Ongoing Investigations

110 3 7

Your POV

The last thing I remember was crawling into Donnie's bed, and feeling quite triumphant after our encounter with the Purple Dragon gang,  I was pulled from my sleep by my phone ringing.  As I opened my eyes I felt Donnie begin to stir next to me.  I reached over to the night stand and grabbed my phone.  My eyes were still full of sleep when I answered it.  'Ugh, h-hello..?'  I managed.  'Hello Ms (yln)?'  A very authoritive sounding voice said down the phone.  This caught me by surprise.  'Y-yes, speaking..?'    'Ah, hello.  My name is detective Lee NYPD.  I'm the detective covering the case against Dr. Howell and his claims of man sized turtles and other creatures he claims to have encountered.'  This brought me out of my sleepy state immediately.  'Oh?'  Is all I could manage as I sat upright.  ' He claims you can confirm the existence of such creatures?'  The detective continues.  I  cup my head in my hand as I glance down to Donnie.  'Detective Lee, I cannot confirm such a thing.  He imprisoned and beat me, the only other subject I saw in that lab was the monkey he was testing on.  Unfortunately for him, the monkey escaped.  That is all I can give you I'm afraid.'  I Lied.  But knew it was the right thing to do.  'HmmHmmmmmm...... We suspected as much.  Between you and me it sounds like the ramblings of a madman.'  The detective said to my relief.  I heard him chuckle.  I mean 'Man sized turtles who know kung foo? It's the most extreme story I've heard in a long time.'  He clears his throat, and back to sounding serious he continued.  'We may need to speak with you further.  Although I appreciate how difficult it may be for you.'  I shook my head.  'No, whatever you need, if I can help, I will!'  I said.  'Thankyou!'  The detective said before hanging up.  Ugh, it's not over yet!  I thought as I laid back down next to Donnie, who's eyes were starting to flicker open.  'What was that about?'  He asked me.  I turned my head to look at him letting out a long sigh.  'It was the police calling about Vince.'  'Oh?'  Donnie said sitting up on his elbows.  'He wants me to confirm to the police that you guys actually exist, so they don't think he's crazy.'  I saw Donnie's eye's widen.  'Your kidding?'  I shook my head.  'Nopes, I wish I were.'  I said.  'The nerve of him!'  Donnie said as he sat up further and slumping forward a little turning to look at me.  'You ok?'  He asked me.  I'm not really feeling ok, but I don't want him to worry.  I smile up at him.  'Yeah, I'm fine, what's the time anyway?'  Donnie looks past me to his clock.  'Just after 7'  He says. 'Ugh, what a time to call me!'  I grumble.  'Well, I may as well get up, I'm heading back into the shop today.'  I say pulling the covers off me and pulling on a pair of loose fitting trousers.  

'You sure that's  good idea?'  Donnie asked me.  'Why wouldn't it be?  I ask stretching.  'Well, after that call will you be ok?'  I  look down at him.  'It's a great idea after that call.  It'll take my mind off it, keep myself busy.'  'I guess your right'  He shrugs.  I smile at him, 'I'm gonna go make some coffee.  You want one?'  He stretches.  'Yeah, I'll be out in a bit.'  'Ok' I say as I head out the door, only to run straight into Raph.  'Mornin (y/n), ya sleep ok?'  I look at Raph, I smile and nod.  He looks at me for a second.  'What's wrong?'  He asked.  'Why do you think somethings wrong?'  I asked.  'Yer eyes, you have something on your mind.  I can see it.'  I sigh.  'Well, I spose I should tell you, but can I make coffee first?'  I ask.  I see concern in his emerald eye's.  'Yeah, sure thing!'  He said as we walked to the kitchen in silence.       

As I stand at The counter making The coffee I can feel Raph's eyes on me.  I know he's waiting for me to tell him.  I let out a Deep sigh.  'I had a phone call this morning.'  I said without turning around.  'Riiiiight.......?' he replied.  'It was The police.' I Heard his chair scrape on The floor and before I could continue Raph was beside me.  'What'd they say?!' He asked.  I filled him in on The little information the detective gave me.  'The slimy lil bastard!!' Raph growled punching the kitchen counter.   I chuckled at him.  'That's one name for him.' I joked, in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere.  Just then Donnie walked in.  'Get up on the wrong side of the hammock Raph?' He asked taking the coffee I had made him from me.  'I just told him about my early morning chat with the detective.' I told him.  'Ah!' Is all Donnie said.  Before taking a sip of his coffee.  Raph sighed.  'So what's next?' He asked looking at me.  I shrug.  'I guess it's just a waiting game for now.  The detective said he would probably have to talk to me again.' Raph looked to the ground and nodded.  I tilt my head a little looking at the hot head.   I still need to have that chat with him.   I know he's still upset.  First chance I get I will.  

When the past catches up Donnie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now