A promise to last forever

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The brothers had been on patrol for an hour and so far everything seemed quiet in the city.  Leo was almost tempted to call it a night.   The silence surprised Leo.  After Donnie took out Xever the other night, he was sure they were going to run into someone looking to take revenge on them.  'Keep your wits about you team, things seem a little too quiet.'  Leo reminded his brothers as they jumped from roof top to roof top, checking the alleys below as they went.  'C'mon fearless, there ain't nothin going on tonight, the streets are quiet!'  Leo sighed.  For once he was inclined to agree with his hot headed brother.  'Ok guys, it pains me to say it, but I think Raph is right, nothings happening.  I think it's safe to say we can call it a night.'  They made their way back towards the lair,  and Mikey was planning his pizza order for Antonio's.  'Wait guys.  What the shell was that!'  Mikey said, stopping suddenly and pointing towards the shadows.  'What was what!?'  Leo asked, his gaze following the direction of Mikey's finger.  'I, uh, I thought I saw something.'  Mikey said squinting his eyes and looking closer, trying to look past the shadows.  'Hu, must've been my eyes.'  He said with a shrug.  But Leo wasn't so sure.  He held his gaze towards the shadows for a moment more.  And in that moment, the saw what Mikey had seen, and without a second thought grabbed a Shuriken and threw it in the direction of the movement.  'Yikes!'  A voice came from the shadow as the figure narrowly avoided the shuriken.  As quick as a flash Leo dove into the shadows and reappeared dragging a small figure out from the shadows behind him.  Once out in the light the four brothers could all see who they were dealing with.  Leo let go of the figure who landed on the floor with a thud at their feet.  'Ow!  Hey!  Watch it!!'  The figure growled.  'A racoon?'  Mikey said.  At that point Donnie's eyes widened, and he immediately reconised this guy, and it rattled him.  'I know this guy!'  He declared.  'He was with Xever the other night!'  Each of the brothers reached for their weapons.  Randal wouldn't deny he was worried for his tail.  'Hey, hey, hey...  Guys, c'mon now, can't we talk about this!?'  The racoon said not able to take his eyes off Leo's swords which threatened to slice him into little bits.  'Why were you following us!?'  Leo demanded, pointing one of his swords at Randal, who could only hold his hands up in front of him for defence.  'I, I wasn't we jus happened to be on the same roof at the same time, heh, what are the odds!?  The racoon replied with a nervous grin.  'Eight point eight million to one.'  Donnie growled gripping his bo staff.  

Leo taking in what Donnie had just said glared down at the Racoon.  'My brother makes a good point.  So I'll ask you again.  Why are you following us!?'  Randal gulped.  'Ok, ok chill out turtle man.  Take ya sword outta my face and i'll tell ya!'  Leo did as requested and withdrew his blade.  'Thing is, you guys are all the boss eva use ta talk about, turtles this, catch them that, I need them for my plan to work!  I just wanted to know what all the fuss was about.  You guys don't seem all that special!'  Raph growled.  'What plan!?'  He questioned.  It was in that moment Donnie was transported back to the night Xever almost killed (y/n), he remembered Xever talking about a plan.  Donnie looked down at the racoon.  Taking a step towards Randal.  'Xever needed (y/n) for this plan of his didn't he?  That's why he was after her all that time.'  The other three turtles looked at each other and back to the cowering Racoon.  'We can't trust this guy, or anything he says!'  Donnie said to his brothers.  'So watta we do with him?'  Raph questioned.  Mikey grinned.  'Leather Head might need a snack.'  He suggested.  'Heh, not a bad idea lil bro.'  Raph agreed.  'What!?  W-who's Leather Head!?'  Randal asked with obvious panic.  'Just an ol pal of ours.'  Mikey chimed in with a wink.  'A big ol pal.'  He added gesturing with his hands just how big Leather Head is.  Randal cringed.  'Hey, you guys don't have to worry about me, you killed my boss, remember purple?'  Randal said looking at Donnie.  Donnie glared angrily at the Racoon.  'I do, I also remember how you hurt (y/n)!!'  He said picking Randal up by the scruff of his shirt.  Randal's ears fell flat to his head as he saw Donnie's free arm draw back and his hand form a fist.  'Uh-oh.'  Randal whimpered as Donnie landed a punch on the end of his snout.  'Come near her or us again, and we won't be so forgiving!'  Donnie warned before dropping the racoon and turning to walk away.  The other three paused for a moment taking one more look at the cowering Racoon in a heap on the ground before following Donnie.  'Hey, Don.  Are you sure we should be letting him go?'  Mikey asked.  'No'.  Donnie sighed, 'But what else can we do?'  'Beat him into oblivion?'  Raph suggested punching one fist into the opposite hand.  The four chuckled as they continued their way back to the lair.  Leaving Randal to scurry away feeling sorry for himself.  A sence of hate for the four brothers manifesting in his heart. 

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