Moving on

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It had been six months since (y/n) had last seen the turtles.  It took her a while but she had finally pulled herself together enough to find a job.  The job she had originally planned to get when she first moved to the US.  She had finally managed to secure a job doing what she did back in the UK.  As a Support Worker in the Operating Theatres in the local Hospital.  The day was almost over as the last patient had just been wheeled to the recovery room and the team had started cleaning up after a lap chole (Laparoscopic removal of the gall bladder).  'Phew, final op of the day.  Geez today had dragged.'  Her co worker Scott complained.  (Y/n) nodded, as she stood by the computer and finalized the last patients details.  'Yeah, it has been a long one.'  She agreed.  'So what are ya plans for this evening?  It's Friday night, why don't you come out for a drink with the rest of us for once?'  (Y/n) turned back to the computer she was working on.  'Uh, I dunno......'  She began to protest.  'Oh c'mon (y/n).'  The voice of another co worker Marcie said.  'You never come out!'  (Y/n) thought for a moment.  She hasn't taken any of the invites from her new colleagues up for the fear of running into trouble.  But.  It would be nice to have an evening out of that apartment, and a distraction from, well her thoughts.  'Weeeeeell...... Yeah!  Sure why not!  I could do with a night out.'  Both Scott and Marcie turn around.  'Haha!  Wait, are you actually saying yes!?'  Marcie said from the surgical trolley she was cleaning.  'Woohoo!!  Bout time!'  Scott cheered!  'Heh, c'mon guys the sooner we get cleaned up, the sooner we can get that drink!'  Marcie cheered.  

And so along with Scott and Marcie three others joined them at the sports bar the group often frequented after a long week.  Vilma, Freddy, and Kimmy.  As they all sat around a table talking and laughing (y/n) began to remember what it felt like to be around people again.  And it actually felt nice.  Although she couldn't help but glance up at the roofs every so often through the window.  'So (y/n).  Glad you finally decided to join us!  You should more often.'  Kimmy said.  (Y/n) smiled.  'Yeah, I may just do.'  'I'll drink to that!'  Freddy said and they all took a swig of their drinks.  The group spent the night drinking, talking, and just enjoying themselves.  'So (y/n), you dating anyone?'  Vilma asked  (Y/n) nearly chocked on her beer at the question.  'Uh, no, no i'm not.'  (y/n) stuttered.  'I was, but we broke up a few months back.'  She continued trying to sound light hearted about it.  But the group noticed the sad expression that fell across (y/n)'s face.  'Uh, oh well!  His loss!'   Vilma said with an encouraging tone.  'Yeah, his loss.'  (Y/n) repeated looking back out towards the roofs.  Although she was better, she was no way over the heart ache and the hole in her heart was very much still there.  She missed her family.   She shook her head and forced her sadness to the back of her mind and smiled.  She was enjoying this time with her new friends.  She'd have plenty of time to be sad later.  

Vilma cleared her throat.  'Another round?'  She asked.  'YES!!'  Everyone answered at once.  Vilma smiled and called over the waitress.  (Y/n) looked at the big screen showing the end of a soccer game.  She could just imagine Casey, Raph and the others all sat around in the lair shouting at the screen.  Raph and Casey aside they weren't much into the sport itself, but they loved the competitiveness of it all. She chuckled to herself.  Her imagination didn't have to work too hard though when she was suddenly pulled from her mental image of them when an all too familiar voice pulled her back.  'Soccer is so whack yo!  Hockey is a real mans game!'  She heard her Freddy groan.  'Ugh, not this guy again!'  (Y/n) looked at Freddy.  'What do you mean?'  Freddy sighed.  'The dudes been coming in here a lot recently, always going on about how superior Hockey is to every other sport.'  (Y/n) glanced over to the bar where the voice came from and grinned without meaning to.  She'd missed that meat head and his dumb sport arguments.  Her first instinct was to jump up and go greet him.  But she stopped herself.  Instead she just sat and watched Casey argue with the other man at the bar about which is the better game.  

When the past catches up Donnie x readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu