The stake out

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Artwork by Fulcrumisthebomb On Deviant art

No ones POV

Everyone got back and reported well, nothing.  No one saw anything.  No Kraang related activity at all!  Donnie looks around the lair for his girlfriend.  He feels an overwhelming sense of worry come over him.  'Hey Kirai, where's (y/n)?'  'Oh, she headed to bed, she looked really tired.'  'Oh, right.  Thanks.'  He's says making his way to his room.  He cracks open the door and peers in, and just as Kirai had said there she was, curled up asleep in his bed.  A smile spreads across his face as he stands there admiring his sleeping girlfriend.  He lets out a small happy sigh as he backs out and closes the door.  'I'll join her in a bit.'  He thinks to himself.  'I need to finish off something in my lab first.'  A few hours later and he was done.  'Dammit!  I didn't mean to take this long!'  He thinks as he climbs into bed next to (y/n) trying not to wake her, scooping her into his arms and soon falling into a deep sleep 

The next morning came and the group go about their daily routine beginning with Training.  Donnie managed to make it through on the few hours sleep he had.  Master Splinter insisted that he go and rest when training was over.  Kirai, Shini, April and Casey all arrived in the lair throughout the course of the day.  The boys were being boys, playing video games reading comics, or punching the practice dummy.  'I need to get out'  (Y/n) says to April, 'Fancy coming with me to check my apartment is ok?'  'Sure thing, I could do with some girl down time any way, Kirai, Shini, you wanna join?'  April askes.  They both look around at the guys, and nod.  'Awesome!'  (y/n) says.  'Hey Mikey, we're gonna go check my apartment is still standing.  Let Donnie know will you?  I don't wanna wake him, he needs to rest.'  'Sure thing dudette!'  Mikey calls over from his video game with Leo.  And so the four friends head out.  They make to (y/n)'s place and everything seems fine, just some mail to look at.  'So when are you planning on moving back in (y/n)?'  April asks.  She sighs.  'Soon I hope, but Donnie really isn't happy about the idea.  He'd much rather I stay in the lair.  But I can't hide down there forever.'

Your POV  

'He is very protective over you.'  April states matter of factly.  'Yeah, and it's really sweet, but I need to come back here at some point.  I'll talk to him about it later.'  I promise.  'Well everything seems to be ok here. Ok guys, shall we head back?'  I ask.  'Lets take a walk'  April says.  Shini, Kirai and I all nod.  'Ok O'Neil.'  And so we all head out, we were walking through the streets of Manhattan when Kirai stops us.  'Wait, look over there!'  She says pointing in the direction of the bar Pete's Cousin works in.  'A Kraangbot?  Heading into a bar?  There's a joke there somewhere.' I say.  'What would a kraangbot want in a bar?'  Shini says.  'Maybe it was a hard day at the hive?'  April jokes.  'C'mon girls, we need to check this out!'  Kirai says.  We each look at eachother and nod.  'Hang on a second!'  I call out.  'Kirai, Shini, your not quite dressed for a bar, you both in full on ninja warrior mode.'  They both look at each other and with a quick puff of smoke Shini has changed their out fits into something more casual.  'Better' I say as we head towards the bar.

Once in we look around to see the Kraangbot sat in a booth alone.  We decide to take the booth next to him.  The waitress walks over.  'Four beers please.'  I request.  She smiles, nods and heads to the bar.  'We could really do with one of Donnie's spy roaches right now.'  I say to April.  'Speaking of which, do you think we should contact the guys with this?'  April says.  'Yeah, we probably should, this is too weird.'   Our drinks are brought over, we thank the waitress and continue to act casual.  Kirai stands and walks outside to make the call to Leo.  We stay and watch the bot.  After thirty minutes of waiting finally someone comes and joins the Kraangbot in it's booth.  A purple dragon member!  'What the hell?'  I say.  We strain to hear what's being said.  But with no luck.  Although one thing is clear, this Kraang doesn't speak like the rest of the Kraang.  He speaks normally.  I notice the Bathroom is just across the room, i'd have to pass their table to get there and back to our table.  I go for it.  I walk past and glance into the booth.  Neither of the occupants at the booth seem to notice me,  as I walk across the bar.   Unbeknown to me however, someone had noticed me.

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