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No ones POV

'What do you mean your going to give him what he wants?'  (Y/n) asked Donnie.  'Are you crazy!?'  She asks Donnie.  He looks down at her and smiles.  'Oh, not me.'  He whispered.  'So Vince.  What is it you wanna know?'  Mikey asked.  Raph looked on, wide eyed.  'Are you guys kiddin' me right now!!'  Raph shouted  ' This arse hole beat (y/n) with no remorse!! He looked like he was enjoyin' it even!!  An yer jus give him what he wants!!?'  And with that Raph raises his arm, clenches his hand into a fist, and he lands a punch into Vince's face.  Vince flies backwards and lands in a heap on the floor.  'Raph!!' Donnie calls.  Raph turns and glares at his brother.  'I can't believe you Donnie!  Ya must've seen what he did!  An now yer tryin ta stop me from poundin' him!?  You should be the one to wanna do this!!  What kind of boyfriend are ya anyways!!?!  Raph growled.  (Y/n) was shocked at Raph's  outburst,  She knew what Vince had done had angered him, but to question Donnie like that.  'Raph buddy calm down, let's talk over here for a minute.  You to Leo.'  Donnie said.  Raph and Leo looked at each other and followed Donnie to the other side of the room.  

Whilst they were talking Vince found his voice and the courage to ask,  'W-why won't my assistants respond to me!?'  All eyes fell on Dr. Rockwell.  'Ah, allow me to explain dear fellow.  They simply cannot hear you.  I currently have full control of their minds, rendering your voice inaudible to them.'  Dr. Rockwell explained.  'H-how is that possible?'  Dr. Rockwell simply smiled and pointed to his head.  'With my telepathic abilities my dear man.'  Although Vince was afraid of what was to happen to him, his naturally curious mind got the better of him, and the questions began to flow from him.  And the group answered him willingly.  Granted not all answers were 100% true.  Some where grossly exaggerated.  But to the amusement of the group of friends, Vince bought it all.  Just then Donnie returned with Raph and Leo.  'So your father the rat man who is a grandMaster in martial arts named you all after the famous renaissance artists?'  Vince asked?  He was absolutely fascinated.  And you came here from another Dimension which is occupied by other antrapamorpic animals like you?'  'Oh yes!'  Leo said joining in. 'Our friend Yusagi is a Samurai rabbit.'  'My goodness, to think such a place exists.  Alternative dimensions DO exist.  Every physics scientist in the country will be green with envy, uh, no offence!  This is every scientists dream!!'  He chuckled to himself, imagining all he can do with this knowledge.  Unfortunately for him the group of friends had  different ideas.

They continued to answer Vince's questions, and the answer's became more elaborate.  Leatherhead and Slash came from a planet in another galaxy, Dr. Rockwell claimed to have come from the depths of Africa and that he was born with his vast intelligence which was simply a fluke of nature.  By the end of the Q&A session Vince was looking at the collection of different 'specimens' in front of him and was begging to edge his way toward the button that would release the sleep gas.  He had decided he wanted them all!  But what he wasn't counting on is Leo noticing him moving.  'Oh no you don't!'  Leo said jumping in front of him.  'I believe my brother has some unfinished business with you.'  Leo said with a smirk.  'Raph!?'  Raph looked over punching his palm as he walked towards the cowering scientist.  'Oh yeah, i've been looking forward to this bit!'  Vince took a step backwards which didn't do him any good as he just walked into Leo.  'Uh, now um, Red....'  He began.  'The names RAPH!  And you really think afta what you did to (y/n) i'ma jus gunna let ya walk away intact!?'  Raph growled.  Vince looked over to (y/n).  '(Y/n) p-please, can you talk to him!?'  He began to plead.  'HEY!! You don't get ta talk to her!!'  Raph shouted pointing at Vince.  The scientist opened his mouth to say something, but was silenced by Raph back handing him, throwing Vince onto a counter top.  He tried to scurry to his feet but was picked up by his scruff by Slash.  'You made a huge mistake hurting one of my friends Doc!'  He growled as he tossed Vince back towards Raph and Leo.  He landed at the turtles feet.  He looked up 'P-please....'  Raph looked down and smirked.  'Keep beggin' I ain't gonna change my mind.'  Raph growled bending down and picking Vince up by his lab coat.  All the while this was happening, (y/n) had an additional idea for the plan Donnie had come up with.  Donnie was hesitant but agreed it might work better than his own.  And so they watched Raph beat the Scientist as he promised he would.  Leo eventually had to pull Raph away.  Vince was unconscious on the floor by this point.  

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