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Donnie's POV

'Im really worried about these dreams that (y/n) is having and im considering speaking to Master Splinter about them.'  Ugh I can't concentrate on my work!  I decided I need a break and head to the kitchen.  'what up D?'  Mikey almost sings to me.  'Hey Mikey'  I reply.  'What did you think of the movie last night?'  'Huh?  Oh it was ok.  Funny.  You know Adam Sandler is one of my favorite actor's'  Mikey thought for a minute.  'Oh yeah, I remember watching Billy Madison with you, you laughed your shell off dude!'  'Im not gonna get any peace here' I think.  So I grab my drink and head to my room.  'Hey!  Do I smell or something!?'  Mikey calls after me.  'Yup!'  I yell over my shoulder as I head to my room for some quiet.  I sit on my bed, grabbing the pillow  (y/n) slept on last night, I inhaled deeply, I can still  smell her scent on it.  I miss her.  But I'll see her later.  I can't wait.  I'm not sure how long I laid there thinking of her, but eventually I drifted off to sleep.

Your POV

I woke up around 3.30pm.  As my eyes flickered open and my consciousness came round I sit up.  'Aggh, Ah hell, I didn't mean to sleep this long!'  I scold myself.  I had planned on heading to the store again to see Ms. M.  But by the time I get up and sort my sorry arse out it'll be too late, but I decide to try any way.  I have a quick wash and slap some eye liner on.  I change into a fresh pair of jeans, my doc martins and a baggy black hoodie.  I chose this hoodie because it hides my katana well.  After the feeling I had of being watched yesterday, and what Casey said im not taking any chances.  I slide it into its sheath and conceal it as well as I can under my hoodie.  Once Im satisfied the sword is hidden in a subtle manner I head out towards the store.  

Again I reach the store and it's closed.  So again I turn on my heel and walk away from the store.  'I hope everything is ok'  I think.  I decided to head to the coffee house.  I took my usual seat by the window.  I ordered my drink and whilst I was sat  there, I dropped Ms. M  a text to let her know I had been by.   I drank my extra strong coffee and left the coffee shop, I was just debating with myself on which manhole would  be best to use on my way to the lair, when an all too familiar voice calls my name.

'(Y/n)!'  the familiar voice calls after me.  I sigh, and turn around.  'Hello Pete'  I say coldly with my arms crossed.  'Hey...... Errr... Look, can we talk?  Please?'  I look at him and think for a second.  'Well, I guess this is fate making the decision for me'  I think, I sigh again and look up at him 'ok' I say reluctantly.  I don't wanna go back to my place to talk, but I also don't want it to be so public like the street.  Then I remember there's a play park tucked away, not too far from here.  I begin to walk, Pete looks at me confused.  But follows.    

Casey's POV

'Hell im bored'  I think as I wander down the street, kicking a can as I go.  I look across the road to see (y/n) walk out of the coffee shop, 'heh, she really loves that coffee house'  I think.  I'm about to cross the street to go talk to her when I see that guy from the other night approach her.  Her ex, what's his name, Pete!  She dosen't look happy to see him.  I see them exchange words and then (y/n) walks off with him following.  'what's going on there?'  I wonder I decide to follow.               

Your POV

We reach the park, and I  jump onto the roundabout, leaning on the rails.  'So what is it you wanna talk about?' I ask Pete emotionless.  'I didn't think we had anything left to say to each other.'  I cross my arms.  He looks at me and sighs.  '(Y/n)  Im sorry.  it all just happened.....' 'Yeah right!' I cut him off. 'And the four years I sat at home waiting for you, you didn't think to tell me that you were never planning on returning to the UK?!  Did you get a kick out of knowing I was waiting for you!?'  Pete looked at me, he opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again and just looked at me.. His eyes looked sad.  'No!  Im not getting sucked in by those eyes again!!' 'Well!?'  I demand.  He still says nothing.  'You cheat on me with multiple girls, all the while accusing me of doing the very same thing!  Then promising me the world as soon as you return to the UK.  Which you never ever intended to do!  I was so faithful to you Pete!  To a fault! I loved you so damn much!  But you never loved me!!'  (Y/n) please try to understand.'  'Oh I do! Only too well!'  

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