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Donnie's POV

'What did she mean?  The best a girl could ask for?  Doesn't matter how smart I am, I can't figure out what she meant by that'  Im laid in bed, staring at the ceiling.  'Ugh, i'm not getting any sleep tonight am I?'  I say to myself as I sit up.  'I need some water'  I get up and head into the kitchen, I pour some water and sit down at the table and rather than drink the water, I just stare at it.  'Sigh' 

No ones POV

(Y/n) woke up feeling a little heavy headed, although she didn't get drunk like April last night, she felt very groggy.  She headed into the kitchen for some water.  As she sat down and remembered Donnie last night.  A hot flush worked its way up her neck and cheeks.  Meanwhile in the lair, Donnie had finally passed out at the table.  His brothers all surrounded him, laughing, and taking pictures on their phones, until Donnie finally began to stir.  'Dude, how long you been there?'  Mikey asked. ' Uh, I have no idea'  Donnie replied wiping the sleep from his eyes.    Leo set a hand on Donnie's shoulder  'D, you ok bro?'  Donnie yawns, 'Yeah, im ok, just couldn't sleep last night, I must've crashed out here, ugh, I need coffee.....'  'On it bro'  Mikey said over his shoulder making Donnie his coffee.  'Thanks'  Leo sat down next to Donnie, 'Anything you wanna talk about D?'  Leo asked quietly.  Donnie just looked down and shook his head, Leo had a feeling this had something to do with Donnie's feelings towards (y/n).  'Sigh, alright Don'  Leo said and got up, 'I'm heading for my morning meditation'  Leo says and heads for the dojo.

Leo's POV

I'm worried about Donnie, I'm hoping some meditation will help clear my mind and figure out some way of helping him.  I light some candles and get myself into position, I sit and clear my mind.  'I hope I can figure something out'  

No ones POV

After a pot of coffee and a shower Donnie felt a lot better.  He headed to his lab, working on one of his projects would keep his mind off of everything.  'Hey D'  Mikey's head popped round the door, 'Isn't it (y/n)'s day to train with Master Splinter today.  What time is she coming over?  I wanna show her my new comics'  'Oh, yeah.  I guess it is Mikey.  Err.. she normally gets here about 5.30.'  'Kool beans'  Mikey says with a huge smile and disappears again.  'Ok, Donnie, when she gets here just act cool'  Donnie tells himself.  He looks at the clock, a few hours before she gets here.  And so he he threw himself into his projects and modifications on the shell raiser.  

(Y/n) arrives earlier today, as she wasn't at work.  After her training with Master Splinter she heads out to see the guys, after Mikey showed her his new comic books, and Leo had shown her a few moves for her to work on with her Katana she headed to the Lab to see Donnie.

Donnie's POV

My heart almost jumped into my throat when I saw her.  'Hey (y/n), how was your head this morning?'  'Heh, I was fine thanks, have any of you heard from April today?'  'No I don't think so?  So how was last night any way? I didn't really get to ask you before.'  (Y/n) Smiled.  Apart from the questions about why i'm not seeing anyone it was a pretty good evening, definitely needed.'  'What do mean questions about you not seeing anyone?'  (Y/n) looked down and sighed.  'She didn't really understand why I don't have anyone.  She thinks I should be more open to the idea of a relationship'.  I look up to her 'To be honest, I don't really get it either (y/n)  I admitted. 'I mean I get you've been hurt, and I understand you need time, but your a beautiful, smart, and kind girl, your a good fighter, and heh, your an awesome cook, there's a guy out there who thinks you deserve to be happy and loved, and does love you.'  I blush as I realize all I just said to her.  My mouth just kinda took over for a second.  But its too late to take it back. so I just carry on with drawing up my plans.   She looks down. 

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