Four Brothers and A Father

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Raph sat on the roof he watched (y/n) from earlier and waited for her to appear at the entrance of the hospital.  His senses were on over drive, keeping an eye on the doors of the Hospital and his surroundings.  Making sure that neither he or (y/n) were being watched.  Finally he saw (y/n) leaving along with two others.  A male and female.  He frowned at the other two humans walking along with her.  He figured they were just people she worked with, but Raph had a suspicious mind.  Any one he doesn't know could be a threat.  He decided to text her.

R;  Who are they!?

(Y/n) reached into her pocket and fished out her phone when she heard it beep.  Her brow furrowed and she let out a silent huff when she read it. 

You;  They are my work friends!  Nothing to worry about!  

She replied, casually glancing up at the roofs to see if she could see a sinister shadow lurking.  She couldn't see him, but she knew he was there.  It was comforting in a way.  Annoying in another.  She rolled her eyes and continued to walk, trying to seem interested in whatever it was Freddy was saying to her and Vilma as they made their way along the streets.  Raph read her message and scowled.  He still didn't trust them.  'That guy looks shady.'  He thought.  As he began following them from the roof tops.  Then he realised they were walking in the dircetion that would lead them towards (y/n)'s apartment.  He quickly text her again.

R;  Where are ya going?!  

It wasn't until (y/n) saw the message she also realised they must have thought she would be going back to her place.  'Shit!  What do I say?'  She thought.  She glanced up at the roofs again as if asking Raph for an idea.  It didn't go unnoticed by the hot head.  He pulled up her number on his T Phone and pressed call.  Within a second (y/n)'s phone screen lit up and fule by Metallica roared from the speaker.  She thought it was an appropriate song for Raph.  'Hello?'  She said down the mouth piece.  'What are ya doin?'  He growled down the phone to her.  'I'm just walking home.'  She answered feeling helpless.  'Well ya need ta figure out how to loose those two.  We can't risk ya being seen  by Xever!'  (Y/n) glanced at her friends and  smiled.  'Yeah, yeah.  Ok.  I can do that.  I'll be right there!'  She said hoping Raph got the idea.  Vilma and Freddy looked at (y/n).  'Every thing ok?'  Vilma asked.  'Hmm?  Oh yeah!  I had arranged to go round Aprils after work, she jus called to ask if I could grab something from the store on my way.'  Freddy looked at (y/n) with a quizzical look.  'But you just told them you were heading home?'  (Y/n) felt herself tense.  'Y-yeah I am, I was.  I planned to  stop off at my apartment first.  But now i'll just nip to the store and head straight there now I guess.'  She said pointing towards the shop.  'I'll, uh, i'll see you guys tomorrow.'  She said and hastily changed direction.  'Huh, yeah Ok (y/n).  See ya tomorrow.'  Freddy called after her.  She raced into the store and waited.  Once she was sure her friends had left she ducked into an alley next to the shop.  Raph saw and rushed down to street level to meet her.  'Well that was awkward.'  She said as Raph approached her.  'Ya think!?'  He grumbled.  She turned to face him.  'I'm sorry Raph.  I didn't think.'  He looked down at her and into her deep hazel eyes.  His own gazed softened and he sighed.  'It's ok.'  He said.  'I need ya to think.  You need to consider everything you do, even if it seems irrelevant, ya know like walking home with some friends.'  (Y/n) looked up at Raph with a sad look.   'Look (y/n), If somethin happens to ya. I will neva hear the end of it from Donnie!  So please do me a favour.  Help me keep you safe.'  (Y/n) remained silent looking up at Raph.  He sighed again.  'C'mon.  Lets get ya back.  The guys and I have a mission tonight.'  'O-ok.'  She squeaked and watched as Raph lifted a man hole cover and gestured for her to go first.  'They walked through the damp tunnels.  Each trying to think of something to say to break the uncomfortable silence.  'So uh... How was work?'  Raph asked.  'It was ok.  Nothing too major.'  She replied.  'Grabbed a few supplies for the first aid kit.'  'Awesome.  We always need that stuff.'  Raph said with a chuckle.  'Yeah, I know.'  (Y/n) giggles back.  Finally they reached the lair.  (Y/n) turned to Raph.  'Thanks for coming to meet me.'  Raph smiled down at her.  'No worries.  I assume you wanna do it again tomorrow?'  He asked.  'If you don't mind.'  She replied.  'Heh, no worries.'  He said. She smiled at him then turned to make her way to the lab.  Seeing her walk towards the lab he felt himself deflate.  'She may not realize it but she is still pining after him.'  He thought.  And he turned to find Leo.  

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