New Enemy, Old Tricks

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Leo didn't need to tell Raph twice as he charged at Homura, sai's blazing!  Homura simply stepped to the side and blocked Raph's first attack.  Rah counter attacked with  swift sweep kick temporarily knocking Homura to the ground.  With a quick flex of his leg and stomach muscles Homura was back on his feet and ready to continue.  Whilst Leo and Raph fought against Homura, Mikey and Donnie ran towards Rahzar.  'Uh, uh, uuuh turtles.'  Xever said.  'I am sorry Donatello, but I simply cannot let you take our little chica.  We are enjoying her company too much.'  Donnie's eyes widened and a growl emanated from him.  That was a new one on Xever.  'Eh?  Since when do turtles growl like that?'  Xever asked himself aloud.  Rahzar stopped to look back with (y/n) still under his arm.  She felt like an old rug being hauled around, and it was pissing her off!  She looked over at Raph, Leo and Homura fighting.  And then back at Donnie and Mikey who were fronting up Xever.  She wriggled again in Rahzar's grip, attempting to pry his fingers or claws, whatever they were open, but she just felt his grip grow tighter around her.

'Let go of my sister you creepo!!'  Mikey shouted, pulling his nun chucks out and diving towards Rahzar.  'Sister?'  Rahzar growed as he held up his free hand to block Mikey's nun chuck fury attack leaving Donnie to Xever, who in turn pulled out his oversized butterfly knife and prepared for Donnie's first blow.  'Come now amigo, let us dance.'  He said with his giant toothy grin.  'If you insist!!'  Donnie growled and launched at the giant fish.  

Meanwhile a few meters away Leo and Raph had Homura backed against the wall.  But Homura remained infuriatingly calm.  He was quick and well disciplined.  Leo took a mental note of this.  'I cannot believe it was such creatures who ended my father!  Tell me kappa how did it feel to take my fathers life?'  Leo scowled at him, whilst Raph simply smirked.  'It felt pretty damn good!'  He replied happily.  This struck a nerve with Homura and he threw a swinging kick towards Raph's head, Leo caught his foot, twisted Homura's ankle causing him to land in a heap on the floor.  It took a nanosecond for Homura to shake off the surprise of being taken down before he jumped up again.  Is it possible he had underestimated them?  Assuming the demise of his father was nothing more than the result of dumb luck?  Homura cocked an eyebrow at them.  'You fight well Kappa.'  He said raising his arm preparing to swing his sword again.  'Wish we could say that same ta you!'  Homura glared at Raph.  'Such insolent creatures Kappa's are.  I will have to teach you some manners!'  Raph simply huffed at Homura.  'Enough talk!'  Growled the red banded turtle as he dove towards Homura,  jumping up landing the enemy with a double snap kick, then twisting in the air, landing Homura with another swift kick in the small of his back sending him flying forward towards Leo who landed an upper rising strike to Homura's chin, sending the human to the ground.  'I have indeed underestimated you kappa!'  He said looking up and wiping the blood away from the split on his lip.

'Agggghhhhhhhh........... Let her go Rahzar!!'  Mikey screamed  as he swung his nun chucks.  Rahzar lifted his free arm once again to block Mikey's attack, but this time Mikey used this to his advantage, as he landed he twisted and elbowed him right in a pressure point.  'Agghh!'  Rahzar growled and he  dropped to his knees giving Mikey the chance to pull (y/n) from his grip.  (Y/n) wrapped her arms around Mikey's neck and fought against Rahzar's feeble attempt at keeping hold of her for any longer.  Once she was free she turned and just for good measure she kicked his hand away.  Mikey turned grabbing (y/n)'s hand. 'C'mon dudette, Don needs us!'  

Luckily for them Xever hadn't noticed his comrades failure.  'Hey mi amigo!!'  She called catching both Xevers and Donnie's attention, and as Xever turned around he received a swift side kick to his big toothy face!  He fell backwards, but not to the ground.  'Ah Nina!  You are full of surprises!'  Xever said looking around realising he was now out numbered.  He lowered his stance and growled.  'It seems mi amgas that this is where we part ways......... for now.'  He glanced at the two turtles.  'Michelangelo, Donatello, good to see you both again.'  And with that he rushed over to Rahzar, picked him up and helped him to his feet.  'Come amigo, let me help you.'         

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