Plans in the right direction

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Donnie's POV

I wake up with a  start.  I snap my head up and my eyes fall straight onto (y/n)'s still sleeping figure in her bed.  I look at my phone 4.30 am.  Wow, thats early even for me I think.  I rub my eyes and lean back on the sofa.  'Ugh!'  I groan as the memories from last night come back to me.  'I need to find him and have a serious talk with him!  This cannot go on!'  I must have fallen back to sleep because the next thing I know my eyes are blinking open again, only this time when I focus on (y/n) she's sat up in bed, hugging her knees to her chest again.  I rub the sleep from my eyes get up and walk over to her.  I stand at the door for a second.  'Hey'  I say quietly.  She look's up, her eyes are red but it doesn't look like she's been crying anymore.  'Hey'  She replies with a raspy voice.  I walk over and perch on the edge of the bed next to her.  'You ok?'  She sighs and nods.  'I'm sorry'  She whispers.  'About last night I mean.'  She looks up at me with sad eyes.  'Oh, babe.  You don't need to apologise, you have nothing to be sorry about.'  I say pulling her into a hug.  She returns the embrace and we sit like that for a while, just holding each other.

Eventually we separate, and I decide she needs some TLC.  And so I get up and go run a  bath for her.  This is I female ritual i'm very unfamiliar with.  I look at all the different bottles she has in her bathroom.  Body wash, body scrub, Bubble bath, bath salts,  what the shell is a bath bomb?!  I decided Bubble bath sounds right,and safe! And so I pour some under the warm running water.  Again unsure of  the correct quantity to add.  And while the bath is running I go make her a coffee.  She get's up and shuffles out of her room to the sofa and sits.  I sit beside her and hand her the coffee.  She takes a sip and smiles a little.  'Thanks Donnie' She says taking  another sip.  I smile at her.  

Once the bath is run she get's in.  I leave her for a while, before checking in on her, I stand at the bathroom door and see she's sat in the tub hugging her knees close to her chest again.  I sit on the side of the bath, '(Y/n)?'  She looks round at me 'Hmm?'  'You sure your ok?'  She looks down at her knees.  'Yeah,  Im fine'  'I raise a non existant eyebrow. I'm not convinced.   I grab a sponge and dip it in the water before gently washing her back in an attempt to comfort her.  'Hmmmmm... that feels good.'  she says.  I smile down at her.  Once she was done She stepped out the tub and I wrap her in a towel.  I take the advantage and pull her into another hug before she goes to her room to dress.  She comes out of her room in a black vest top, slouchies and a grey dressing gown.  Even when she dresses down she's still gorgeous!  I hand her a fresh cup of coffee, she takes it.  I place a finger under her chin causing her to look up at me.  'I need to head back to the lair for a bit.  Will you be ok here on your own?'  I ask her.   She smiles at me, 'Yeah, i'll be ok.'  She promises.  'I have no plans of leaving here today.'  I bend down and kiss her. 'I'll speak to you later, ok?'  She looks at me, 'Ok.'  And with that I turn and head out.  I hate leaving her like that,  but I need to find Pete.

Mikey's POV

'Dudes!'  I  call to my  brothers.  'Does anyone know where Donnie is?  He's not in his room or the lab!'  'I haven't seen him all morning, maybe he went to check on (y/n)  Leo says from the couch.  'Raph, have you seen him?'  Raph stops punching the practice dummy and looks over to me.  'No man, I haven't.  But he's a big boy, he can take care of himself.'  He shrugs and carries on throwing punches.  'If your that worried, why don't you call him?'  Leo asked.  'Good idea bro!'  I say pulling my phone out.  I dial his number and it begins to ring.  Just as I hear a phone ringing from the tunnels.  I look up to see Donnie walking in looking at his phone canceling the call.  'You rang?' he said.  'DUDE!! Where the shell were you?!!'  'I was at (y/n)'s'  'Called it!'  Leo shouted from the couch.  'Is she ok?'  I ask.  Donnie looks down.  'Yeah, she's ok.  Just a bit upset.  She feels like her past is haunting her.  Like all the while Pete is around, she can never truly move forward.'  Both my brothers stop what they are doing and look at Donnie.  'That's why i've decided I need to have a talk with Pete.'  We all look at each other.  'Dude, do think that's a good idea?'  I ask.  

When the past catches up Donnie x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat