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Adrian sat on the bench, trying his best to make himself seem small. His hair was an absolute mess. Or rather, he was an absolute mess.

He was waiting for Zion. He replied and told Adrian to meet him at the park they went on their date to. Although he was earlier than the time he was told to come, to get some courage to meet Zion.

He looked down at his hands. It was a very cold morning, and so he stuffed his hands in his jackets pocket.

He heard footsteps catching up to him, and he can feel his heartbeat race. He didn't turn though, he was too afraid.

Zion came and sat at the bench, a respectable distance between them. They both sat for a few minutes in silence.

"Congratulations. On your engagement." Adrian said, his voice almost in a whisper.

"Thank you." Zion replied, bowing slightly. And then they were surrounded with silence again.

After a few more seconds, Zion tried to break the ice of awkwardness.

"How are you?" He asked. The question intended a lot of things, and both of them knew that.

Adrian was silent for a bit of time after being asked that. He tried to answer it his best, but he didn't know what to say.

Just living...?

"I don't know." He said quietly, and Zion just wanted to hug the boy and protect him from every evil of the world.

Adrian could feel the other's eyes on him, but he had no courage to lift up his head and meet his gaze.

"I believe I have a lot of explaining to do.." Zion said, wanting to just get it out of his heart.

Adrian nodded, not saying anything.

"A large part of my life, I was a thousand times sure that I was straight. I never believed that I would be anywhere in the community. It just didn't seem like....me, you know?"

Adrian nodded, completely understanding what the other was referring to.

"But then after a few years, I realised I might not be as straight as I always claimed myself to be..... And Aldrich was my 'gay awakening'.

"I was in denial for so long. I didn't even tell about my sexuality to many people. I didn't know what to do, whom to talk to about these feelings."

Saying this, Zion paused for a bit, wanting to put his wordings carefully. And Adrian didn't know what to say, as he could completely, completely understand what Zion was talking about.

"Along with the confusion of my feelings, I didn't know how to suppress my attraction towards Aldrich. I felt like there would be no way he would like me back. I felt like I shouldn't even be liking men, as I will have to give an heir.

"But then, you came in my life."

Adrian could feel his heartbeat quicken.

"You just, intrigued me in such a way that I suddenly didn't care about my position. I just wanted to protect you from everything."

Zion sighed, pausing between his confession.

"I like you Adrian, I really do." He said, making Adrian finally look at him.

"When we started going on dates, when we started spending time with each other, I felt so happy, so content. I loved to spend time with you, I wanted to spend time with you." He said.

Adrian was dumbfounded. He was incredibly touched by the other.

Zion looked around them and made sure no one was listening in to the conversation.

"And then, I heard about some issues that were being created by a lot of people in mine and Aldrich's kingdoms. This resulted in not only risking our positions, but it risked your life too."

Adrian paused.

My life?
How do I come in the picture here?

"Someone was threatening us, and they had pictures of you too. We don't want to risk anyone's safety, so we....
We decided that it's better if we chose this path." Zion said.

Adrian looked at him, completely shocked.

"My... My pictures?" He asked.

"We're looking into it. Don't worry." Zion smiled in an assuring manner, bringing up his hand to ruffle the white mess above Zion's head.

"You have us." He smiled.

Not exactly though....

Adrian thought.

He understood Zion's case, he knew it was the right path that he chose. But was his heart ready for the change?

He wasn't quite sure about that.

They sat in the silence, and Adrian didn't feel the nervousness he felt before. He was just wondering how his life would be like now.

You're wearing it?" Zion asked, making Adrian look at him in question.

Zion pointed at his neck, indicating the necklace he wore. Adrian blushed.

"I... Yeah I've been wearing it ever since you gave it to me that night." Adrian replied, and as soon as he said that, he had a flashback.

A flash back of the really cute "date" they had. A flash back of the confession. A flashback of the kiss.

"We shouldn't be meeting each other." Adrian said quietly. As much as he hated saying that, he knew that was better.

Better for him to move on, as much as it would hurt him.

"It's oka-"

"Aldrich won't like it that we're meeting like this." Adrian said.

He saw Zion shaking his head, opening his mouth to say something, when a voice interrupted the two.

"Oh it's fine. I don't mind at all."

Adrian whipped his head to find Aldrich leaning against a tree nearby.

He had a pair of sunglasses on and Adrian had to admit that he looked really good.

"You...!" Adrian had no idea what to say.

"Yeah I'm sorry I was listening to you both. But in my defence, I knew about Zion's feelings, and he was too scared." Aldrich said.

Adrian's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He was amazed by how close the two were.

"And.... And you're okay with it?" He asked, tilting his head to the side while watching Aldrich come closer and plop down on his other side, with him stuck between the two.

Oh boy...
I can't even think straight now..

"I don't! In fact, I completely understand if he even wants to be with you instead of me." Aldrich said.

Adrian was very amazed by how open they were with each other.

I should not be interfering between them...
It's better for all of us.

"I...I have to go for work." Adrian said, getting up. A red blush displayed on his cheeks and being stuck between the two really good looking kings might or might not have been the reason.

"Bye.." Adrian got up, quickly jogging his way out of the park, ignoring the protests by the two kings.

He had tears forming in his eyes already, knowing he might never meet them again. Knowing that that might have been his last good bye. And that was just too much for him.

This is for the better...
As much as it will hurt me.. I'm happy for them...


A/N -- ew what even is this-
Show me some loveeeee💕✨

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