Proving a point

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Hi guys, sorry it's taken me so long to update, I had a technical problem with my laptop

Donnie's POV

I find the name of the Doctor who was looking after (y/n) in the hospital from her discharge papers.  I sit at my desk for a while looking at the telephone number.  I decide to leave calling the doctor today, I'm going to do some of my own research on PTS first and keep an eye on (y/n).  About an hour later my phone rings again.  I look at the screen to see Ms. M's name light up the screen.  I answer 'H-hello?  Ms. M, is everything ok?  Is (y/n) ok?'  'Relax Donatello, she's fine, but I did find out what's bothering her.  Or at least what's contributing to it.'  She said.  And so I sit back and listen to all she has to say.  

So apparently us all checking on her is making her feel suffocated.  And that she just needed some space.  I felt both guilty and upset that she felt like this.  Guilty because it was mine and my brothers  actions that have made her feel like this, and upset because  all we were doing was looking out for her.  I thanked Ms. M for letting me know.  I hung up and flopped back into my chair.  I looked at the clock on the screen of my computer.  (Y/n) should be back by now, so I head out into the main room of the lair, but the only one inhabiting the room was Mikey.  'Hey Mikey, has (y/n) come back yet?' I ask as I glance towards our bedroom.  'Nah dude, not yet.'  He replies not taking his eyes off the TV.  'Uh, I wonder where she could be.'  I wonder pulling out my phone and dialling her number.

Your POV

Me and Ms. M finished, and closed the shop up for the day.  'Thanks Ms. M, I really needed that today.  I'll be back in tomorrow if that's ok?'  My boss smiled at me.  'Of course it is my dear, only if your feeling up to it though.'  She said in a motherly tone.  I chuckle.  'Of course!'  I say.  We bid each other good night and I head off.  I sigh as I look around.  I'm not quite ready to head back to the lair yet, so I find myself aimlessly strolling along the streets.  My mind wandering.  

Finally, I find myself in a park.  I notice a bench next to a pond, I decide to take a seat.  I'm unsure for how long I was sat there, nor do I really remember where my mind was.  But I'm pulled from where ever is had gone by my phone ringing.  I reach into my bag and grab my phone, seeing Donnie's name on the screen.  Suddenly I'm aware that it's almost dark.  Shit!! I think as I answer the call.  'Hey.'  '(Y/n)!!  Are you ok?  I thought you'd be home by now!!?'  Came Donnie's worried voice over phone.  'Sigh, I'm sorry Donnie, I didn't realise the time.  I'm heading home now!'  'Ok'  He replies.  'Uh, (y/n).  Are you ok?'  I feel my breath hitch a little at this question.  I don't want to admit to him I'm feeling a little over whelmed by the guys constantly checking on me.  I know they mean well, but I just wanna get on and move forward.  This being kidnapped and getting hurt thing is an occupational hazard now, and I accept it, I  just as they would.  You don't see Leo clucking over Raph every time he gets hurt.  'Yeah, I'm fine.  I'll grab some dinner for us all and head on back.  See you soon!'  I say as I end the call.  I get up and head back towards the main street.

No Ones POV

'What'd she say D?'  Mikey asked.  'She's gonna grab dinner and head on back here.'  Donnie tells his little brother looking down at his phone 'Awesome!  Do you think it'll be pizza!?'  He asks.  'Hu, I eh, I don't know?'  Donnie replied.  'I'm gonna text her and ask!'  Mikey said excitedly pulling his phone from his belt and frantically texting.  Once the text was sent he didn't take his eyes off the screen until she had replied.  'He fist pumped the air.  'Oh yeah boi!'  He sings.  'Pizza on the way!!'  Which grabs the attention of the other two turtles.  'Pizza?'  Raph asks.  'Yeah dude! (Y/n)'s heading down with it.'  'Cool! I'm starvin.'  He stated.  Fifteen minutes later (y/n) appeared with two pizza's 'Thanks Dudette!'  Mikey says as he runs towards (y/n) to 'help' her.  

When the past catches up Donnie x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon