Meeting the one and only Casey Jones & April O'Neil

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Your POV

I see a figure appear at the entrance of the lair, as they enter they fall to their knees. Instinct kicked in and I got up, ignoring the ache that was creeping through my muscles. I ran over to the fallen figure, and dropped to my knees next to him. The turtles followed close behind. Donnie joined me next to the figure. 'Casey!' Donnie exclaimed 'What happened!?' 'Ugh! The Purple Dragons' He managed to say, 'he has a wound on his right shoulder, and another on his thigh.' Donnie informs us all 'He's loosing a lot of blood from his leg' I state! 'We need a tourniquet! and a crepe bandage, Donnie, this cut looks deep, do you have any sutures?' All four turtles look at me shocked 'Wow Don, isn't it normally you shouting the medical demands?' Mikey jokes. I look at them all, slightly annoyed 'STAT!!' 'Ok, ok!, Don do you got those things the lady is asking for?' 'Yeah, hang on, i'll get what we need.' 'And pain relief' I call after Donnie. 'Naturally' He calls back over his shoulder.  'Mikey, can you get me a clean wet cloth?' 'On it!' He says running to get what I need, 'Raph get a pillow for his head, Leo, get some water for him to drink.' 'Ok!' He says running off to the kitchen.

 'Wow, (y/n) and Donnie were made for each other' Leo thought. Raph gets back with the pillow, and places it under his head. 'How do you know all this stuff (y/n)? He asked. 'Ah, years of working in an operating theatre. You pick up a few things' she says calmly. Donnie returns and (y/n) applies the tourniquet, while Donnie injects some local anaesthetic to numb the area before he begins to suture the wound. (Y/n) stands by ready to assist any way she can. 'So who is this guy?' she asks. 'This is a friend of ours , Casey Jones. He helps us out with the bad guys'. Mikey informs you. 'Ok' (Y/n) says keeping an eye on him while Donnie works his magic. 'He's a bit of a hot head.' Mikey states, Him and Raph are like two peas in a pod, just like you and Donnie.'

Leo's POV

There goes Mikey, shooting his mouth off before thinking again! (y/n) looks up questioning what Mikey just said. 'What do you mean?' (y/n) asks. 'Oh, well, you seem to have a lot of medical knowledge, normally it's Donnie shouting what we need.' I quickly intervene.  'Oh sorry guys, I did get a bit demanding, old habits an all.' (Y/N) apologized. 'Now I really do see why Donnie likes her, shell they were made for each other for sure.' Then I remember what Donnie told us about (y/n)'s ex. I shake my head, 'poor Donnie' I think to myself.

Donnie's POV

Once we got Casey comfortable I offered to walk (y/n) back home. As we were walking I noticed the uncomfortable silence that had engulfed us. 'You thought quickly this evening (y/n) Im impressed, and it was nice to have another person on hand who knew what to do in an emergency' I suddenly blurted out. She looks over with a small smile. 'Thanks Donnie, it all just comes second nature to me nowadays. Over a decade working in health care rubs off on you.' I smile back over to her. The more I get to see of her, to learn about her, the more I like her.. 'Ah shell, it's true, I really have fallen for her, but this time its not just her looks, like it was with April, its her mind as well, her attitude, this was defiantly different.'

Your POV

The next day came. Wow Im  sore after my training yesterday. Even though I soaked for hours in a hot bath with epsom salts. I got up and made coffee. While the pot was brewing I messaged Donnie

Y/n: Hey, how's the patient this morning.

D: Hey (Y/n), he's fine, he woke up early yesterday evening, he's a bit bruised but fine.

Y/n: Excellent!

D: Errrr.... He actually wants to meet you, he heard how helpful you were from Raph (lol, he must like you to be complimenting you). And April, Casey's GF also wants to thank you.

Y/n: Oh, errrr... ok. When?


Y/N: Alright, give me an hour.

D: KK! See you in an hour then, usual place :)

y/n: KK!

Your POV

'Oh cool' you think to myself. 'Another human and a girl, yay! Maybe running into Hun that night was a blessing in disguise, after all had that not happened, I would never had befriended Donnie and his brothers, and now i'm meeting more new people. Just liked i've been hoping to.

No ones POV

When Donnie had left the lair to meet (y/n) the three turtles informed April and Casey about how Donnie had fallen for her, but she had had a bad time with guys and Donnie was 1000% sure he had no hope. 'Aw poor Donnie' April said. 'Yeah, the dude can't catch a break can he?' Casey said pulling April closer to him. 'It seems not' Leo said. 'You should have seen the look on his face when he told us that he doesn't have a chance with her'. Mikey said 'He looked so sad, and they really are made for each other'. Raph and Leo both nodded in agreement. 'Well maybe, once I get to know her a bit, I can talk to her about it, you know, girly chats an all' April suggested. 'That's not a bad idea' Leo said thoughtfully. 'It's settled then, Maybe all she needs is time'. The others nodded in agreement.

Donnie POV

While walking to meet (y/n) I got to thinking what my brothers had said. 'Was it THAT obvious that I liked her? Had she noticed it, I hope not!' I thought as I walked. I reached the manhold cover where we always meet but to my surprise (Y/N) had already made it down and was waiting for me by the ladder. The light shining through the grill shone down on her lighting up her face.. I gulped. 'Wow' is all I could think. I shook my head, 'C'mon Donnie, pull yourself together!' I mentally told myself' She looked up her beautiful Hazel eyes locked with mine. She smiled 'Hey Donnie' 'Hey (y/n) Howa you feeling today after your training?' I asked, trying to keep casual. 'Heh, sore, im surprised I managed to get out of bed today' She joked 'Heh, you'll get used to it' 'So you all keep saying' She replied with a smirk, I couldn't help but smile at her.

'April is looking forward to meeting you, she says it will be nice to have another girl on the team'

Your POV

'What do you mean "on the team"?' I ask. Donnie glances over, 'well, your one of us now.'  I look down, 'have I possibly found somewhere where I belong again?' You ask yourself, a small smile crept to your lips. Donnie stopped 'Uh (y/n) You don't have to be considered as one of us if you don't want to.' You stop and turn to face him. 'No Donnie, I love the fact that you would consider me one of your team mates. I just hope I don't let you all down' Donnie approached me, and put a hand on my shoulder, causing me to glace up at him, '(y/n) i've seen your potential, you could never let us down' You both look at each other for a minute. 'Thanks Donnie' you say breaking the silence, and pulling you both back you the here and now, 'let's hurry, the guys will be wondering where we are.' You both head off towards the lair.

We walk through the entrance of the lair, only to be grabbed into a huge Mikey hug, I giggle to myself, 'Hey Mikester, you good?' 'Shell yeah im all good!' Mikey exclaimed excitedly. He put me down and its then I notice the red head walking towards me '(y/n)' She says with a huge smile, thank you so much for helping my doofus of a boyfriend yesterday, he's always getting himself into scrapes. Im April, Im so happy to have another girl around the place!' 'Oh hey April, nice to meet you to' 'OMG! Your accent is so cute!' 'Errr, thanks I think. Heh!' 'This is going to be the start of a great friendship!' April declares to everyone in the lair. And then from behind here appears the guy I helped the day before. 'Hey, thanks for the help yesterday. Although I couldn't speak much, I heard everything, ha ha, you really got the guys in line' I chuckled at the memory of watching them all fly off in different directions when I asked for something. 'Yeah, they did good.' I say looking over at them. 'You look alot better errr...' 'Oh yeah,' He says, 'I am the one and only Casey Jones.  Nice ta meet ya dollface.'

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