Just friends?

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Your POV

My first day back at work was quiet.  Not too much to do, and not too many customers either.  The day gave me a lot of thinking time.  And what I thought of more than anything was Donnie.  And that worried me.  I tried to keep my mind occupied by talking to Mrs M about her visit upstate to her family.  But it did no good as she had some paperwork to catch up on in her office.  

I sit at the desk, and I sighed a heavy sigh.  I recognised these feelings.  I cannot allow myself to feel like  this again.  It just ends up with me getting my heart broken.  NO!!  I will not allow myself to be taken in again.  Donnie is a really nice guy, but so was Pete.  I thought to myself.  An there's a lot I like about Donnie, but that's not enough to risk the pain again.  No!  Donnie and I are friends!  Nothing more!  I can't allow myself to!  I covered my face with my hands, and flop forward onto the desk.  'Why does he have to be everything you like in a guy?!'  I thought to myself.  Even though he was a giant humanoid turtle, that didn't really phase me,  he was more Human than anything, and he's good, he has a kind heart.  But even so.  I cannot  let myself be weak.  I don't need love,  you need friends, and logic.

Just then the door opened to Ms M's office opened.  I snapped myself up right.  'Hey (y/n) today  has been rather slow, why don't you take off early, I can close the store up'  She says.  I glance up at the clock.  'But it's only  15.30?'  I say.  'I know dear, but its been real quiet, I can't see business picking up in the the next 2.5 hours.  Go ahead.'  Ms M says.  'Well, okay, if your sure Boss Lady.'  I say grinning.  'Oh im sure my dear, go ahead, i'll see you tomorrow.'   I get up and grab my coat, 'call if you need me to come back, ok?'  I say.  'I will dear'  Ms M says as I turn the shop sign around to say "closed"  And started walking.  

I didn't really want to go home to an empty apartment just yet, so I stopped off at the coffee house I have come to love, ordered   myself a large Pumpkin Spiced latte, and found a seat in the window.  I  sat there minding my own business, my mind still rolling over these thoughts of Donnie, as much as I tried to think of other things, my thoughts kept rolling around to him, this annoyed me somewhat.  Then suddenly there was a knock on the glass next to you, I glance up to see Casey and April.  I smile and wave.  Thankful for the distraction.  They enter the coffee house and approach my table.  

'Hey (y/n) April says happily.'  'Hey you two, Casey hows your head?'  I enquire.  'im ok sweet cheeks, thanks for the concern though'  he replied.  They both pull out a chair and join me.  'This IS nice I thought.'  'So no work today (y/n)?'  April askes.  'Actually, i've just left for the day.  My boss sent me home early on account of it being a slow day, there was nothing to do really'  'Awwww sweet' Casey stated. 'So what you up to now?' April asked. ' We were just heading down to the lair, wanna join us?'  I thought for a second.  I have nothing better to do, and it beats being alone in an empty apartment.  I  look at April and smile.  'Yeah, why not'  I say getting up.  'Cool beans' Casey says, and we all head out and towards an ally with a decent Manhole entrance.  

Donnie's POV

There I was sitting in my lab, minding my own business when I hear Casey's voice, followed by April greeting my brothers.  I rolled my eyes and sighed.  Then I heard something that almost made me fall off my seat!  It was Raph's voice  greeting (y/n)  'Wha!?  She's here?'  I thought and steadied myself.  I looked at the clock.  'But she was suppose to finish work as 17.30?'  I thought  I decided not to head out there immediately, I stayed in my lab for a good while.  But I did to my shame take a peep through the crack in the door.  There she was, sat on the sofa, laughing at something Raph had said.  I almost felt jealous.  'Gods's she is so amazing, so perfect, so beautiful.'  I snap myself back out of it and head back to my desk, almost face planting it out of frustration. 

Your POV

We've been in the lair for almost 30 mins, and I haven't seen Donnie yet.  But I decide not to mention it.  Instead I accept Mikey's challenge at a video game.  I thought it may keep my mind occupied.  Away from the thoughts I was having earlier, and I  was right,   I forgot how hard this game was.  I have no Idea how long you were playing.  But after a while I had enough and had started to feel tired.   You said your goodbyes and headed out the lair.  

No one POV

As (y/n) headed out the lair, Mikey, Leo, Raph, Casey, and April all looked at the lab door.  'Why didn't Donnie come out to see (y/n)' Mikey questioned.  'Dunno, thought he would have been out here like a shot when he knew she was here.'  'Maybe he didn't know' April said.  'No, he knew'  Leo said.  'I poked my head in and told him myself, he said he would be out soon.'  Leo stated.  'Huh?'  is all April could say.  

Your POV

I couldn't deny that I was disappointed at not seeing Donnie this eve, but accepted that it happens sometimes.  I got home and decided to jump in the shower.  I felt cold, and needed warming up.  It was the kind of inner cold even a hot drink couldn't kill.  I stood there, for what seemed like hours, allowing the hot water to pour over me and warm me up.  It felt good.  In the meantime however, Donnie had finally exited the lab.  

Donnie's POV

I finally built up the guts to leave the lab, only to find (y/n) had left.  'She left an hour ago dude'  Mikey said when I asked.  'Really' I said in disbelief.  'Yeah, you missed out this time dude'  I grew angry with myself.  and stormed back to the lab, I sat and placed my head in my hands.  This is ridiculous'  I said to myself.  'I need to get over this like yesterday!'  I look up at the ceiling 'Uhg!  I need some fresh air!'  I said to myself as I grab my bo staff and head out.  'where are you going?'  Leo asked me.  'I need some fresh air' I say to the leader, 'im just gonna head to the docks and back' I say.  'Ok D, be careful though'  ' Yeah, Yeah, I will be'  I say dismissively as I head out.  

I never did go to the docks in the end.  I ended up sitting on the roof across from (y/n)'s just looking.  Wondering how I was gonna deal with these feelings I had for her.  I saw her climb into her bed. ' I wonder if she's thinking the same, or does she just want us to be friends?' 

When the past catches up Donnie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now