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Depictions of violence, please skip till the '***' which indicates the end of it. In that manner, you won't miss the dialogues that make sense :D

Aldrich gripped the bat harder he was using as his weapon, wanting to end this once and for all. He was feeling ruthless, and wasn't afraid to fit into the dangerous frame he had his reputation as.

Arnold, and all the other people involved had been caught, thanks to Baron, who had tracked down all their moves by working in secret with the Kings and the security, successfully, without getting his name out. Catching some of them had been hard as they had fled, but they were caught not too late.

Courtesy of being wanted by all the Super Kingdoms..

He could never be less grateful for the help he had received by their friends. Amd now that the men who had caused so much trouble were caught, he certainly would not be holding himself back.

The best thing was, Zion, who had always been able to keep his calm, did nothing to stop Aldrich in the name of mercy. They were going all in, with the intention of wrecking that had wrecked them.

The man sitting up slowly looked up, gazing at the King with droopy eyes as blood continued to gush down his face. He knew there's was no going away with it now. He could either confess or not. But either of them, he knew, would result in his death anyway.

It was all done for, everything they could do in order for the King to lose his throne, it was all over.

His eyes grew in primal fear as Aldrich groaned out loud, his voice echoing inside the wounded's head, as he lifted his arm for the umpteenth time to strike, but his voice was successful to stop him.


"I'll... I'll tell you. " He said, his head lulling over his side, eyes too droopy to have a care.

Aldrich stopped, and so did everyone present in the room, looking at him for am explanation with stern gazes.

The guy sitting in front of them was the one who had hurt Adrian the day they went to the restaurant. Neil Henderson. Heir to a very huge and coming weapon company. (Is that a thing? It is in here ig🙂)

"He contacted me a few months before he got arrested. I didn't even care about you guys. Didn't even give a fck about that other guy. But I also didn't want to run the company. My old man.. He wanted me to take control, used to check my every move, I couldn't fking breathe around him. Out of anger, I started stealing within the company measures... I know it was getting out of hand but I was growing addicted. And somehow... Somehow Trevor found me and threatened me saying he would tell my father about my.. Deeds. "

He managed to say, in a low voice. The others continued to listen with a face devoid of amy emotions.

"He proposed a deal. He knew I had plans for very huge projects of ours, and even if my father had meant for the company to run under safety, he made sure of it, but Trevor clearly didn't have those plans. He wanted me to hand it over to him. He wanted harsh destruction, and in return he told me he'll get me Adrian. I considered saying no too, but then he threatened me saying he'd call me out on my dad.

"I had no other option than to comply. I had to get on board with his plans. There were so many people who he managed to get his hands on, that when he was caught, some of them were sick enough to fill his role, just for the pure want for destruction. I had to follow them too, I had nothing else to do."

He took a huge breath in, his eyes constantly shutting themselves close, yet he continued to talk.

"They destroyed, everything, for me. I never had another way to set my life, was never given an option. Ever since I was born, and now, even my death. I never thought I'd die this way.. " He whispered to no one in particular, streams of tears gushing down his cheeks.

"They were planning to burst down the kingdom." He said after a while of silence, his voice cracking. "They would have taken so many good lives. They wanted to burn everything down for the money, they were even planning to kidnap Adrian just to put you both in pure misery.

" I'm pretty sure you've caught them by now. And I'm really happy for that. "

They did. They were able to catch all the big ministers who were apparently behind the operation. All the hardwork and struggles they've put in for days relentlessly, it all came out to be successful.

There were a few ministers of both of their Super Kingdoms, and a few other smaller ones behind this operation. A few heads of big companies, and a few other people who they were able to bribe, including the guard who knocked Adrian down on the airport and Of course, Neil.

"I have struggled,, so many months with my thoughts just, hating myself. I know I didn't have the best past but, now I can go knowing that this operation was able to be brought to a stop." He managed to speak up, a faint smile on his face as he visibly started to go limp.

The guards had one look at the Kings, but that was enough to know that the man was to be shifted into the ICU.

Aldrich sighed, turning to Zion, his shirt covered with the remnants of their deeds. Zion knew what that look said.

"We killed every other person involved,.. He could turn out to be messy, Zion, what if he's lying? " Aldrich said, a deep frown taking over his face.

"I know he won't, and even if he did, we'll be keeping an eye on him, right? We can handle it. " Zion answered.

"Also, we had done a full background check on all of them. Everyone had a bad intention, it seems like he was the one who was fully lured in, his side of the story seems genuine, Al. I know it's a bit risky but, we have to give him a second chance. "

Aldrich slowly nodded, proceeding to look down the ground,seemingly trying to process everything that happened.

Both of them had clear satisfaction on their faces. The threat of losing everything that they worked for, it had just, vanished. They could protect Adrian, and their kingdoms fully now.

It's all coming in for the better, we're all safe now.

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