chapter 47

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So uh I made a big mistake choosing to take honors English because, 1 I get a lot of homework and 2 my writing really sucked in those fist chapters so I'm gonna be fixing them when I have the time. We got 5 chapters left in this fanfic and I'm so thankful for every single one of you guys who has stayed and enjoyed this fanfiction!
(Question: What do you think the main plot twist will be about in the last two chapters?)

"What do you mean it's gone?..." Your eyes were threatening to pop out of your eye sockets at the news Hange had just discussed with you. Pure horror reflecting on them, shock, sadness, and anger.

You could feel the aura immediately change in the small ship that you were in, Annie nearly launching herself at Hange, threatening them to change the statement they had made before. Mikasa held her back as you leaned on the side of the doorframe for support.

"We decided with Magath that we would go to Odiha, rather it was the only choice left." Hange's brown eyes immediately clouding with guilt and self hatred. "There was no way to save your hometown Liberio."

Your knees felt weak at the words that had just left their mouth. "You can't be serious. Hange please..." You whispered before sliding down to let the dusty wooden boards support your weight. "This can't be... no... it just..."

Thousands more dead, demolished, even now if you went back you wouldn't be able to find Raza'a grave under all the debris. It was all gone. Your home and the graveyard your family was buried under was now soon to be covered in human organs and entrails. The lives of hundreds who had their lives stolen away from them.

"Then I have... no reason to keep on fighting..." Annie whispered while falling onto her knees, "I'm getting off." She concluded while wiping the corners of her eyes with her sleeve.

"Even if the rumbling stopped this very moment we wouldn't be able to save Marley or Liberio from being annihilated, even Magath understood that. But he still put his life on the line to clear a path for us. He didn't do it for the sake of Marley or Liberio. He did it so we could save at least one life, the life of a stranger, whose name he'll never know."

"Then let me ask you again, can you kill Eren? If I tried to kill him... would you two stand back and watch?" Annie questioned while trembling, her ice cold eyes trailing upwards to meet your own.

"I don't want to fight anymore, and I don't want us to go back to killing each other again. Not with any of you... not even with Eren."

"I'm getting off as well." You muttered while slowly getting up on your feet. "I'm sick, and I'm tired of all this fighting... just... I just want to go home." You had thought about it. Considering the possibility of leaving, it wasn't something that you had intended on actually doing but given the circumstances all you wanted was to try and look for the place you and Raza used to share stories of space and training camp.

"I don't have much time left... and I trust that you all can stop Eren. But if push comes to shove I won't be able to kill him. I'll help set up the flying boat but from there I'll leave." You could practically feel everyone's gaze casted upon you, millions of thoughts running through their minds.

"I won't be able to kill him or anyone else... I don't want to kill anymore, I don't care if they're the enemy, I don't want more blood on my hands. They're stained beyond repair." You gulped while slowly pushing past Reiner and walking to the deck.

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