Still got it

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All weekend (y/n) had toyed with the idea for texting April.  She wanted to.  She missed her friend.  But was unsure if she should or not.  Casey's words rang in her ears.  'When you're ready we'll be there for you.'   She smiled the words warmed her heart.  All too soon Monday came and (y/n) was back at work.  She found Scott and Marcie in the staff room laughing  at the photos that were taken Friday night.  She plonked herself down on the chair next to Marcie.  'Morning!'  She sang as she did so.  'Morning (y/n).  Good weekend?'  (Y/n) smiled.  'Yeah, it was quiet.'  Marcie returned the smile.  'Yup same here.  Spent most of Saturday in bed!'  (Y/n) chuckled sitting back in her chair and sipping the not very nice coffee the hospital provided them with.  'Bleh!'  She groaned as she gulped down the black liquid.  'Well, i'm gonna head to the OR and start setting up.  We have a busy list today.'  'Oh, i'm working with you toady!'  Marcie said.  'I'll be right there!'  She called after (y/n) as she headed out the door.  Once in the OR (y/n) began laying the room up for the surgeries they had for the day.  The first operation was an apronectomy (removal of saggy abdominal skin due to weight loss) So the operating table required an extension and she needed a large set of scales to weigh the skin they remove.  There was also had a leg amputation booked, so she needed to source one of the larger limb bins that they will send the amputated leg to the incinerator in.  By the time (y/n) had returned with these two items Marcie was in the OR getting a few other bits ready.  'Oh great (y/n) thanks for getting those.  I'm gonna go scrub up, can you open my sets please?'  Marcie was a scrub nurse.  Which means she'll be the one handing the surgeon his equipment and assisting him during the surgery.  

Just as Marcie began to wash her hands both the surgeon and anaesthetist Mr. Burdon and Dr. Tucker walked in.  'The first patient is ready to be brought to theatre' Dr. Tucker said.  (Y/n) smiled.  'Ok, i'll head over and collect them if Marcie is happy?'  Marcie called out her approval from the scrub sink and so (y/n) made her way to the ward to collect their first patient.  It was a lady in her late thirties.  She had a gastric band fitted just over a year ago, and had been very successful in her weight loss journey thanks to it.  She asked the lady a few standard questions double checked she didn't have any allergies, and walked her round to a small waiting room where Jenny, the OPD (Operating Dept Practitioner) would collect her from.  An ODP can have one of three roles in the OR.  They can either assist the surgeon operating, assist the Anaesthetist, or work in the recovery room.  It's a job (y/n) had considered training for many times, but just never got round to it.  

Soon the patient was asleep on the table and the surgery began.  (Y/n) watched as the surgeon began to slice into the saggy skin.  A sight that would probably have most people cringing.  But it didn't bother her.  After a while she sat and began filling out paper work and preparing to take th skin they remove from the table to weigh it. Once the surgery was done and the team where clearing up ready for the next patient the Department manager came in.  'Hello Sister.'  (Y/n) heard Marcie welcome.  'Hi guys.  we have a bit of an emergency patient.  Your OR is the best equipped to handle it.  Can you squeeze it in before the amputation?'  Her question was more aimed at the surgeon then the team.  He looked up at Marcie, (y/n) and Jenny.  'If the team are happy.'  Mr. Burdon smiled.  Marcie looked towards the sister in charge.  'What is it?'  The patient is male, in his mid twenties, he suffered a wound during a brawl last night, and he had a foreign body lodged in his arm.  It's deep and we can't remove it without him pissing blood everywhere.  He's going to need some vascular and tendon repairs.'  Marcie nodded.  'Ok, i'll go get what we need, (y/n) why don't you go to the ER with Dr. Tucker and Mr. Burdon and bring him straight up when they have finished assessing him.'  (Y/n) nodded.  'Did the ER staff mention what it is in his arm?'  Marcie asked expecting it to be glass or similar.  The Sister looked at her notes.  'It says here it seems to be a Japanese throwing star?'  (Y/n)'s eyes winded.  'Well that's different'  Marcie said.  'Oh gods!'  (Y/n) thought to herself.  'O-ok, well..... Let's get down to the ER and get this guy fixed up shall we?'  She stuttered. 

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