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Casey's POV

'Case, can we talk in private ?'   Raph says to me.  'Sure dude.'  So he leads the way towards  his room as I walk in after him he closed the door behind us, and I stand there waiting.  'Wus up man?'  I ask, I can see in his face he's struggling to find the words.  He walks past me and drops down onto his bed with a huge sigh, leaning forward resting his elbows on his legs whilst he just looks at the ground.  I tilt my  head observing him for a moment.  Whatever the matter is, it's got him in real state.  'Dude, whats on yer mind?'  I ask.  He looks up at me with sad eyes.  'I, uh I......'  He begins.  'Before I tell ya, I want ya ta know, i'm ashamed of maself.'  I look at my best friend.  What in the world could be bothering him this much?  He looks back up at me and takes a deep breath.  'I, I'm falling, no scrap that, i've fallen for (y/n).'  He says.  My eye's widen.  'What!? As in Donnie's (y/n)?'  He looks at me with his big green sad eyes and simply nods before dropping his head back down.  'Oh man!  When?  How? W-what happened?'  I know i'm bombarding him with questions but i'm so shocked.  This is Raph, Raph doesn't do Romance!    He lets out another sigh as his shoulders slump down further.  'I - I dunno man!'  He finally says.  'She's cool, she's funny, she's pretty, she's smart, she loves comic books, an the same taste in music as me.  She's amazing and she doesn't even have ta try. S-she's everything I look for in a girl!  Don't get me wrong Case, I know it ain't right!  But I can't help it!  I jus had ta tell someone!  I was goin' crazy!'

I sigh, and sit down next to him on his bed and place a hand on his shoulder.  'Hey, don't worry man, we'll work this out!'  He lets out another sigh.  'Why'd this have ta happen Case?  Why couldn't it have been me who saved her that night instead of Donnie?'  I look at my friend.  I wish I had the answers for him, but I don't.  Instead  I just give my friend a sad look disappointed in myself that I can't help him.  We it there in silence while I try to think of something positive or encouraging to say.  But nothing comes to mind.  And so we both sit while the silence engulfed us, looking at the floor.

No ones POV

Meanwhile out in the main room of the lair (y/n) was thinking on how to deal with the Drangakon Mikey was fooling around as usual, when he dropped a smoke bomb out of his belt.  As (y/n) watched the smoke bomb fall and hit the ground causing a cloud of purple smoke appear,  as she watched the smoke rise and fill the lair, an idea hit her!  'Shini!'  she said to herself!  She turned her head to look around the lair for Leo.  'Leo?!'  She called getting up heading to the dojo, 'Leo, you in here?'  She calls.  'Yeah (y/n) I'm here speaking with Master Splinter.'  (Y/n) rushes in and bows before Master Splinter, 'I'm, sorry to interrupt but i've had an idea of how to get rid of that Drangakon creature.'  Master Splinter looks up at (y/n)  'Please (y/n) share with us your idea.'  Master Splinter said calmly.  She smiled warmly at the Master.  'Shini!'  She said.  Master Splinter and Leo look at each other.  'Shini?'  Leo repeated.  'Yeah, couldn't she use her magic to send it back to wherever it came from, or somewhere it can't hurt anyone else?'  The two mutants look at (y/n) and then to each other.    'This is indeed an interesting idea (y/n).  Leonardo, make contact with Karai and Shininigami to see if this is could be a possible solution.'  Leo looked and Master Splinter. 'Hai Sensei'  He said pulling out his T Phone.  'Your on a roll today (y/n)' He smiled at her and left to make the call leaving Master Splinter and (y/n) alone.  

'I am impressed with how well you have settled into our lifestyle (y/n).'  'Arigatou-gozaimasu  (Thank you very much) Master Splinter '  She says bowing her head.  'You are indeed a great asset to the team, you think of things other do not.  Donatello is always thinking with logic, Leonardo with strategies, Raphael with his fists and Michelangelo with his stomach.  You bring balance to them.  Do not think I have not noticed my child.  I am very proud of how far you have come.'  (Y/n) smiles at the rat master.  'I'm happy I have made you proud Master Splinter.'  The giant rat smiles warmly down at (y/n)  'Now my child.  You look tired, perhaps now would be a good time for you to go and rest.  The hour is late.'  'Hai Sensei, good night.'  And with that (y/n) left the dojo and headed to Donnie's room.  On the way she went to say goodnight to the others.  She whispered something to Donnie that made him blush, as she kissed his cheek. 'Night Guys!'  She called.  Everyone called back bidding her goodnight.  

Danny sat and watched the exchange between (y/n) and Donnie before she left to retire for the night.  He still couldn't understand what such a hot chick like (y/n) was doing dating a mutated turtle.  He decided to ask Donnie up front.  So he casually walks on over to him.  'So D- Donnie isn't it?'  Donnie turns and looks at Danny with an unenthusiastic glance.  'Uh, yeah?'  He replied.  'So tell me Donnie, how'd a guy like you get a chick like (y/n)?'  Donnie became instantly annoyed  'A guy like me!?'  Donnie repeated, annoyance evident in his voice.  Danny raised his hands in defence.  'No offence man, but your...'  Danny gestured towards Donnie.  'And she's..' and with his hands Danny made an hourglass figure and winked.  'I mean your one lucky dude Donnie!'  Donnie raised a non existent eyebrow.  'Uh, what exactly are you saying Danny?'  If Danny was being honest, he wasn't sure what he was saying.  'I uh, I don't really know.'  He admitted.  Donnie scowled at him.  'Look, i'm not really sure what your thinking or trying to accomplish right now, but just leave (y/n) alone!  She's been through enough, and I'm not having you upset her!'  Danny looked at Donnie who sighs.  'Look, I know what I am ok?  And I am fully aware a beautiful human girl like her could have anyone, but she choose me!'   And with that Donnie turned on his heel, 'If you'll excuse me Danny, I'm going to join My girlfriend in bed.  Goodnight!  Danny watched as Donnie walked towards his room.  'I think I upset him' He thought.  'Dammit, that was not my intention!'  

Raphs POV

So i've finally admitted to Casey my feelings for (y/n) and i'm not sure how to read his response.  His he disgusted in me?  Appalled?  Disappointed?  I dunno.  And so I bite the bullet and ask him.  'What ya thinkin Case?  Casey looks at me.  'Raph, I get it, ya know, why you like her an all.  She's awesome.  I see it.  B-but she's Donnie's man.  You can't act on these feelin's ya have.'  I look back down to my feet.  'I know that Case, I was nevea plannin to act on it.  I jus needed to tell someone!'  I see Casey lookin at me.  I know he's trying to think of somthin helpful to say.  But truth is there's nothin he can say!  'Ugh, what am I gonna do Case!'  I say burying my head in my hands. 'Have you thought about telling her?'  Casey asked me.  'What?!  Are ya crazy!?   I don't wanna ruin the friendship I have with her!  Nor my relationship with Don.  He's protective enough of her as it is!  How would he feel if he found out his own brotha was crushin on his girl!?  After everythin they went through with that Pete guy!'  Casey thought for a moment.  'Yeah, I see yer point!'  He says to me.  'Sigh, I think I need ta sleep on it Case.'  He looks at me.  'Yeah, ok Raph, that sounds like a good idea!'  'Don't worry man, we will figure this out!  Night Bro!'  'Heh, night Case.'  

I watch Casey walk out and close the door behind him.  I take off all my pads and mask and lay down on my bed looking at the ceiling!  'Ugh, this is gonna be a long ass night!'                 

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