Like the big brother she never had

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Whilst the brothers were meeting with Bishop, (y/n) was in her apartment sat on her sofa, wearing her comfy pyjamas watching a movie, and munching on popcorn.  She was trying desperately to take her mind off Donnie.  She wasn't being very successful.  She huffed and took a huge gulp of wine, feeling frustrated at herself.  She jumped up and walked to the window.  She knew she should be more cautious knowing Xever might be still looking for her, but she had had too much wine to care.  Secretly she was hoping to see the turtles.  She knew they had a  mission tonight.  She wondered how it went.   She sighed.  'To hell with it!'  She said and climbed out of the window and up to the roof.  She reached the roof and looked out to the city before turning to look across the roof.  She recalled the night she met Donnie properly.  She chuckled to herself as she remembered how he hid behind the air vent.  She sighed again, loudly.  As she looked up to the sky.  'How did it get like this?'  She asked herself for the hundredth time feeling sad, and taking another sip of wine.  She really wanted the wine to numb her emotions.  The night was a chilly one.  A gentle breeze brushed past (y/n)'s face, and through her hair, bringing with it the scent of the sea.  She inhaled deep.  The smell wasn't quite the same as home.  But close enough.  She missed her sea side town in the UK.  She wondered what was happening back there.  What all her old friends were up to.  She hears from them every so often, but time, distance and life meant she hears from them less and less.  She looked up to the moon and sighed.  Placing her glass down she hugged herself.  She suddenly felt lonely.  

In Hamoura's lair Karai was slowly recovering.  Although still unconscious her progress was steady.   Bishop's nurse kept a watchful eye over the Kunoichi.  Monitoring her obs every thirty minutes.  On his return from his meeting with the turtles, Bishop made his way to his office and dropped into his chair.  Resting his elbows on the table he rubbed his temples.  'That could have gone better.'  He thought.  'But didn't go as bad as I expected either.'  He countered his original thought.  A couple of days had passed.  Karai had made impressive progress, and once again Bishop had  been summoned to Homura's office to update the clan leader on his sisters progress.  As Bishop reached the door to Homura's office he took a moment to prepare himself.  He knew Homura was going to ask some tricky questions, and he needed to give a convincing false account of Karai's condition.  

As ready as he was going to be, Bishop knocked on the door of Homura's office.  'COME!' Came Homoura's stern voice from the other side.  And so Bishop turned the door handle and let himself into the office.  After closing the door behind him, Bishop made his way to Homura's desk and bowed.  A gesture he deplored, but Homura expected it from all his employee's.  In his mind, it reminded them who he was.  What he was. He demanded compliance and respect at all times.  And he did not allow anyone to forget that.  Certainly his father's son.  'You sent for me Master Homura?'  Bishop said, his head still lowered.  'Yes.  I would like an update on my dear sister, and her recovery.'  A tone of sarcasm  could clearly be heard in his voice.  Bishop cleared his throat.  'She is stable Master Homura.  But her condition remains unchanged.  She is still very weak.'  Homura looked at Bishop.  His expression emotionless.  Bishop could not make out if he was angry or uninterested.  'Explanation.'  Is all Homura finally said.  'Well, you deprived the girl of food and water for weeks on end.  This can have a sever effect on the body.  Effects from which she is still recovering.'  Bishop saw Homura scowl.  'I am loosing my patience Bishop.  When will she wake up?'  It was Bishops turn to scowl now.  'It's not that simple I'm afraid Master Homura.  Different people heal at different rates.  Starving her the way you did has caused some muscle damage.  It is how the body responds to being deprived for as long as she was.  And that's not factoring in the effects the stress her body has been put under, both physically and mentally.'  Bishop said struggling to keep himself composed.  He watched as Homura contemplated what he had said.  'Very well.  Notify me as soon as there is any change!'  'Yes Master Homura.'  Bishop said before bowing again and taking his leave.  

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