Chapter Four • Stefan Salvatore

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May 15th, 1994

Stefans POV

I had arrived late on the evening of May 15, 1994. I knew uncle Zach wasn't expecting me home at the Salvatore boarding house. But I wanted to surprise him for a change. I wasn't off the wagon any more, and thanks to my best friend Lexi I was finally seen the light of my life once again. I was taking control of something for a change and now he's here back in Mystic Falls seeing how everybody I knew my life was going. Uncle Zach was one of the people that were still left in my life, still left a part of the Salvatore bloodline And I just want to make sure he was okay.

I arrived at night and knocked on the door. He came to the door quite quickly as he seem to be still awake that evening, and he open the door with a shocked smile on his face.

" Steph and I wasn't expecting you. I didn't think you come back to Mystic Falls, with everything that happened the last time you were here." I smiled sadly at the man knowing exactly what he was talking about. But I wanted to make a change, I wanted to protect the people I loved.

" i'm just here to visit. I know what happened last time, but I want to make sure you were going okay" Zach and I didn't particularly talk about what happened last time, and we both wanted to leave it that way.

So I never really talked to him about what happened, and I knew to myself I never was going to talk to him about it. But I made it my duty to check on him, to make sure he was okay. But even when he was worried about my vampirism, I knew I still protect him.

" well it's great to see Stefan. Please tell me your brother isn't with you." I rolled my eyes knowing exactly what he was talking about. Since then I haven't seen, or talk to Damon and for that I'm glad. I entered the house behind Zach is he close the door behind us. He asked me into the family room and pulled out two glasses for himself and I. Pouring the bourbon into the glass he had to be one and we both sat before the fire in a comfortable silence.

" I know you said you're here to visit me. But what really brings you back to Mystic Falls" I hummed silence as I thought about what to say.

" change of scenery I guess. Sometimes a man can go crazy without being home, and this was once my home even if Damon tends to ruin it" Zach laughed at my comment knowing very well what I was talking about.

" well it's good to have you back Stefan. But I don't want you causing any trouble okay. The towns only just gone back to normal, everything is gone silent again so I can't have reports going on about vampires and mystical animal attacks" I looked at Zach knowingly. I wanted him to trust me again, but I knew it was going to take time.

" trust me Zach I'm not here to hurt anyone. I don't want to hurt anyone, I'm afraid if I did then I don't think I'll be alive now. So trust me I'm not going to hurt anyone" I like back in the chair as I stepped on the bourbon Zach had given me. That's when I heard a knock at the door, Zach didn't hear it at first but as it knocked again I have got up for my chairs and went to the front door to see what it was.

Zach open the door cautiously and looked about to say nothing, and then on the ground sound asleep little girl around the age of five. My eyes foraging confuse meant as to who the girl was and why was she laying at our doorstep. She was covered in under the blanket and she went back in pain as she was in deep sleep. I could smell the blood of her, and I tried to control it but for me it was hard. I turned around trying to calm down and after a couple of seconds of meditating everything went back to normal and I looked back to see Zach holding little girl in his arms.

I close the door behind Zach and he brought the girl cautiously into the lounge room sitting her on minder many couches.

" Who do you think she is?" I asked as Zach crouch down to the girls side. He pulled the hair from my face she she had Tear staying cheeks, and scars everywhere upon her body. My heart ate for the little girl as I looked down upon her. Who could do this to just a child, and then I thought about all the horrible people in the world that have already met and I knew anybody could do this to a little girl a little child for that matter of fact.

" I don't know but there's a letter look." Zach handed me the letter and I Tore it opened to take a look.

Dear Stefan Salvatore,

I know you're here. I've been tracking you for a very long time, and know You've returned to Mystic Falls. I've been here there and everywhere, and On my journey I was to disrupt the balance of a coven i've hated for a very long time. But as my journey began, it was shortly interrupted by this little girl. I didn't know what to do With her, but I knew somebody who would take care of her and that somebody is you.

I'm not going to disclose who I am, what I am to you. But you were always sweet to me, and I know I'm a bitch but for some reason I couldn't bear to see this child die in front of me. I may be a coldhearted bitch like everybody thinks I am, but children are meant to grow up innocent. Just like my own.

I know this is a lot to ask. But she's just a child, and from what I've learnt she's very powerful. I need you to protect this child, I need you to know that she is loved. She is special this one, don't let her out of your site even if you get somebody else to cherish her and look after her she needs somebody by her side.

What I can tell you is her name is Theadora Evermore. It wasn't very hard to figure it out. Because smack bang on the front of the paper, she was listed as a missing child. Since then I've compelled The authorities to take her down as a missing child and to let them know that you'll be taking care of her. But take this as my warning, she is from a very powerful covered and even though nobody is left people will be after her and her future. One of them possibly being the cover letter Joshua Parker. Even though I was planning on killing him, I knew I couldn't because his entire life Force is connected to the coven. If I killed him I killed everyone, and I wasn't going to have that much blood on my hands.

You're probably thinking now who the hell I am? Well if I'm being honest I'm your worst nightmare. So don't make me regret leaving her at your doorstep. Please take care of her, and remember she's just a child. A very special and powerful one.

Love your dearest coldhearted bitch.

I read the letter out to Zach as he tended to the little girl I now knew as Theodora Evermore. I had the remotest clue as to who it was that sent me her, but I had a gut feeling I see them in the future. I smile down the girl knowing I finally had something to do. I had somebody to care about, that wasn't Damon.

" well that was heartfelt. I didn't know you had any friends like that" I bit my lip trying to hold back a comment I was going to tell Zac when I knew I shouldn't with a little girl in our presence.

" to be honest I don't have any friends like that. So I don't know who it is, but she's brought her into our lives and now I guess we're gonna take care of her." Zach's eyes forehead and confuse meant as he looked up at me.

"Us? Why not. I guess she's kinda innocent isn't she, I couldn't think of a better place for her to be raised. So I guess you're staying around now." I noted in response to Zach as we both sat beside a little girl and comfort to make sure she was okay. We both tended her words even though I had a hard time controlling myself, but I pulled through it for her.

" I guess she's a part of the family now. But what about her last name?" Zach asked as we both sat and awkward silence.

" what about Thea Salvatore?" I knew I didn't have the best relationship with Zach. But the one thing that we can agree on with the safety of this child.

" I think she's gonna love it."


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