Seeing him again

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Donnie's POV

As I lay in bed I couldn't help but think of (y/n)'s dream.  It had obviously upset her assuming because in it her parents were still alive.  But then there was the part with her searching for something and feeling lost without it.  I wonder what it was?  I thought.  I considered texting her to make sure she was ok, but the rest of the evening  so good, and she really cheered up, I dont wanna open the wounds again, so I decide to leave it.  I rolled over and fell into a pleasant sleep.  

Your POV

I had trouble sleeping after Donnie left.  I couldn't stop tossing and turning.  The thoughts of last nights dream was bothering me.  What did it mean?  'Ugh' I groan and sit up.  'What is going on with me?' I question myself.  I guess so much has happened to me these last few months.  My subconscious is bound to play up a little... I try to reason with myself.  I flop backwards onto my pillow again and just lay there, hoping sleep would come soon.  It was just after dawn broke that I finally feel asleep.  Luckily I didn't have anywhere to be or do so I could sleep as long as needed, or so I thought.

Donnie's POV

Mikey sat watching me pace up and down in the lair 'Chill out dude, your making me tired just watching you'  'I can't  'Chill out' Mikey!!   I've been trying to get through to (y/n)  all morning and she hasn't responded, that's not like her.  I'm beginning to worry!!'  'Dude, she's probably in the shower or something, her phone isn't attached to her'  I look at my phone screen, my mind is working over time.  I press her number again tapping my foot in anticipation.

Your POV

'Ugh, whats that noise?'  You grunt to yourself squinting 'eh is that my phone?'  You reach over and grab it pressing answer without even looking at the caller ID.  'Meh, h-hello...?'  You manage to say

D; (Y/N)!!  Are you ok?!  Whats happened!?

YOU; *holding the phone away from your ear*  Ow Donnie, what  are you talking about!?

D; I've been calling you all morning, you haven't been picking up!  Are you ok?!

You; Im fine Donnie, I was asleep.

D; Oh, errr.. didn't you sleep last night? 

You; *You face palm*  No Donnie, I didn't

Donnie hears the frustration in (y/n)'s voice.  

D; Oh, sorry to disturb you (y/n) Message me later, ok?

Your POV

I hang up and put my phone down on the bedside table and drop back down onto my pillow and try to go back to sleep.  After thirty minutes it was obvious I wasn't going to get back to sleep, so I finally sit up and swing my legs over the side, I look at the time 11.30am.  'Ugh!' I grumble, 'I really must remember to thank Donnie for this'  I think to myself as I stand up and head to the kitchen, I make a bee line for the coffee pot.  After half a pot of coffee I felt able to drag my tired body to the shower.  'I need to text Donnie in a bit and apologize for being so shitty with him when he called me earlier.'  I shower, spending a good ten minutes just standing under the running water enjoying the hot water running down my back.  I wash myself down, I wash my hair and scrub my face.  'Ah that feels better'  I say aloud to myself as I turn the water off and step out, the cooler air hitting my skin waking me up a bit more.  I look at myself in the mirror, 'Bleh, what a state'  I think.  I look at the time 12.45 pm.  'I need something stronger than my home brew coffee' I think.  I can't go out looking this rough so I decide to try and hide the black sacks under my eyes and brighten my dull looking skin with a bit of makeup magic.  

When the past catches up Donnie x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora