Chapter 24

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The Separatist frigate didn't look so big from their ship, but once they decided to jetpack their way over to it, (Y/n) became worried. They were far into the Outer Rim, trying to find Anakin. Obi-Wan and (Y/n) flew over in spacesuits, landing next to an emergency exit. Obi-Wan pressed a button to open it, and the two dropped inside.

Relieving themselves from their spacesuits, they ran through the ship, trying to find the detention level where Anakin most likely was. Before one of the battle droids could close the door to it, they both ran inside right as it shut.

Looking at all the different holding cells, they couldn't see who was on the other side, so Obi-Wan picked a random one and pressed the open button. Two aliens sat in their cell playing cards. (Y/n) almost laughed. Almost.

"Don't bother to get up. You're not the prisoner we're looking for." Obi-Wan said, and closed the cell door before they could attack.

They moved on to the next cell beside it, opening the door. They found it to be empty, but looks can be deceiving. They walked inside the seemingly empty cell, when a figure jumped down from the ceiling behind them. They activated their lightsabers, and aimed it at the figure.

"Oh, it's you" Anakin said as they aimed their lightsabers.

"This is how you thank us for rescuing you, pounce on us from the ceiling?" (Y/n) said as they deactivated their weapons.

"Kinda difficult without a... lightsaber." Anakin trailed off as Obi-Wan handed him the saber.

"Did you manage to locate Dooku before landing in jail?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Well, I know he's on board. I might have been able to do something about it if I'd have my weapon." Anakin said, a tad frustrated.

"It was important for you to arrive without it so your capture would be convincing." Obi-Wan reasoned as they left the holding cell.

"Oh, they were convinced, all right. But how come I'm the one getting caught all the time? It doesn't look good." Anakin complained.

"Makes it more fun for us." (Y/n) said, smirking back at her fellow knight.

"When you're a Jedi Master, you can make the plan." Obi-Wan reasoned.

"That's just it. How can I become a Jedi Master if I'm always getting caught? And (Y/n)'s not a Jedi Master yet! I'm sensing favoritism here, Master." Anakin said, making (Y/n) laughed softly.

"At least you're a master at getting caught." Obi-Wan jested back. Anakin was not amused.

The three of them walked through the ship, sneaking around droids to find Dooku's hiding hole. When they found him, he was sitting on a circular platform, meditating.

"Surprise, surprise." Anakin said, and the three of them activated their lightsabers.

"If it isn't Count Dooku." Obi-Wan said.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi. I thought I sensed an unpleasant disturbance in the Force. However, the Jedi Knight to your right, I am quite glad to see. Young elf, I hoped you would reconsider my offer from Geonosis." the Count said.

"Never. I stand by the Jedi." (Y/n) spat.

"Pity. You would make a powerful Sith." Dooku said. "I see you've freed young Skywalker. Where might he be if you weren't always around to rescue him?"

When he finished speaking, explosions rocked the ship, letting them know that their Jedi Cruiser was attacking the ship. Rohan, Ahsoka, Bucky, and Rex, Anakin's captain, were on the cruiser, watching the attack.

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