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Leo's POV

I couldn't get hold of Karai so I left a message hoping she would call back soon, I'm not sure if they are still in the city, or have returned to Japan.  I decided it was time to head to bed for the night.  Bishop and Danny had left .  Casey had joined April in the spare room, Mikey had already crashed on the sofa and Raph had apparently taken himself to bed a while ago.  And so I decide to follow suit.  It had been a long day and i'm tired.  I get to my room barley with enough energy to remove my pads and mask.  I lay down, It takes less than a minute for sleep to take me.  

Donnie's POV

Ugh, I can't sleep, what Danny had said was bothering me.  Is that really what people think when they learn of me and (y/n) 'A guy like me?'  Those words keep rolling around in my mind.  I look down at (y/n) wrapped up in my arms, sound asleep.  Danny's right about one thing though, I am a lucky guy.  I plant a kiss on her head.  I never wanna let her go.  Ever!  And right there and then I make a decision.

No ones POV

Leo as always was the first to wake up.  He heads to the Dojo for his morning meditation.  Mikey was the next one to wake up and began his morning duty of getting breakfast ready.  Next to emerge was Raph, in an even fouler mood then usual.  Donnie was the next to join them at the breakfast table.  'Morning dudes!'  Mikey greeted his two brothers.  'Morning Mikey'  Donnie beamed, 'Hmmmph'  was all Raph offered as a response.  'Where's (y/n) her breakfast is almost ready.'  Mikey asked.  'She's just coming, took her a bit longer to get up and dressed with her arm, it's still sore.'  Mikey looked sad.  'She's ok though, right?'  Donnie smiled at his youngest brother.  'Yeah, she'll be fine Mikey.'  Just then (y/n) appeared.  'Morning Dudette!  Breakfast is ready!'  (y/n) sat down 'awesome Mikey!  Your the best!'  Mikey lays a plate of food on front of (y/n)  'I know dudette!'  He says winking.  'I'll have to make you Breakfast sometime!  I make a mean Breakfast Burrito!'  (Y/n) says.  Mikey pauses.  'Breakfast Burritos?'  (Y/n) smiles and nods 'Yup!'  'Ohmigod OHMIGOD!!  You  can get breakfast in a BURRITO!!?'  It looks like Mikey's head is about to explode!  'I'll head out and get the ingredients later.  I'll make em tomorrow for you all.'  'Oh yeah dudette!  Excellent!'  

Raph feels himself wince in annoyance.  'Dammit!  I love burritos!'  he thinks to himself.  'Damn it, stop bein so perfect!'  He curses to himself, instantly feeling bad for feeling annoyed.  He sat there in silence poking his food with his fork.  'Hey, where's Casey and April?'  Leo says.  'Probably still in bed canoodling.'  Mikey joked.  Which received a disapproving groan from the his brothers.  'Heh heh!'  Mikey chuckled to himself.  After breakfast the guys went in for training,  (y/n) was told that until her arm had headed she should sit it out.  So she decided to risk going top side to the store and to see how the neighbourhood had recovered from the Drangakon attack a few days back.  

(Y/n) plugged in her earphones and began to play some music as she headed on up to to street level.  Whilst walking through the tunnels she puts her playlist on shuffle.  Courtesy call by thousand foot crutch was the first song to play.       

(Y/n) made it to the streets and she headed straight to the store.  Everything seemed to almost be back to normal, apart from a few piles of rubble that has yet to be cleared away.  She got to the store and bought the things she thought they all needed along with the breakfast burrito ingredients she had promised the guys.  Once she had finished the shopping she decided to head to the coffee house.  The guys would be training for at least another hour and she hadn't been there for a while.  And so she found a seat and set her bags down and ordered a drink.  

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