Phase one, Part one

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(Y/n) arrived back in the lair after her shift on Monday exhausted.  She slumped onto the couch next to Raph and kicked her shoes off.  'Ugh!  What a shift!'  She groaned leaning back.  Raph looked at her with a smirk.  'Tough day at the office?'  (Y/n) turned her head and glared at him.  'Yes!  Now where's my dinner!?'  She jokingly snapped back at him.  'I go to work all day and you can't even get a decent meal on the table for when I get in!?'  She continued.  The pair stared at each other for a silent second before bursting out in laughter.  'What's so funny?'  Leo asked.  'Jus a joke.'  Raph replied.  Leo rolled his eyes.  'How was work (y/n)?'  'Ugh, soooooo busy.  Between patching up people after drunken brawls over the weekend, to  Lap Chole's (laparoscopic removal of the gall bladder), and a partial laparotomy (Partial removal of the colon).  All very long and tiring procedures.  I was grateful when my shift ended.'  She said.  'Wow!  That sounds full on.'  A voice said from behind Leo and Donnie appeared.  'It must be really interesting to see all that.  I'm kinda jealous.'  (Y/n) chuckled.  'By all means feel free to cover my shift tomorrow.'  'Heh, I wish I could.  Imagine the things I could learn.'  Whilst Donnie was geeking out at the thought of working in (y/n)'s place for the day Mikey had started prepping for dinner.  This was just the first step to the Master Plan he'd thought up during the day to help Donnie to win (y/n) back.  Everyone but Donnie knew about it, and all had agreed to help.  And the fact that Donnie still wasn't fit enough to leave the lair is what made the plan easier to execute.  

Donnie who had come back to earth mindlessly looked up. 'What's for dinner?  Left over Pizza?' He asked.  Mikey turned around with and with a grin 'Nuh - uh bro!  I'm making pasta with homemade tomato and basil sauce.'  Donnie was surprised.  'Oh, nice.  What's the occasion?'  Mikey glanced over to (y/n).  '(Y/n)'s back with the family of course.'  He said happily.  Over the other side of the lair Raph was grumbling to Leo.  'Awwwwww.... Man!  That smells amazing!  I'm beginning to regret agreeing to Mikey's plans now!'  Leo looked over quickly to make sure (y/n) wasn't in ear shot.  'Shhhhhush Raph!  Don't worry we'll get some later!'  Leo reminded his hot headed brother.  'Yeah, yeah.  I know.  C'mon.  Lets spar, that'll keep ma mind off the food.'  Leo gave his brother a grin.  'Heh, yeah, ok.'  And so the pair made their way to the dojo.  Mikey had gone all out.  He even Asked April to pick up some of (y/n)'s favourite wine.  'Oh yeah, this is gonna be sooooo good!'  The youngest thought to himself.  He could feel himself getting excited as he stirred the sauce.  'Hey Donnie, can you do me a favour, and pass this over to (y/n).'  Mikey asked handing Donnie a glass of wine he had  poured.  Once again Donnie was surprised.  'Uh, Mikey.  What wine is it?  (Y/n) only likes one kind.'  Donnie said slightly worried Mikey might be disappointed that (y/n) may not drink it.  Mikey held up the bottle.  'Trust you to know that Don.'  Mikey said with a grin and a wink.  Once again to Donnie's surprise it was the right brand and type of red wine.  Satisfied Donnie made his way over to (y/n) with the glass filled with red liquid.  'Uh, here (y/n).'  He said nervously as he passed her the glass.  'Oh Donnie, you are a mind reader!  Thank you!  She said and took a deep sip.  'Hmmmmmm....... Just what I needed!'  Donnie smiled back, feeling a little guilty for taking the credit from Mikey, but the genius was sure his younger brother would understand.  'Uh, no worrries.  You look like you've had a tough day.'  (Y/n) look up at the purple banded turtle and raised a single eye brow.  'Geeeee, thanks!'  Donnie gulped when he realised what he had said.  'No!  Uh, that's not what I meant, I just thought you looked tired, I uh....'  (Y/n) chuckled.  'Heh, it's ok Donnie, i'm just teasing you!  I know what you meant!'  The genius let out a sigh of relief, thankful she hadn't really taken that the wrong way.  'Hey.'  He said in a softer voice.  'Mikey said dinners is gonna be a while, why don't you go grab a shower?  You've got time.'  (Y/n) looked up and smiled a smile that almost made him melt.  'A shower sounds good.'  Donnie smiled back down at her.  'I'll go get you a clean towel.'  He said over his shoulder already on his way to the dojo where they kept all the linen.

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