The search for April

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No ones POV

'BISHOP!!'  Donnie calls.  'Thank Goodness! We really need your help!'  Bishop looks around 'So it would seem.  I apologise Turtles, I have been somewhat distracted by the newest creation of the Kraang.'  'Yeah, we've met the thing!' Raph growls before what Bishop just said had sunk in.  'Wait a minute, are you saying you KNEW about that thing!?'  We all look at Bishop.  'We knew something, although we were not completely sure what the Kraang were plotting.'  'Dammit Bishop!'  Raph shouted!  'I understand why you are angry Raphael, we did all we could but by the time we knew it was too late!'  Raph threw his hands in the air 'Oh, an that makes it all better!!'  'Yeah Bishop dude!!  My girlfriend is missing, she might be really hurt!  That thing took her!!'  Casey shouts.  Bishop looks at Casey.  'If that is indeed the case then she is in the Kraang's new base somewhere in the city.'

'But we saw it go through a portal?'  Leo said.  Bishop looked over to the leader.  'How else do you expect it to enter the building? A creature that size cannot simply walk through the front door.'  Leo opened his mouth to say something but closes it again when he realises Bishop is right.  'So what do we do now?  Bishop do you know where this base is?!'  (Y/n) asks.  Bishop looks over at (y/n)  'I am waiting for Danny to find that information'  (Y/n) had forgotten all about Danny.  'Oh right, I remember him, and when do you think he'll know?'  Suddenly Donnie looks up.  'Errrr.... heh heh, w, uh... who's Danny?'  He asks.  'Danny is the mole Bishop and I went to meet that day in the bar.'  (Y/n) answered bluntly.  'Ah'  He said.  'ENOUGH!!'  Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over to Casey who looked like he was going to explode.  'We need to find April!  Where the fuck IS she Bishop!?  You must have some idea!!'  

'I am afraid not Casey.'  Bishop said in his single toned voice.  'Wait a sec!'  Donnie piped up, 'the freight carrier at the Docks!'  We all look at him confused for a second.  'Donnie?'  Leo quired.  'Well, during my observation of that freight carrier with the Microcam I noted that it opens up at set times of the day and night.  Maybe we can use that to our advantage.'  Leo thought for second.  'But what if it takes us somewhere different to where April is?'  Donnie smiled.  'Well the last Spy roach I sent in there got squashed, i've just finished gearing a fresh load Roaches.  We can send one of those in first.'  Leo thought on this for a while, 'Well, it's the best plan we have for now.  D, get the gear you need ready, we head out in thirty.'  The group all look at the leader and nod before heading off to get ready.  

The team head to the docks,  once there Donnie set up his lap top and gets the spy roach ready.  Just as they were ready to send the Roach in Bishops Phone beeps.  'It is Danny.  I have told him to meet us here.'  'Uh, is that a good idea Bishop?  Will he be ok with this?'  Leo asked whilst gesturing to himself.  'Yes Leonardo, I am confident he will be fine with you and your brothers.'  Just as Donnie was ready to send in the spy roach, Danny arrived.  'Hey Bishop, I...... What the hell......?!'  Danny exclaimed when he saw the Turtles.  'A-are these more of your alien buddies?'  He asked looking at the four turtles.  'Hello Danny, no these are not my "Alien Buddies" as you call them, these are some of the ally's I have told you about.'  Bishop says.  Danny's eyes then fall on (y/n).  'Oh hey, (y/n) isn't it?'  He asks 'How have you been?'  He asks in a Joey from friends kind of tone raising his eyebrows.   (Y/n) recoils a bit, remembering how flirty he was the first time they met.   This does not go unnoticed by both Donnie and Raph.  'Hello Danny, Im fine thanks.'  Trying to not encourage too much conversation between them.  

Danny was about to say something else when Donnie called out that he was ready to send the spy roach in.  Whilst stood in the back round Danny took in the people he was surrounded by, and was suddenly hit with realisation.  'Your the turtles! The ones the Purple Dragon gang are always bitching about!!  Mikey looked up, 'Awwwwww..... that's cute, they talk about us, all good I hope!'  He said teasing the mole.  'Uh, no... they hate you!'  Danny says not quite catching onto Mikey's sarcasm.  This made (y/n) smirk.  'The feelin's mutual'  Raph said with his arms crossed.  Just then our attention was pulled towards the Freight carrier as the portal opened, and two Kraang droids in their Human disguises emerged.  As they disappeared round the corner Donnie sent the spy roach in.  

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