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Adrian had accepted the king's follow request, of course. He felt very privileged too, as the royal only followed 5 other people, and three of them were the other Super royals.

Adrian had some really weird pictures, as well as some intimate ones too. He had a lot of followers too, but then he had to keep his account private because he felt under confident.

But now, a royal was following him. He decided to go through his posts once.

Wait why do I still have this picture with fishnet stockings?!
It's cute but... What will the king think about me?!

Shaking his worries away, he turned on his side, falling back to sleep.


The next morning, Aldrich didn't want to get up, at all. His hungover head making it worse for him to stay focused on anything.

He had done taking a shower, and was trying to make himself presentable.

He was still thinking about what he did last night. He did not remember a thing, and the only thing coming up to his mind was the disappointing fuck he had.

Who was that, even? The staff? Someone I know?

He tried thinking hard, just to end up with an even pounding headache.

But that wasn't something he was concerned about at the moment. He knew he had done something weird and immature, but he couldn't remember what.

Wait, Jae Hyun was there! I'll ask him..

And with that, he hurriedly continued dressing up.

Quickly walking down the hallway, he went to his best friend's room, barging in without any care in the world.

Jae Hyun whipped his head in alarm, but then relaxed when he realised it was Aldrich.

"Have you taken some medication?" He asked in concern, his focus going back to his phone. His accent sounded deep early in the morning.

"I have. Why did you even let me drink that much?!" He questioned, whining a bit.

Jae Hyun just looked at him, knowing very well that other knew how he drank, and how he wouldn't let even an earthquake stop him.

Shaking his head at his childish antiques, he went back to focusing on his phone.

"Wait Jae... What did I do yesterday?" He revealed his purpose for being there.

"Broke a glass, made my finger cut purposefully, spent a night with the chef's son, and chanted the whole time about wanting them too." Jae Hyun replied in a monotone voice.

"Wanting what?" Aldrich questioned.

Jae Hyun just looked back at him, trying to make the other understand himself. He sighed, and locked his phone and kept it aside, giving his friend the much needed attention.

"Do you not remember following someone on Instagram?" He asked. He got up, walking past Aldrich as he sat down on his bed.

Aldrich, a bit confused, took out his phone to see what he had done. Just to see a new name on it.

Adrian??.... Okay... I'm following the cupcake.. nothing wrong, right?

"I still don't understand why you make it sound like an issue, Jae. Okay yes, I started following him, it's not a big deal.." he scoffed by the end, shaking his head. He was not noticing the sharp yet concerned gaze of his friend.

"Do you not remember on which context you sent him that?" He asked, hoping the other would remember.

"What context? I might have wanted to follo-"  he started reasoning out, just to remember it all.

Oh no....
Oh no... I didn't do this for Zion, did I?
I like him, sure... But did I do this because I was jealous?!!...

He didn't figure out why he was jealous. Was he jealous Zion didn't go out with him? Or was he jealous of Adrian? He didn't know.

Am I.... Am I jealous of the both??!!


Zion was done with his paperwork when Reyna came in. Closing the many files he sighed, a content smile adorning his handsome face. He turned his attention towards the queen.

"Umm what happened now?... Did BTS post something and you wanted to fangirl?" He chuckled, his voice sporting a soft tone.

"No... I wanted to talk to you about something." Reyna said with a genuine smile.

Zion hummed, signalling her to continue. And so she did.

"You know what I'm talking about here, Zion. I believe you have to reveal something concerning a certain white haired, tiny boy." She replied with a tilt of her head, resting her back on the chair.

"I think I like him.... But it's weird to say that because I only know him for a bit more than a week. Maybe it's an infatuation." Zion sighed.

In reality, it was not even that weird, as Zion would literally fall for a person who'd even go through the trouble to look at him and smile. He has always had issues of silly heartbreaks and broken trust. But no matter what he did he still had a very soft heart.

"He seems like a nice guy. And that is the only reason why I'm okay with this." Reyna exclaimed.

"And besides, you two look so cute.." she gushed.

"You're okay with this? Weren't you the one who told me 'dating leads you nowhere' and how you'd rather die than settle with a person?" He joked.

"And those are my morals. You, however, should go behind that cutie pie." She smiled.

Reyna was happy for her friend. Ever since he came to know about his sexuality, he had been very preserved. Of course he crushed on a million people, and many of them were boys, but he never succeeding in accepting that in front of his people. Unlike Aldrich, others opinion mattered a lot to him, and despite knowing it was bad, he couldn't do anything to help it.

And just to hide from the public eye and taunt, he preferred to not keep a boyfriend, and even when being asked about his preferences, he preferred to stay quiet.

But he liked Adrian.

I'm infatuated by him... I still have to be careful...

It was still new to him, liking a guy and wanting to be with him despite of being within the closet.

But is it bad that he wanted to risk it all?


A/N -- I woke up to find 100 reads today and had to bite my tongue to stop screaming..

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