Who do you think you are!?

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Your POV

I agreed to stay with Donnie in the lair that night, I wanted to be close to him.  It was obvious to me that he was still bothered by mine and Pete's meet, but he understood why it needed to happen.  I just hoped that was it the last time i'd see him.  We were laid in bed together,  both laid on our side, my back to him, with his arm draped over me.  I sighed and turn to face my boyfriend.  Now both on our sides face to face.  'You sure your ok?'  I ask him.  'Yeah, Im ok, I just can't stand the thought of him being near you!  I can't help but wonder what his intentions are'  I look at him surprised.  'I don't think he has any intentions, he just wanted to know what I was doing here initially.  I also think he saw an unexpected opportunity to try and make himself feel better for what he did.  He is a selfish man, just out for him and what he wants.  I've learnt that the hard way.'  Donnie looks at me with sad eyes.  'I really wanted to punch him when he dragged you away from me.'  He admitted, then looked up with a smile, 'but you pushed him away and ran back to me.'  'Of course I did!  Your my dude!'  I say.  He pulls me close and kisses me.  'Yeah I am'  He whispers to me.  '(Y/n),  what did you mean when you said to him that he has his own relationship to worry about?'  'Well, I found out a long while ago that the girl he was cheating on me with is now his fiancee.  He admitted that things were't going so well with her.  I merely meant that he should be more worried about his love life than mine.  Our relationship has nothing to do with him.' 

Donnie's POV

'Im glad to hear her say that.  It's true, our relationship is none of his business'  I look deep into her hazel eyes.  This couldn't be more right.  We're already so strong together.  She's already shown me that.  If soul mates are real im 1000% sure she's mine! As I drift off to sleep her face is the last thing I see.  

Your POV

I watch Donnie as he sleeps.  I am not letting Pete ruin this for me!  I'm not gonna loose Donnie because of him!!  I swear to myself that I will not let Pete come between us.  Lay there for a while longer until eventually sleep takes me. 

No ones POV

Pete made his way back to the appartement he's staying in with his cousin who lives in the city.  He was there alone as his cousin worked nights in a bar.  He laid on his bed in the spare room and started at the ceiling still unsure what to make of what he witnessed earlier that day.  'What's with all the fighting all of a sudden?  And that Donnie?  He must have been wearing a costume, a couple of vigilante's.  I've heard alot about them in New York!  'Oh (y/n) what have you gotten yourself into?'  He thought.  He was genuinely concerned for (y/n).  He still cared for her, more than he realised.  Perhaps he still loved her.  She still looks as good as ever.  He lays there, thinking.  What if he's made a huge mistake? Does he want her back, he's unsure at this point.   Although one thing he's sure about is that he wants to talk to her again.  

Your POV

Donnie seems a lot better today.  And im relieved. We're all sat around the kitchen table eating breakfast.  Mikey makes the best pancakes!!  After breakfast we train.  Leo pulls me to one side afterwards.  'I hear you ran into some PD's and kicked their backsides'  He says grinning.  I put my hand to the back of my neck.  'Heh, well I had some help y'know, Casey and Donnie were there to.'  I shrug.  I didn't want to make too much of a deal of it, but between me and you, I was quite proud of myself yesterday.  ' I know, but it sounds like you handled the worst of it, im  proud of you'  He says.  I look at Leo and smile, 'Thanks Fearless' I say as we high 8, I then join the others on the sofa next to Donnie.  He takes no time in wrapping his arm around my shoulders and planting a kiss on my temple.  After we watch some TV, and share a bit of banter, mostly Mikey going on about the movie we watched the other night, I headed to Donnie's room to grab my phone, I wanted to try and message Ms.M again, to see I had a notification on my phone from a message App.  'Weird' I think to myself 'the only person who would ever message me on this was.......... Oh no' I think, 'Pete!'  I quickly open the message, and as I thought it was from him! 'Oh shit!'  I think 'Why can't he just leave me alone!?'  

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