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'A sack!?  Did I just get scooped up into a damn SACK!?'  (Y/n) fumed to herself.  Her brain suddenly waking back up as she began to kick and squirm in a feeble and sad attempt to escape.  'Relax nina, there is no use in struggling.'  (Y/n) continued to try to free herself.  'Ugh!  WHo the hell ARE you anyway!?  And what do you want with me!??'  She demanded.  'Santa maria!  I thought the nina's from England were suppose to be polite and well spoken?'  He pointed out.  'Well news flash you fishy fuck, we don't and we can curse along with the best of them, now let me GO!!'  Xever chuckled.  And ignoring her demands to be released said 'Heh, I like a nina with spirit!'  Xever said to himself as he pulled out his phone, pressed a button and held it to where his ear would be.  'Hey Amigo, I have the nina, come get me, and let us get this over with!'  He growled down the phone.  (Y/n) froze as she heard him talking.  His words had her worried.  'Get what over with?  What are they going to do with me?'  She wriggled in the sack trying to reach into her pocket as she remembered her phone.  'Ugggghhh.....'  She grunted as she strained to reach the pocket her phone was tucked in.  She was in a really awkward position.  'Ah ha!'  She said triumphantly.  Just as she was about to unlock her phone she was jolted and it felt as though she was being lifted.  And then 'Ooofffffff, ow!!'  She cried out as she landed in a in a pile on the floor.  'Arsehole!' She called out.  But there was no reply.  Instead she felt whatever it is she had been thrown onto rock under the weight of someone else as well as Xever.  

'So you have the girl?'  She heard a gruff voice say.  The voice made her blood run cold.  'Si amigo, why don't you take a look for yourself.'  (Y/n)'s eye's widened as a hand pulled at the sack from the outside..  'Oh shit!'  She said before she came face to face with a big black skellital dog face.  He closed the gap between them and sniffed her like any other curious dog would do.  She was frozen with fear.  The big dog like thing then looked at his fish friend.  'Yeah, she reeks of turtles.'  He growled.  'And this is defiantly the one whos fucking one of those green freaks?'  'HEY!!' (Y/n) shouted.  'Oh, she talks.'  The dog man growled.  (Y/n) just sat on the floor of what she now realises is the back of a van.  The dog man looked down at her.  'And what's pretty little English Rose like her doing with one of those green freaks?'  He said to Xever without taking his eyes off (y/n) who just scowled up at him.  'Careful muchacho, she's a feisty one.'  Xever warned.  The dog man looked down at her and notice her hands.   'Oh no my pretty, i'll have that!' (Y/n) was in so much shock at all that had forgotten about her phone that she was still clutching.  

He lent down and took it from her.  She flinched away as he did, expecting to be hit, or at the very least slapped.  But instead he just took her phone from her hands and crushed it between his index finger and thumb.  All she could do was gulp down a whimper.  'I'm in so much trouble'  She thought as she looked up at the two mutants who just stared back down at her.  'So what do you want with me?!'  She asked after finally finding her voice.  'We don't want anything with you chicka,  it's our employer who wished to talk to you.'  Xever said.  (Y/n)'s brow furrowed at this.  'And who is your employer?'  she asked gaining a bit of courage.  'And what do they want with me!?'  'Ah, I am not at liberty to say me amiga.'  She huffed and looked up at him, similar to that of a petulant child not getting the toy they want.  'You'll find out soon enough.'  The gruff voice of the dog man said from behind her.  (Y/n) was starting to get aggravated now.  It seemed that these two had no intention of harming her and as she realised this her confidence grew.  She turned at glared at the big dog man thing.  'And what exactly are you suppose to be anyway!?'  The big dog man looked down and growled at (y/n).  'I have your turtle boyfriend and his brothers to thank for my current appearance!  My name is Rahzar!  And that is all you need to know!'  

At the mention of Rahzar's name (y/n) remembered something, more specifically one of the many stories that Donnie and his brothers had told her.  She looked up at Rahzar.  'So your Chris Bradford?'  He turned and glared at the girl who had dared to used his human name.  She then looked at Xever.  'And you're Fish Face?'  Xever also threw (y/n) a galre.  'Joder! I do not miss that name!'  Rahzar growled.  'And how is it you know our names girl!?  It was (y/n)'s turn to glare now.  'How can you blame the turtles for the way you are?!  Wasn't it you who attacked them while they were trying to diffuse the mutagen bomb on that rooftop? The bomb that was the real cause of your mutation?!  And did you OR did you not choose to continue to attack them even after they told you what they were doing!?!'  the two mutants glared down at her.  'She is feisty.'  Rahzar said under his breath to Xever.  'I told you amigo.'  'Whatever, lets get her back to the Boss, I can't wait to met him!'  'W-what!?'  (Y/n) stammered suddenly not feeling as confident.  'W-where are you taking me!?'  Both mutants looked down at her.  'Best tie her up first.  I have a feeling she's gonna be troublesome.'  (Y/n) gasped as Rahzar grabbed her hands and tied them together.  'H-hey!'  She choked.  'We are sorry chica, but this is necessary.'  

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