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Through out the day (y/n) made various trips to the stock room to grab what she could to take to the lair and help Donnie.  Various sized syringes, hypodermics, sutures and cannulas.  She also grabbed a few giving sets and a couple of litre  bags of saline.  Her bag was getting heavy.  She felt terribly guilty about taking these things, but if Donnie could come to hospital to be treated these are the things he would need,  She decided to make a donation of some kind to the hospital to make up for it.  She also grabbed some swabs, clean dressing, bandages and a bottle of iodine to clean wounds properly.  By the end of the day her bag was really heavy.  She had taken in a back pack knowing she was going to be needing it.  When people asked she just claimed she was heading to the gym after work.  Finally her shift was over and she left and hurried down to the lair the first chance she got.  She arrived to be greeted by Leo and Master Splinter.  She plonked the bag on the kitchen table and began to unpack all she had managed to grab, laying it all out for Leo and Master Splinter in inspect.  'Wow!  What's all this (y/n)?  Mikey asked appearing over her shoulder.  'These are the things I managed to swipe from work today. It's all stuff I think Donnie might need, and a few things I thought you might all need at some point.'  'What's that?  Oh what's this do?  Uh what the shell is that!?'  Mikey asked earning himself a glare from Master Splinter.  'My child, this is very generous.  My sons and I appreciate it all, but will you not get in trouble for taking all this?'  'Yeah?'  Leo piped up.  'Are you sure about all this (y/n)?'  She looked up and nodded.  'It's not ideal, but this is was Donnie would get if he could just go to hospital for treatment, and I figure you guys help out the city so much, it's the least I can do.  In the grand scheme of things, what i've taken today isn't that much.  And I will be making a donation to the hospital to make up for it.'  Stealing didn't sit right with (y/n), but there was a bigger picture here.  And these were extreme circumstances.   

'How is he?'  She asked.  'No change.'  Leo replied sadly  'Can I go see him?'  She asked.  'Of course you can.'  Leo said.  She smiled and rushed into the Dojo and over to Donnie.  Was it her or did he looked a paler shade of green  'Shit!'  She thought.  'He needs those fluids now!'  Leo when is Dr. Rockwell coming over?'  Leo walked over to (y/n) side and knelt down next to her.  'Sigh, there's a bit of a problem, Rockwell is, well shall we say incapacitated.'  (Y/n) looked at Leo with a concerned look on her face.  'Incapacitated how?'  'He has a broken arm.  Somehow got in the way of Slash and Leatherhead sparring.'  (Y/n) felt her heart drop.  'Leo look at Donnie's skin colour.  He need's those fluids!'  Leo paused for a moment.  'Are you sure you can't do it?'  (Y/n)  looked at Leo.  Truth is she did.  But only from watching it done a thousand time's by the Doctors.  She would often be the tourniquet rather than use that horrid rubber string on the patients arm.  She looked at Donnie. 'Sigh.  I can try I guess.  I've never done it before.  But, he needs it.'  She stood looking down at him thoughtfully before turning on her heel and heading for the kitchen table where she had left all the things she had sourced for them.  

Grabbing a giving set, a cannula, and a bag of fluid she made her way back towards Donnie.  She opened all the sterile packages, ensuring the items they contained remained in place until she needed them.  She then washed her hands, making sure they were as clean as they could be.  This is considered to be  a sterile procedure as the needle will be going into his vein.  'Leo, I need your help please.'  She called to the leader who rushed to her side.  'What do you need me to do?'  She gestured to his arm, 'Pick it up and turn it so I can get to his inner arm please.'  He did as instructed.  'Like this?'  She nodded.  'That's great, ok, now I need you to squeeze it. And keep squeezing until I say otherwise.'  Leo taking his role in this seriously nodded.  'Okkaaaay.....'  (Y/n) said as she cleaned his skin and began prodding to find a suitable vein.  She was nervous.  She knew how serious this was, that Donnie depended on it.  What if she couldn't do it.  She shook the thoughts from her mind.  She couldn't think that way right now.  'Ah.  That looks like a good one!'  She said finally finding a vein she felt sure would work.  She then reached for the cannula and popped the sheath  off.  She positioned the needle just above the green skin for a second.  She took a gulp and licking her lips she slowly pushed the needle into the soft flesh.  She was so happy Donnie couldn't feel this right now.  She concentrated on moving the needle in at just the right angle as to access the vein.  For a second she thought she had missed her target, when a stream of blood rose up into the plastic tube to indicate she had in fact done it.  Breathing out she pushed the plastic tube all the way in, and removed the needle.  Quickly sealing it before any blood could escape she taped the cannula in place and instructed Leo to let go.  

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