The Ultimate Purple Dragon

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Your POV

'GUYS WE NEED YOU NOW!!'  An out of breath Casey called falling to his knees, gasping for breath!  'Casey!  What's happened!?'  Leo demanded.  All Casey could do was point upwards.  Leo looks at us, 'guys, lets go!'  Casey stay here and rest for a while.  Casey just gave Leo the thumbs up and face planted the floor.  The closer we got to the surface the more we heard it, people screaming.  'What the shell is goin on up there!?'  Raph asked his sia's already in his hands.  What we  heard next caused us all to freeze in our tracks.  An all mighty roar loud enough to even make Leatherhead cower.  Mikey jumped into Donnie arms, clambering up him like a frightened cat.  'MIKEY, GET OFF!!'  Donnie growled.  

Everything trembled around them causing the group to almost loose their balance.  'Whowa, what the hell is going on up there!?  'We need eyes on the surface!'  Leo says.  'It's still day time, so that means me!' I say.  Everyone looks at me.   Leo nods.  '(Y/n) NO!'  Donnie says.  I look at him sternly, 'Donnie, YES!!  We can't risk you being spotted until we know it's clear!'  Donnie looks at me.  'Donnie, i'm not having you guys ending up in a lab somewhere!'  I say.  Leo puts a hand on Donnie's shoulder.  'We'll be right here D, we'll be watching her every move!'  Donnie sighs.  'Ugh, fine!'  'Right then!'  I head up to the manhole cover and climb out.  People are running in all directions.  I walk towards the roaring and smashing the people of the city are running from.  I hide in the mouth of an alley and gasp.  'Oh my gods!  is that a DRAGON!!?'  It's huge, at least 8ft tall, walking on all fours, its, mostly purple, with a red belly.   I pull my phone out and video call Donnie.  His face appears on the screen. 'Donnie, look at this!!'  I turn the screen and show Donnie what's in front of me.  'I- I don't believe what i'm seeing' I hear him say  'Do you think this is the experiment we heard those Kraang talking about?'  I ask.  'Maybe, i'm not sure!'  Donnie replies.  'Ok (y/n) get back down here!'  Donnie demands.  'No, it's better if I stay here, like Leo said, you need eyes up here!'  And before Donnie can argue I end the video call.  

Donnie's POV

'She hung up!  I can't believe she just HUNG UP!!  She's up there with that thing!!  What the shell are we gonna do Leo!!'  'Well, I think it's safe to say we can head on up, I don't think people are gonna be too worried about us right now!'  I don't need to be told twice, as I head on up to the surface.  I dive behind an overturned  truck as I look on at the carnage that thing has caused.  My brothers join me.  'Is that a mutant or monster?'  Mikey asks.  'No idea Mikey, but we have to figure out a way to stop it, otherwise New York is toast!'  Leo said.  We all agree on that one.  'We have ta find (y/n) first!  Raph said.  We all looked at him surprised.  He normally the one to wanna kick heads in.  'Wha!?'  He shrugged.  'It ain't safe fer her to be out here alone!'  'He's got a point'  Leo said, 'C'mon guys,  lets find (y/n)'  He says.

Raphs POV

'Shit, I nearly let ma emotions get the betta of me then!  I gotta control em betta! I can't let ma brothers know im crushin on (y/n)!   But we do need ta find her!  It's not safe for her ta be out here alone!'  I think to maself.  'D, do ya know where she went to?'  Donnie shook his head.  I glance around.  'Well she couldn't have gotten too far'  I reason.  I watch as Donnie pull his phone out and calls her.  'Where are you?'  I watch as I see his listening to whateva she's saying to him.  'Ok, stay there, we're on our way!'  He commands.  'She's just a block away, follow me!'  He says.  And so we use all our ninja stealth skills to move unnoticed by the creature.  'She said third ally on the right'  Donnie whispered pointing towards the direction we need to go.  I rush ahead, I didn't mean to, I couldn't help myself.  I had almost reached the alley (y/n) was in when the dragon, monster whateva it is opened its mouth and sent a wave of flames between me and the alley (y/n) is in.  I hear a scream, HER scream!  'Oh shit!!'  I look around trying to figure a way to get to her, I pull out my grappling hook, I aim and shoot it towards a fire escape in the alley she's in.  

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