The Visit Part One

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No ones POV

Back in the city Vince was beginning to become slightly unravelled, the monotonous  daily routine of the place was taking it's toll on him, and he knew it.  He had always had something happening, something new to study or to investigate. Being stuck in this place of madness was sending him mad!  He needed something to do, something new to study, but despite his requests to be allowed to do so, due to the reasons of his incarceration they were always declined.  The most he was allowed was to read in then library, and observe his fellow inmates. 

He yarned to be allowed to experiment, to test new theories, being where he was he had had many new ideas, lots of inspiration, but to his dismay his curiosity was to never be quenched.  He could feel himself falling just as Alice fell down the rabbit hole.  And this worried him.  He was more than a wear of what his environment could do to his mentality.  If he continued taking the medication he was being given it could be detrimental to his health.  And every night he laid in bed trying to think of ways to get out and prove to the world that he wasn't crazy, to redeem his freedom, and reputation as a scientist.  He had noticed he had began to pace as well, is never a good sign.  He spent night and day racking his brain for ideas of how to get himself out of that hell hole that he had been forced to call his home.  He didn't belong in this place!  He laid in bed and growled to himself.  'There HAS to be a way!'  He said to himself.  Perfectly a wear of the irony of talking to himself considering where he was.  Thanks to his final dose of meds for the night, it didn't take him long to fall asleep in his sterile room.  But not before making the decision to make a phone call in the morning.  

Back at the Farmhouse the group of friends were firing up the BBQ.  It was their last day and night there, and they wanted to enjoy it.  Mikey had a Frisbee and and a football.  'Yo Raphie!  Go long!!'  Mikey called as he threw the ball.  Raph ran and caught the ball 'Gotta do betta than that Mikey!'  Raph called back, slamming the ball to the ground and high fiving Casey.  'Bah!  Show off!'  Mikey grumbled.  'Aww come on Mikey.  You should know better than to challenge Raph.'  (Y/n) chuckled.  'Sigh, I shoulda chucked it at Donnie.'  Mikey joked. 'Heeeeeeeey!'  (Y/n) replied playfully hitting Mikey on the arm.  'Just coz he's a geek, doesn't mean he can't catch a ball!'  'Heh, was that a defence or an insult?'  Mikey giggled.  (Y/n) gave him a death stare.  'Heh.'  Mikey gulped nervously as he turned to go help Leo and April with the food.  The whole day the group goofed around playing games and eating.  Later they  settled and all indulged (y/n) with more detailed stories of all the things that happened the last time they were at the farmhouse.  

'Bigfoot!?  Are you serious!!?'  'Yeah!  We couldn't believe either, and she had a huge crush on Donnie!'  Casey teased.  (Y/n) looked at Donnie, 'You love monkey!'  She joked.  Donnie blushed and cringed at the memory.  'Heh, it was awkward to say the least.'  Donnie said.  Raph stifled a chuckle.  'Was hilarious to the rest of us though!'  He added, really trying hard to hold the laugh he could feel building.  'And what was it, the creep?'  She asked the group.  'Oh ha ha!  Yeah!  He turned Raph into a plant!'  Mikey informed (y/n) to Raph's annoyance.  'Geeez and a mutant hot-rod?  How is that even possible?  Surely only organic things can be mutated?'  She asked.  'Apparently not.'  Leo shrugged.  'Huh,'  She said thoughtfully.  'That's crazy!'  She said.  The group spent the rest of the evening roasting marshmallows, and drinking hot chocolate.  (Y/n) loved it, she enjoyed every minute.  April documented it all by taking photo's on her phone of them all.  'I'm gonna miss it here.'  She said to Donnie who was sat next to her.  'We can come back again.  The farmhouse is always gonna be here.'  He reassured her.  'Promise?'  Donnie's eyes widened as he looked down at her before smiling warmly 'Yeah, I promise.'  He said dropping a kiss on her forehead.  That night once (y/n) and Donnie had gone to bed (y/n) fast asleep in his arms, Donnie laid thinking while holding her close, listening to her soft breathing.  He couldn't sleep, his thoughts were keeping him awake.  He rolled his eye and cursed his brain.  As he was wondering what the decision made about Vince meant for (y/n), and them.  He looked down at the sleeping girl in his arms.  It doesn't matter, at the end of the day I'll always keep her safe.   He thought as he closed his eyes, comforting himself with that thought and finally he fell asleep.  

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