The day after last night

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No ones POV

Donnie was the first to stir and wake up the next morning.  He opened his eyes, and looked down to see (y/n) snuggled up in his arms.  He smiled as he recalled the events of the previous night.  He looked at her running a finger along her cheek removing a strand of hair.  She looked so peaceful.  It felt so good to wake up like this with her.  Donnie was the happiest he'd felt in a long while.  He watched until her eyes began to flicker and open.  She looked up to see Donnie awake and looking at her.  He smiled.  'Morning'  He says.  'Hmmmmph,' she stretched. 'Morning, what are you looking at?'  'Just and angle' Donnie replied.  He knew it sounded cheesy but he didn't care.  (Y/n) let out another little yawn and wrapped her arms around Donnie hugging him.  He didn't hesitate in hugging her back, relishing  the loving embrace.  

Just then the door flew open 'DUDE! I just went to get (y/n) for breakfast and she's not...... Ohh'  It was Mikey, and he soon regretted his decision to barge into Donnie's room, well, he regretted it for a second any way.  As the two shot up in bed, Donnie holding the blanket up to cover (y/n).  'Agghh!  Mikey!!'  Donnie yelled!   'Oooooooooo, you two finally hooked up!  Awesome Dude!  I mean it's about time an all!'  Donnie and (y/n) looked at each other, (y/n) laughed.  Donnie was still annoyed at his younger brothers intrusion.  'Mikey, GET OUT!!'  Donnie yelled.  Mikey held up his hands 'ok, ok dude, shesssh, i'll leave you two love birds to it!'  He then laughed and ran out closing the door behind him.  Then from the other side of the door the pair hear Mikey call out 'Leo, Raph, dudes!  Guess what!!'  Donnie face palms and looks over at (y/n)  'I am so sorry'  He says (y/n) looks at him and laughs again.  'It's fine, stop apologising.  Its kinda funny.  C'mon be honest if it were any of your brothers in our situation, are you telling me you wouldn't be acting the same?'  Donnie smiles at her, and thinks for a second.  'Yeah, your right'  He says.  'yeah I am.  So don't worry!' (y/n) says.

Donnie's POV

'Wow she's so great!  Im pretty sure most other girls would be quite uptight and pissed at what just happened, but she just brushed it off.  Agggggh!  I love her so damn much'  I thought which then led my thoughts to a more serious topic.  'What does this make us now?' I wonder to myself.  I look at her and suddenly the new found confidence I had last night has just disappeared.  I want to ask her.  To tell her how I feel about her.  I look down at her, she's laid her head back down onto my shoulder.  'C'mon Donnie, your a ninja!  You fight aliens and other mutants every week, and you can't ask the girl you like if she'll be your girlfriend!'  I scold myself.  'Geeeeez im pathetic!'  I think.  Just as I open my mouth to brave the question she sits up and speaks first. 'Well, I spose we had better get up and face the music'  she says.  I sigh in defeat 'Yeah, I guess we should'  She sits up and grabs her pants and shorts from where I threw them last night,  and then she realises 'Oh shit!' she says and turns to face me.  'What?' I ask slightly worried.  'My top, we left it in the lounge area' I think back, and my eyes widen, 'Oh yeah, whoops'  I giggle.  'How the hell am I gonna get to my room to change?' 'Hang on'  I turn and rummage in my chest of draws.  'Here' I say handing her a towel, that should get you to your room decent.  'Thanks' she says taking the towel and wrapping it around herself.  She then opens the door and peers out, 'Ok, the coast is clear, see you in a bit'  She whispers before giving me a quick kiss and dashing out towards her room.  

I sigh and grin to myself.  I get my wraps and pads on and take a deep breathe before leaving my room and heading towards the kitchen, mentally preparing myself for the grilling i'm going to get from my brothers.  As soon as I enter the kitchen and they see me the lair is filled with the sounds of cheers and wooping.  I stand there, with an unamused expression on my face waiting for them to get it out of their system.  Once the cheering had died down I carried on towards the table and sat down.  'You all done now?'  I ask as they all chuckle.  'Sorry man, we're jus happy for you is all'  Raph says.  I smile at that, 'Thanks Raph'  I say.  'So, what now?' Leo asked, 'Are you two official?'  I look at him and sigh.  'I don't know what's gonna happen now.  I couldn't bring myself to ask her this morning'  My brothers look at me 'Dude!  you two are great together, you kinda bounce off each other.'  Mikey says.  I look at him with a questioning expression 'I think he mean's you compliment each other'  Leo added.  'Oh, right, er thanks Mikey'  'D, ya need to ask her.'  Raph said.  I sigh and look down at the coffee Mikey had made for me.  ' I know guys'  I say 'Donnie'  I hear a voice say, it sounded like Mikey but it was waaaay to serious.  I look his way to see him looking back at me, with a very unmikey look on his face.  He almost looked sensible.  'Dude, this is serious, this is love we're talking about, you can't keep your feelings from her.  Don't leave her hanging man.'  I look at Mikey astonished at how serious he is about this.  'But what if she doesn't feel the same Mikey' I ask.  'DUDE! ARE YOU BLIND!?' He whisper yells at me, 'She feels the same way! It's so obvious!'  I look at my two other brothers who both look back at me and nod together in agreement.  'I hate to say this man, but Mikey's right!'  Raph says.  'Oh?' I say  thinking for a moment.  'Ok' I announce 'when I walk her back to her place i'll ask her then.  I don't need an audience'  My three brothers all cry 'BOOYAY!' As they high three over the table.  I chuckle and shake my head at them while taking a swig of my coffee.  

When the past catches up Donnie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now