Chapter Thirty Six - The Merge travesty

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Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't written any chapters as of late, I've been a little under the weather and have had a-lot going on at home. Hope you enjoy the extra long chapter today. 

Thea's POV - Unedited

It had only been a couple of days since I had awoken and Kai had merged, and well things around the Salvatore house were more then tense to say the least. Our plans to take down Joshua were delayed and well Kai was more than unhappy about it. Soon after I'd woken up Kai had become sick, and to see him looking like he was on deaths doorstep worried me. Now the plan was to figure out how to make him better. But by the look in his face he knew all to well what it was, but for some reason he hadn't told me yet. I stood calmly at the bathroom door as he leaned over the toilet bowl throwing up his guts.

"Honestly was my cooking that bad..I swear to god this is why you cook Kai" He chuckled leaning his heat try gin t catch his breath. 

"I.. It wasn't your cooking, as lovely and as terrible as sometimes it is." I fake gasped clutching my chest dramatically. 

"No. really tell me what it is, I know by the look on your face you know why you're sick" I crossed my arms waning for Kai to answer as he lifted himself up from the toilet. 

"I..It's the merge okay. I think taking Lukes powers is doing this, I need Jo's powers..." he leant forward vomiting again and I rushed to his side as I rubbed his back. 

"Well then we should go and see her.. If you're sick then maybe she's sick as well" Kai groaned wiping his mouth when suddenly blood come out of it as well. "Kai.. No were going to see her now, no ifs or buts do you hear me" He nodded in agreement and I helped him from the ground so we could go and see his sister. Since the merge Jo has spoken to Kai twice, both of them worrying that something bad was going to happen when he and Kai merge, and he it was. Kai had expressed his concerns right after the merge happened apparently, but since then nothing else has been said. So here we are now heading over to his sisters as he randomly spurts out blood for his mouth. 

"It is cold or is it just me..." I was driving along  the main road towards Jo's apartment as Kai seemed to get worse and worse. 

"No? Just hang in there Kai okay..." I finally stopped outside helping him out of the car and the both of us made it up to Jo's apartment. I knocked twice to get Alaric answering. He saw Kai and tried to close the door but I pushed past with a sigh. "Alaric just let us in will you.. Jesus get that scowl off your goodam face. Yes you don't like Kai, just like Damon doesn't like Kai we've been over this a million times." I helped Kai inside and Alaric shut the door. 

"Jo doesn't want to see him okay.. She's sick at the moment" I sighed placing Kai on the couch. 

"And so is Kai.. Now shut up where is she?" I looked around to see a very sick Jo walked out of the bathroom still half asleep. 

"Thea? what are you doing here?" I combed my hand threw my hair as I anxiously paced. 

"You know when you discussed with Kai about the merge and that something bad could happen because you two didn't actually merge.. but he did with Luke. Well you've both been waiting for something to happen and I think it did" I pointed at Kai who looked like he was about to pass out. 

"Where's the bathroom?" he questioned. My eyes widened as I looked around for something, I grabbed some random bin and placed it in his arms when more blood came splurging out of his mouth. 

"Okay I don't like the guy, but that's just horrible" I looked over to see Alaric trying to look away. Jo on the other hand gasped in worry as she made her way over to her brother. I bit my nails anxiously. 

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