Further Investigations

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No ones POV

The next day Leo was meditating with Master Splinter.  But the rat master could tell his oldest son was having problems concentrating.  Without opening his eyes he asks 'What troubles you my son?' Leo opened his eyes and looked over to his Sensei.  'Master Splinter, I want to help (y/n).  I think we need to begin training on her senses.  There's someone out there following her, watching her for that freak scientist Vince.  He even had a note delivered to her yesterday.'  Leo explained.  This did catch the attention of the Master.  He opened his eyes and looked at Leo.  'My son, why did you not come to me with this sooner?'  Leo felt a twinge of shame.  'I'm sorry father.  I had to do some thinking on it myself.'  Leo explained.  'If (y/n) senses where heightened, she may feel better about walking the streets again.  As it stands I think it fair to say the whole situation has knocked her confidence.'  Master Splinter sat thinking.  You are right my son, but you of all know it is not a skill that is perfected over night,  This will be no quick fix.'  'Hai, I know that.  But I have confidence she can do it.'  Master Splinter closed his eyes.  'Very well my son.  You may begin (y/n) in the training.'  'Thank you Sensei.'  Leo said feeling much better he and Master Splinter continued in their meditation together.  

(Y/n) was sat on the sofa reading.  She had been there for about two hours.   The book she was reading was called The Lovely Bones.  A book about a young girl who was the victim of a child predator.  But soon (y/n) found herself needing to do something.  She half places half throws her book down in frustration.  'Wus up dudette?'  Mikey asks seeing this.  'Ugh, I need to do something Mikey!'  Mikey thinks for a second.  'Well, why don't we make something in the kitchen together?'  He suggests.  (Y/n) looks up at Mikey.  She hasn't cooked anything for ages.  'Yeah.'  She said smiling.  'That could be fun!'  She says getting up and heading to the kitchen with Mikey close behind her.  She opens the cupboards to see what they have.  'Hmmmmmm....... ingredients are a little sparse Mikey.'  She says.  'Oh?'  He says looking in the cupboard.  'Maybe you could run to the store?'  (Y/n) turned and looked at Mikey horrified that he even suggested that.  'Are you crazy!?  After yesterday!?'  She said.  Mikey looked at her with a serious look in his eye.  'Dudette, are ya really gonna let that weirdo rule your life!?  I mean yeah, I know what he's doing is freaky, but I'll be with ya!'  (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.  'And howa you gonna come to the store with me?'  'I'll watch ya from the grate outside.'  He said.  (Y/n) thought on this for a second.  In one sence Mikey is right.  She shouldn't let that creep rule her life.  On the other she is still felling freaked out.  But if you fall off the horse you gotta get straight back on an all.  She thought.  'Ok Mikey, sounds like a plan!'  She said smiling.  'Alright dudette!!'  He says as they high five of high eight as Mikey only has three fingers.  You the reader decide.  And so they head on out, telling Donnie a little white lie saying they were just going for a walk around the tunnels.  Which theoretically wasn't a complete lie (Y/n) reasoned with herself.  

While they walked along  the tunnels towards the store they talked about what they were gonna make.  They decided to make everyone dinner.  'But what?'  You ask Mikey.  'Hmmmmmmm....... Howa bout a gigantic pizza!?'  He says.  (Y/n) once again raised an eyebrow at him.  'And where will we cook it?  In the gigantic pizza oven you have in the lair?'  She teases.  Mikey places his hand behind his head.  'Yeah, your right. Heh'  'No pizza.  You guys eat pizza every night.  Expand your pallet a little.'  He thought for a while.  'Hey, you had a curry round April's the other night, i've never tried curry before.'  And so it's settled, They would make a curry.  To (y/n) this was an excellent choice.  It's a huge meal the whole Family can share.  And (y/n) just so happens to know an awesome lamb curry recipe.  

So (y/n) climbed up to street level, being carful not to be spotted.  Once out of the man hole she straightened her clothes and walked towards the main street.  Before heading into the store she glanced down to see two baby blue eyes watching her from the grate.  She smiled and headed into the store.  She grabbed a basket and began wandering the isles looking for the ingredients she needed.  While looking her mind wandered to earlier that day when she had called the Detective to tell him about the note she received yesterday;

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