That was when I just saw some beautiful girl on the outside.  I didn't see how beautiful you were on the inside at the moment."

I shyly looked down at his statement.  I had never really had anyone call me beautiful.  Sure I had been complimented by some old drunks, but not but by someone who seemed to mean something to me.  It was different but I liked it. 

"Dean, you're a good person.  You know that right?" I looked back up at him.  He was staring off at nothing, with a blank look on his face, before hearing my words and looking towards me. "Well you are." I smiled at him.  He stared at me for a minute before I saw a small smirk begin to form on his face. 

"Thank you (Y/N)." Dean smiled as I placed my hand on his thigh.  We stared at each other for a minute.  I didn't know why and I don't think he knew either.  I felt like at that moment any one could ask me a question and I would have been able to describe every single aspect of his appearance.  The way his green eyes seemed to overpower anything.  Or the way he would scratch his neck as he contemplated his thoughts.  I memorized everything.

"No need to thank me." I smiled and leaned in placing a small kiss on his cheek.  I saw him taken a little a back at the action, but I smile soon grew on his face.

"You know I think we better go pick up your car.  Just to make sure nothing happens to it.  We can bring it back here if you'd like." Dean told me.  I nodded back at him slowly.  "You know, you can stay with us for as long as you'd like, I mean if you want too." Dean scratched his neck again slowly.  Wow, was Dean Winchester getting shy?  I smiled and nodded at him.

"I'd like that a lot."

A/N~ So what do you guys think.  I'm not quite sure about it, I mean it didn't go exactly in the direction I wanted, but yeah.  Let me know what you think? Thanks.


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