Fearless is back in action

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'You guys!  Hold up!  April's calling!'  Casey called after his four friends.  The turtles paused and looked on as Casey answered the call.  'Oh dang, ok red, lucky she noticed!'  Leo walked back to Casey, 'What?  What did who notice?'  (Y/n) noticed some security cameras, they aren't sure how far out they focus.  'Ah.  Good thing (y/n) noticed them.  Donnie, if we head back to the lair do you think you can hack into them?'  Donnie looked across the roofs to where they where headed.  From where they stood they could see the lights from the roof top (y/n) and April were.  'Shouldn't be too hard.'  He said.  Ok then team, new plan.  We hack into their surveillance footage first.  We may learn all we need to from that.'  The team all nod and turn to head back down to the sewers.  

Mean while (y/n) is looking at Danny confessed.  'What do you mean not quite? Danny why are you here?'  Danny looks over his shoulder and back to (y/n).  He takes her by the arm an d leads her to a corner of the roof that isn't as busy.  April notices and follows.  Once Danny was sure no one was close enough to hear him, he looked at the two girls.  'We're not sure yet, but word on the street is there's a new high ball in town who has bought the Purple Dragons, and that this is his bar.'  The girls both gasp.  'That's why i'm here.  Actually glad to have bumped into you two.  I'm surprised though that you aren't here for the same reason.'  'W-well, no.  We haven't heard anything like that, although it would explain why the Dragons have been so quiet recently.'  April said thoughtfully.  'Leo is gonna be so stoked!'  (Y/n) said.  'The silence has been driving him nuts!'  April looked at the two.  'We need to get back and let the guys know!'  April announced turning to leave, but Danny grabbed her arm and stopped her.  'No, don't go just yet,  if i'm right the whole bar is being watched.  We need to act as normal as possible, see what we can uncover in the process.'  April and (y/n) looked at each other.  'If that's true, they might recognise one of us!'  (Y/n) said suddenly overcome with worry.  'Shit, what if they do, we're gonna be in a world of trouble!'  Danny looked at them both.  'Aren't you two ninjas like your boyfriends?'  'Kunoichi.'  April corrected.  'And that's not the point, we don't have our weapons for a start.  And we're well out numbered IF you're right!  That lift is our only escape.'  (Y/n) looked at Danny and nodded in agreement.  'But, you're right, we should act normal-ish.'  April continued.  'Let's get one more drink, look around a bit, now we know what we're looking for, and then head to the lair.'  (Y/n) and Danny agreed that was the best course of action to take.  April sent Casey a text letting him know they would be leaving soon and would meet them in the lair.

Your POV

We each bought a drink from the bar and took a seat trying to act like all the other party goers.  'So Danny, is Bishop involved in this investigation or are you a one man band on this?'  I asked.  He smiled.  'Bishop is a wear.  I heard talk in that bar I met you in.  I thought I would check it out.' 'Ugh where Matt works.  I thought i'd seen the last of that place.'  I grumbled.  I'm really trying hard to hide the fact that i'm shitting myself here.  I nervously shuffle and glance around looking for anything that suggests the Purple Dragons are involved in this place.  I don't see anything yet 'I would have brought Bishop, but he a  bit inconspicuous.'  Danny continued.  'Ha, i'll drink to that!'  April said.   We all laughed and took a sip of our drinks.  

After a few minutes of casually looking around I had noticed at least three security cameras watching the bar and dance floor, swivelling every few minutes, nothing unusual in that.  I notice two security guards or maybe doormen wandering around, again, not an unusual sight in a bar.  I cannot see one thing that is unusual in this place.  There is nothing that suggests the purple dragons have anything to do with place......  'Except that!'  I think when I notice a familiar figure walking out of a door behind the bar, and grabbing a tray full of drinks.  I quickly turn my head so's not to be reconised.  'Ok guy's I think i've seen all the conformation I need.' I whisper.  They both look at me.  'Behind the bar, it's Hun!'  I say.  April and Danny turn to look.  'Oh shit, it is!'  April says grabbing a drinks menu and ducking behind it.  'We need to leave!'  She says.  I nod.  'If we wait for him to leave the bar we can leave without being spotted.'  I nod again.  Short of jumping over the railings, I see no other option.  

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