The Day After

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Your POV

'Did he jus say what I think he said'  I thought.  'What did you say?'  I asked.  He smiled at me.  'I said I love you'  I felt my heart skip a beat.  Oh gods, I've been so scared to hear those words again.  But this doesn't feel scary.  It feels right, like this is how it was always suppose be this way.  It feels different from last time.  He's looking at me waiting for a response.  Can I really say those words back?  I want to.  I want to tell him so much.  'I...... I love you to Donnie.'  I said it!  I was a little surprised I didn't choke on the words.  He looks down at me.  'Really?'  He asks, his eyes soft and full of love.  I smile a little, 'Really really.'   He pulls me close to him, cups my face in his hand and kisses me, softly, lovingly.  I wrap my arms around his neck returning the kiss.  'Naaaawwwwww..........'  I hear as we break our kiss to see everyone looking at us.  I blush.  'Heh, guuuuys!'  I say shyly.  Donnie takes my hand and we all head back to the shellraiser.  'C'mon team, let's go home!'  Leo says.  We all buckle up and head off.

Donnie's POV

'She loves me!  She actually feels the same way!  Oh this is amazing!!'  We arrive back at the lair and go to find Master Splinter to find that some have already beaten us to it.  Of course Karai and Shini made it back first with Shini's magic.  'Congratulations my family'  Master Splinter says.  'You have all done very well.  And now is time to relax, and enjoy this victory.  For I fear this is not the last we have seen of the kraang.'  'Awwwwwwww..... yeah boi!!'  Mikey cheered fist bumping the air.  The friends disperse and talk amongst themselves.  April, (y/n), Karai, and Shini all sit around the kitchen table.  Casey and Raph are being all matcho in in the corner.  It's a good atmosphere.  'So what's with the goofy smile D?  You've been grinning like a cheshire cat since we got back'  Mikey says.  'Ah, nothing Mikey, i'm just feeling real lucky right now'  I say glancing over to the table where the girls are sat.  

Mikey's POV

I follow Donnie's gaze to the table.  'Ah, I get it now, your gonna ask her to marry you aren't ya bro!?'  He turns and looks at me, looking confused at my question.  'What!?'  He asks me.  'Mikey are you serious?!'  'Well, duh!  Yeah im serious.  Why wouldn't you ask her!?  You two are perfect together bro!'  'Ok ok Mikey calm down, it's only been a few months. that sort of thing takes time.'  I can't help but feel an overwhelming feeling of disappointment hearing Donnie say this.  'But your going to eventually, right?'  I ask feeling hopeful.  Donnie look at me with a kind smile, and pat my head.  'Who knows Mikey.  These sorts of things take time.  We've only just admitted we are in love with each other....'  

My eyes light up, 'you love each other!?' Donnie puts his hand on the back of his neck and glances over at (y/n) again.  'Yeah, It seems we do'  he says slightly blushing. 'That is awesome bro!  Im pleased for ya!'  'Heh, thanks Mikey'  

Your POV

'Well done (y/n) you fought well.  Good job on your first mission with us.'  April says.  'Thanks April.'  Karai looks up, 'So how did you come to meet the turtles?' She asked.  'Ah, well it all started....'  and I began to tell the story of how I came to meet Donnie and the Turtles.  'And here we all are now.'  I ended.  'Wow, romantic'  Shini said.   Although i'm unsure if she's being sarcastic or not.  'And this Pete, he's still bothering you?'  Karai asked.  I feel myself frown  'I hope this was the last time I see him.  But I doubt it.  Hopefully he'll be leaving the city soon.'   'Well, next time he bugs you let us know.  Maybe we can have a word with him.  Me and Shini are going to be in the city for some time'  Karai gives me a wink.  'Sounds good'  I say.  And it feels good as well.  Knowing I have some friends who've got my back!  This is what i've always wanted.  I glance around the lair at my new life.  Not quite the norm, but then i've never been one for 'Normal' I smile to myself.  Normal is overrated anyway.  

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