Chapter 11

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Hello! Updates will be very slow in the upcoming months and all, but I'll try my best to update at least once a week. I will edit the last chapters and maybe adding chapters in between to see if it helps the story seem better coz I feel like I'm rushing it but I'll try my best!

I've been avoiding Eren since yesterday. Not that there's been that much time for us to talk. He's been going to with captain Levi and section commander Hange to do experiments. It seems like he's been still trying to control his Titan form, with very little success may I add.

I am currently sitting in the survey corps headquarters talking with Sasha and Connie who look bored out of their minds.

"I might go visit my village later, ya know to rub in my parent's face that I actually made the top 10," Connie said full of confidence as Reiner asked if he could go with him to Ragako.

"I would go visit my people but father said not to come back until I'm normal," Sasha remarked as she leaned her head against my shoulder.

"Then you're never going back are you?" I teased with a smirk on my face. I expected her to say something in return but instead, her whole body shot up as her hands waved around the air like a maniac.

"FOOTSTEPS! I SWEAR I HEARD FOOTSTEPS COMING THIS DIRECTION!" She exclaimed as Connie started calling her crazy.


"Sasha we're in the middle of Wall Rose, there's no way there'd be Titans in-" I tried commenting as Nanaba burst in through the window.

"EVERYONE GET ON A HORSE TITANS HAVE BEEN SPOTTED INSIDE WALL ROSE!" She yelled directions at everyone as we all headed towards the stables to get a horse.

"Titans in Wall Rose how is that possible..." Sasha whispered to me as we got on our horses.

"I don't know... maybe there was a hole in wall rose and we hadn't noticed," I answered confused. Why were there titans in Wall Rose? We hadn't breached it yet. Oh.

We rode in our horses all the way to Ragako to evacuate the remaining residents... that's is if there were any. Sasha and a member of Nanaba's squad went to check on her hometown to see if there were any survivors there.

Connie looked tense, his whole family was in Ragako. "Hey, Connie try n relax ok? I'm sure your family is alright." I commented to him trying to calm him down but he just got tenser.

"What if my family is in danger? I need to go see them now!" He yelled as his horse bolted towards Ragako. Reiner and I tried to stop him as we followed behind him.

Ragako was completely empty. There was no sign that the residents had evacuated since the horses were still there. But there was no sign of survivors.

As Reiner and I caught up to Connie he started yelling trying to see if anyone would respond all tell him that there are survivors. There is no sign of blood and there is no sign of destruction either.

"They probably all evacuated already..." I reassured Connie as I led my horse closer to where he was. He was frozen in front of a house... and there was a Titan on top of it. Its libs were too small for it to move, in other words, it was stuck on top of the house.

"That thing won't be moving anytime soon... we should head back Connie..." I whispered to him as his stare was still stuck on the Titan.

"It... it talked to me..." I stared at him confused. As Reiner approached us convincing Connie to get back on his horse and hear back.

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