The Kraang, Mighty Mutanimals, and Broken Hearts

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The group reached (y/n) apartment.  She went in the front door while the turtles climbed the fire escape.  (Y/n) got in and opened the window for the guys to climb in,  It's still not quite dark out, and you don't want anyone to spot them.  They all quickly tumble in through the window, stand and look around.  'Nice place (y/n)'  Raph says.  'Thanks Raph, its nothing fancy, but it does.'  You say heading for the fridge.  You need a cold drink.  'Can I get anyone anything?'  Then there's a knock at the door, the turtles disappear.  'Wow' I gotta learn how to do that'  (Y/n) thought to herslelf as she headed toward the door, and opened it to find Casey and April on the other side.  'Hey guys, c'mon in, can I get you a drink?'  And then as if by magic the pizza's she had ordered also arrived.  The guys came out of their hiding places and greeted their other two friends.  'Awww yeah boi!  Pizza!'  Mikey say '(y/n) you are amazing!'  'Yeah, thanks (y/n) this is kind of you'  Leo says as they all sit.  Once everyone is settled at the table with drinks and pizza they all begin to fill you in about the Kraang.

Your POV

'Wow, so not only a huge street gang to worry about, but aliens as well?!  Hostile ones at that'  I asked feeling worried.  'Ha!  Wait till you meet the foot clan as well!'  Mikey says mindlessly  'The who now?'  You ask, ' No dudette, not the who the foot!'  Mikey receives a slap across the back of the head from Raph 'OW!!' 'Way ta freak her out Mikey!'  Raph shouts!  Mikey looks over at (y/n) rubbing the back of his head. 'Ah, sorry dudette.'  'It's ok Mikey'.  I say looking down.  

'So are the kraang gonna try again at you know, the whole take over the world thing'  April asks?  'Who knows.' Leo said 'the only reason we know anything is because (y/n) saw a kraang bot take out six PD's.'  'Are you sure it was a kraang bot?'  Casey askes.  'From (y/n) description im 90% positive'  Leo says.  The brothers all nod in agreement.  ' So er, what do we do?'  I ask.  'Well.'  Leo says.  'More patrols, we'll contact the mighty mutanimals as well'  'Ok' You think, 'now he's just making things up'  

Donnie's POV

I glance over to see (y/n) looking down with a  frown, she's obviously having a hard time taking it all in.  I understand that.  I can almost see the cogs turning in her head.  'Ok team, lets head out.  (y/n)  You coming?'  Leo asks.  'Yeah, definitely' She replies.  'Im glad she agreed to come, I think it will be good for her.'   

Your POV

'I don't wanna be alone right now' I think.  So I agree to go.   As we all headed to my room to climb out onto the fire escape Leo noticed something leaning against the wall.  He reached over and picked it up.  'You any good with this?'  he askes.  I look over to see one of my Katana's in his hand.  'Well, I can swing it, and hit things with it.  I only really have it is because my house got broken into once, but im not really trained with it though.'  He passes it to me.  'Bring it with you'  'Okay'  I agree, and grab the sheath.  You put the sheath and katana on your back.  And follow everyone out.  We all make it to the roof and listen to Leo as he split us into teams.  'Mikey and Raph' you head to the docks, Casey and April you take down town, Donnie (y/n) and I will head up town, we'll meet back at the lair at midnight.  As usual we'll keep in contact via the T Phones'  We all nod and go our separate ways.  

Donnie's POV

'Did Leo choose us to go with him on purpose?  I hope he's not trying to match make as well.'  I think to myself.  I glance over at (y/n) to see she has a katana  on her back.  'Where did that come from?'  I ask her.  'Oh, this is mine'  And she explained why she had it.  'This girl is full of surprises'  I think to myself.  We get to our destination and Leo chooses a rooftop for us to use as a steak out post.  We all settle down and  begin our vigil over the city.  Im sitting on the edge of the roof, one knee bent up with my arm resting on it, I glance over at (y/n) every so often, she's standing by the other said of the building.  Keeping  an eye in the alley below.   Leo must have noticed me looking at her, because he came over and stood next to me, and following my gaze   he quietly asked 'Are you gonna tell her?'  I look at him, 'tell her what?'  I ask.   Still not looking at me  'How you feel about her'  He replies.  I tighten my hands into fists an sigh.  'What would be the point?  She'd probably freak out, and we'd never see her again, I don't want that.  So no.  Im not.  She doesn't need to know.  She doesn't want to know, she's already told me she's done with relationships.  After whatever happened between that guy, she's too scared.  She told me that herself.'

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