Dean Winchester Imagine~ Saving You (Part 2)

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~Dean's P.O.V.
"Sam, I don't think this is the right place. I mean we haven't seen anything yet, and we usually do." I told my brother as we rounded another corner. We were in some warehouse that we thought we tracked a demon to, but there weren't any signs to tell us we were on the right track. 

"Man I thought we were? All the research leads here..." Sam trailed off. We continued to search the different rooms throughout the building. After looking for about another five minutes I heard what sounded like a small child's voice coming from a couple rooms up ahead. I pushed my arm out in front of Sam, bringing him to a stop.

"Did you hear that? It sounded like a little girl." I looked at Sam before starting to jog up to the room. Sam followed behind me. The door was locked, but I brought my foot up and kicked it near the handle, making it burst open, but what I saw was the opposite of what I expected. A girl sat bound to a chair across the room from us. She was beat up really bad and looked awful. I couldn't tell if she was alive or dead from the distance between us. There was a little girl right in front of her that turned to face us, flickering her eyes to black. I pulled the bottle of holy water from my pocket as Sam pulled his gun up. The demon threw Sam across the room with a slight flick of her hand, causing him to crash on top of a table, which now laid shattered.

"Sammy!" I shouted before looking back at the demon and throwing water on it. I heard screams come out of the little girl which was pretty sickening, but I had to stay focused. It was a demon now, not a little girl. I ripped my blade from my shoe and pulled it up against the demon. I tried not to look at the little girl.

"Your not going to hurt me are you? Please don't mister, I'm scared." A whimper came out of the child.

"Your not a little girl you sick son of a bitch!" I shouted before looking away and stabbing the knife into the child. I could feel my heart breaking. Even if it was a demon it still hurts. I looked over at Sam who was finally heading towards me. I laid the little girl down next to me.

"You had to Dean, that wasn't a little girl anymore." Sam told me. I just stood up, trying not to show any feelings.

"I know." I spoke dryly before heading over to the girl tied to the chair. Sam went behind her and cut the ropes off her wrist. I leaned in to check if she was breathing. She was but barely. I cut the ropes around her ankles before leaning down to pick her up. Sam grabbed the little girl and picked her up, taking her with us so we could bury her. We decided to bury her in the old cemetery by the church. I know it wasn't exactly the right thing to do. Take a girl that was killed and not tell her family, but we had to. After burying her, we took the other girl back to the bunker hopefully to get help from Cas and to find out who she was.

A/N: So I decided I go with a part three. Tell me what you guys think, and don't forget to request!

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