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Donnie really didn't want to leave (y/n)'s apartment but Leo was adamant that he needed both of them to meet him and Mikey at the Docks.  They might have a lead on Karai and there was no room for argument.  Turns out Leo had had a call from Leather Head and Spike, something was happening.  They weren't sure what but as soon as they saw The Shredders symbol on the uniforms of the men congregating they thought the Turtles would be interested and called Leo.  Of course Leo jumped on it.  Slash and Leatherhead were already there, Mikey and Leo were on their way, but Leo wanted all of his brothers there.  Leo and Mikey arrived and from the top of a freight create they watched Homura's men.  They were all stood there, seemingly waiting for something.  'What cha think they're doing bro?'  Mikey whispered to Leo.  'I've no idea.'  Leo replied not taking his eyes off the mass of men all standing perfectly still, all facing the same direction, all in perfect sync, the discipline was evident.  Raph and Donnie arrived not too long after their brothers.  Donnie tracked their positions by their T Phones.  The two were also perplexed by the men all standing, waiting.  Keeping low, and moving in the shadows of the freight creates, the pair slowly moved towards their brothers location.  Eventually they joined their brothers on the top of one of the creates.  'So what's goin on fearless?'  Raph whispered.  Leo simply shrugged.  'They're just....  standing there.'  He replied, still not taking his eyes off the troop of men.  All four brothers looked on all waiting to see what they were waiting for.  They didn't have to wait too long.  Finally a black van pulled up and reversed backwards toward the waiting men.  No sooner had the van stopped the back door of the vehicle flung open and six of Homura's men had stepped forward, reached into the van and pulled out three creates,  and packed them into their own vehicle.  While that was happening Leo observed another of Homura's men step forward and hand a briefcase to a man from whom they were receiving the delivery from.  Payment he assumed.   'What does it say on those boxes?'  Mikey asked squinting his eyes trying to read the print on the wood.  'Don't worry Mikey!'  Donnie hummed.  'I took pictures, we can upload them onto my computer and zoom in.'  He said waving his T Phone.  Leo nodded.  'Good job Donnie!'  Glancing down to see that Homura's men had disbursed.  'My friends.'  They heard a voice say.  LEATHER HEAD!'  Mikey sang as he rushed to greet his big green buddy!  'Hey fellas!  Are we not gonna pound their heads into the ground tonight?'  Slash asked.  Leo rolled his eyes.  'More and more like Raph every time.'  He thought.  'Not tonight I'm afraid Slash.  There are more things we need to look into before we make our move.'  Slash grunted a disappointed 'ok'.  We'll call you as soon as we have a plan.  But in the mean time if you see Homura's men around town, keep an eye on them.  Any intel will be helpful!'  'No problem Leo!'  Slash begrudgingly agreed as the four began their way back to the lair.       

(Y/n) had finally managed to fall asleep, despite her apprehensions.  She had considered returning to the lair, but she couldn't face Raph.  She would never admit it, but she was too proud.  Something she and the hot head had in common.  On the way back to the lair the brothers past by (y/n)'s apartment.  Raph and Donnie  both made a point of stopping to glance over.  They could see no evidence of Xever or any trouble.  'What should we do Don?'  Raph asked.  'Hmmmmmm....... I'm not sure Raph.  Should we really leave her alone in there all night?'  Raph looked back towards her apartment  and sighed.  He looked at his brother.  'You head back with the others, I'll stay here and keep an eye on her.'  Donnie was taken back by Raph's offer.  'R-Raph......?'  Donnie began only to be silenced by Raph raising his hand.  'Your needed back in the  the lair to figure out what was in those creates.  One of us should be here, in case Xever does turn up.  I'll see you in the mornin, once I've made sure she gets ta work safe.'  Donnie looked at his brother and tilted his head, as if he were trying to understand something he was seeing for the first time.  'A-are you sure Raphie?'  The red banded turtle cringed at the nick name.  'Yeah, I'm sure Brainiac!  Fact is, IF something were to happen, none of us would forgive ourselves!'                        

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