When you realise

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Donnie's POV

On the way back to the lair all sorts of questions were running through my mind. Did I really think that!? Could I really be falling for her? Had I already? How can you like someone and not know? 'Awwwww..... this is gonna be a sleepless night!' I think to myself and I head into the sewer.

Your POV

I roll over, rubbing my eyes... Aggggah 'is it morning already? WAIT!' I remember sitting bolt upright, 'Donnie?' I jump up and head for the living room, I look around still rubbing sleep from my eyes. 'I guess he left' I thought, feeling a bit guilty for falling asleep. 'Bleh, I need coffee' I think and head to the kitchen.  I made sure to make it extra strong!   I sat down on the sofa and sipped my coffee. Then an unexpected knock at the door. You glace at the clock 8.30 am. 'Reeaally?' I think as I got up to answer the door. 'Who could that possibly be?' I opened the door to Guy, he looked to be about the same age as you. Give or take. Im not very good at the age guessing game. 'Hello' he says extending a hand. 'My name's Vince, im your new neighbour, i've just moved in across the hall.'   I look at him slightly dazed 'Oh, hello' I say accepting the hand shake '(y/n)' I reply. 'Well, good to meet you (y/n), Hey, your not from around here are you.?' I growl under my breath, and through gritted teeth I reply sarcastically 'No, no im not, what gave it away?' He placed a hand behind his head, 'your accent, heh. Well, I just wanted to introduce myself, and let you know that if you need an hand with anything, well, im pretty handy.' He kinda reminded me of Rick Moranis, when he played Louis Tulley in the 1984 ghostbusters movie who ended up being turned into a dog.. (if you don't know who I mean, just google it). ' Ok, good to know, thanks Vince, and nice to meet you'  I say politely dismissing him and closing the door. 'Geeez' I think to yourself. Heading back to your coffee, taking a deep swig. 'Shower and a good breakfast is what I need, today is gonna be hectic' I think as you head to the bathroom.

Donnie's POV

I awoke before my brothers.. Although im not sure if I slept at all...I think I mainly just rested, as I had a lot going on in my mind. I headed out to get coffee. I turned on the machine and patiently waited for my coffee to brew. Today was gonna be a big day for (y/n) and I wanted to be at my best to support her. I know it's going to be a draining for her both mentally and physically, but I would do anything to help keep her safe. 'Uh-oh' I thought. It was as I had feared. I had fallen for her, and there was nothing I can do to change it!

Your POV

I wasn't sure what time Donnie was going to call, so I decided to practice some of the few moves I did remember as well as the move I pulled on Hun that night. After an hour my phone buzzed

D: Hey (y/n) you ready?

Y/n: Hey, :) Yeah, ready as i'll ever be I guess.

D: Cool, meet me in the same place as before.

Y/n: Running all the way :p

I grab my bag, and head on down to the alley way to meet Donnie by the manhole cover. And sure enough, there he was waiting for me. I felt my heart flutter. 'Hang on a second!'  I thought. 'What the fuck was that!?' I asked yourself. 'Meh, probably just nervous about this training.'  I told myself. 'Hey (y/n), how are you today?' Donnie asks. 'Hey' I reply with a smile. 'im ok, feeling a little nervous, but apart from that im good.' Donnie's face lit up, 'Good, and don't be nervous, Master Splinter doesn't bite.' I look over to him, 'No, I know he doesn't. He is a very kind ma.. Uh, rat.' I correct myself quickly. Donnie sighs 'you must be wondering how four giant turtles and a man size rat came to be a family?' I feel a twinge of awkwardness.. I have been wondering all this. 'Errrr... Yeah, it has crossed my mind' I admit. 'We will explain everything to you soon enough' Donnie promises. 'Heh, ok, no rush though Donnie, im just thankful to have met you all' Pretty sure I just saw him blush.

Donnie's POV

'Wow, she's Just amazing' I thought. 'STOP IT DONATELLO, YOU'RE JUST TEASING YOURSELF!!!' I scolded myself again. 'But I love how accepting she is, so cool about the whole thing, Shell even April fainted when she first met us, must be that British Stiff upper lip attitude i've heard of' I chuckle to myself. 'whats so funny?' (Y/N) asks, 'oh nothing, just thinking about something Mikey said earlier, dude's always making fun of Raph, im sure he's got a death wish' 'Heh, gotta laugh at brotherly love' she says with a smirk on her face. We arrive at the lair and hang out in the kitchen with my brothers waiting for Master Splinter to call her, while we were waiting (y/n) told us about this Vince guy who knocked her door at silly o'clock in the morning. 'I was not amused' she said to us. Me and my brothers all agreed it was an odd time to knock a strangers door to introduce yourself. I didn't like it. 'Hang on, am I jealous?' I asked myself. I looked over at (y/n) who was busy chatting to Leo. 'I think I am' I thought to myself. 'Oh crud!'

Just then the Dojo door opened and Master Splinter ushered (y/n) inside. She looked over at me with a nervous look in her eyes, all I could do at that point was reassure her with a smile and thumbs up, she retaliated with a similar gesture and then the doors closed behind her. And that was when the questions started.

Mikey's POV

'There is defiantly something between those two' I thought. While Donnie busied himself in the lab once (y/n) had entered the dojo I questioned my two brothers. 'Is it me, or is there something going on between Donnie and that chick?' I asked. 'Ya noticed it to?' Raph askes. 'Well yeah, It doesn't take a Donnie to see it' Mikey replies sarcastically. 'You just have to see the way he looks at her dude'. 'I agree with Mikey' Leo speaks up. 'I think Donnie has a thing for our new friend.' With that said they all look towards the lab door, where Donnie is working unaware of the inquisition he was about to receive.

When the past catches up Donnie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now