Return to the lair

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A/N; Hi guys, I'm sorry for the long wait for an update.  Had a load of thigs going on at once.  Plus with Christmas just around the corner things are extra hectic atm.  TTFN Whattpad fam

Needless to say (Y/n) didn't sleep too well after the previous night.  She kept feeling the need to double  check the locks and peep out to check the fire escape.  Every time she did, she expected to see someone there, but there never was.  To her relief.  This continued throughout the night until dawn cracked the skyline.  Only then did she feel she was safe to sleep.  She was thankful she wasn't working the weekend shift, but knew she would have to get a handle on this before Monday morning when she was next due to go to work.  (Y/n) began to stir around eleven am, she opened her eyes feeling groggy and unrested.  Despite the windows being locked the sounds from the street still reached her ears.  She placed a hand on her forehead and groaned.  It was times like this she missed living in a quiet house in a tucked away close of about twenty houses.  With no main roads.  The loudest it ever got was when the children of the near by school were walking past.  She could sleep as long as she needed without being disturbed.  She rolled over, face down into the pillow and groaned again.  As much as she tried, she could not get back to sleep.  So eventually she rolled over and got up.  She made her way straight to the bathroom and turned the shower on.  She pulled her pyjamas off and hopped under the luke warm water.  She stood under the running water for about ten minutes.  Finally the water began to do its job and (y/n) began to feel a little better.  She turned the water off and jumped out.  Once she was dry and in her gown her next stop was the kitchen for coffee.  

Two large mugs of coffee later and (y/n) was beginning to feel a little bit more awake.  Just then her phone rang.  She rushes to the bedroom where she left her phone and picked it up from the bedside table.  'Yawn, April, Hi!'  She said.  '(Y/n)!  I thought i'd ring and check on you.  Everything ok?'  April asked.  'Yeah, thanks.  I'm ok.  Thanks for sending Casey out last night.'  'Don't mention it.  How are you feeling today?  Casey filled me in last night.'  (Y/n) yawned again.  'I'm fine thanks,  I just had a bit of trouble sleeping last night is all.'  'Oh, i'm sorry.  Did I wake you?'  April said  sounding concerned.  'Oh, no.  No you didn't.  I was already awake.  Just sat drinking coffee.'  'OK, well.  I was wondering if  you wanted some company? '  (Y/n) smiled.  'Company would be good.  Thanks.'  (Y/n) ended the call and finished her coffee.  Looking into the empty mug she sighed, knowing full well she was  going to be needing a lot more.  Maybe a gallon?  But for now another mug will have to do.  

April rushed over to (y/n)'s she was eager to hear all about last night.  She arrived and knocked on (y/n)'s door.  The door opened and a very tired looking (y/n) appeared.  'Oh dear.  You look like shit!'  April said with a grin.  (Y/n) looked at her friend unamused.  'Thanks'.  She said flatly.  'Heh, never mind.  Look!  I bought breakfast!'  April said presenting (y/n) with a bag.  'Cream cheese and smoked salmon bagels!'  (Y/n) looked thoughtfully at the bag for a second.  'That is acceptable.'  She said and opened the door to let April in.  April sat at the table whilst (y/n) poured them both a coffee.  As they ate and drank (y/n) filled April in on what Master Splinter had said.  'And what about you and Donnie?'  April asked through a mouthful of bagel.  'What about us?'   (Y/n) asked.  April swallowed.  'Casey said Mikey dragged you off to see him?'  (Y/n) thought back.  'Yeah, he did.  We chatted.  But nothing to get excited over.  Just two friends talking.'  (Y/n) shrugged.  'Oh.'  April said sounding disappointed.  The two finished eating and although (y/n) tried somehow having food in her belly made her more sleepy.  She apologised to April though the dozenth yawn.  April chuckled.  'It's ok, i'll head off, and let you rest.'  Through hooded eyes (y/n) gave her friend a weak smile.  'K.  I'll catch up with you later on.'  April got up gathered her stuff and headed to the door.  'Get some sleep, ok!'  (y/n) raised a hand to her head in a mock salute.  'Yes boss!'  April giggled and left.  As she made her way out, she pulled her phone from her bag and text Leo.

When the past catches up Donnie x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon