Coming Back

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No Ones POV

(Y/n) laid on the medical trolly in Donnie's lab for two days until he deemed her fit enough to be moved from the lab to the spareroom.  She would be much more comfortable in there.  Although still unconscious she was looking much better.  The swelling and bruising on her face and body was fading,  and the stab wound didn't seem to be infected, considering she was laid in that ally for who knows how long.  Mikey barley left her side.  He sat with her, he would read to her or just talk to her about his day.  Donnie left him to it, he knew how much he loves (y/n) and he needed the time with her.  

It gave Donnie a chance to sit with Leo and Raph and try to figure out why she went to meet Pete that night, and did he know anything about the attack?  Could he shed and light on who did this?  Should he try and speak with him?  Donnie decided to leave that as the very last resort!  He even tried to access the city's security camera system but it seems there isn't a camera by the ally she was attacked in, 'Typical'  he thought!  He  looked over at (y/n) from his laptop  'Please wake up soon'  He say's quietly.

Just then there's a knock at the door and April appeared.  'How's she doing?'  'Better'  Donnie says looking over at (y/n) again.  'Any closer to working out who did this to her?'  April enquires.  'Nope!'  Donnie says sadly.  April sighs.  'And have you decided if your gonna talk to Pete?'  'I will if I really have to.'  April nods in understanding.  'Well if there's anything Casey or I can do,  let us know, ok?'  Donnie smiles, 'Thanks April'   Before she leaves she walks over to (y/n) and plants a kiss on her cheek.  'C'mon babe, he's waiting for you'  She whispers to her.  Donnie doesn't hear what April says but the sight of their friendship warms his heart.  

It was early evening and Donnie was just about to go grab a drink.  He'd been sat in (y/n)'s room all day monitoring her and mentally begging her to wake up.  He puts his laptop down and stands up, stretching out his back as he does so.  He looks over at (y/n) and his eyes widen 'Did I jus see.....? Im sure her finger twitched.'  He rubbed his eyes and walk towards her, 'Yes!  It did it again, she's coming back!'  He fall's beside her onto his knees and hold the hand that moved.  He sit's patiently, watching her face, feeling for another movement.  Looking for any signs that she going to wake up.  '(Y/n)?  Can you hear me?'  He say's to her. He feel's her hand move again!  'Was that a response to my voice?'  He wonders.  '(Y/n), can you hear me?  Baby?  Please.  Can you hear me?'  Her hand moves again. 'Yes!!'  He says!!  '(Y/n) please, listen to  my voice.  Please try to open your eyes'  He see's her eyes move under her eyelids, as if she was dreaming.

Your POV

I'm surrounded by darkness, it's all I can see.  I've no idea how long i've been here.  No idea where I am even. Every so often I hear voices in the distance.  But no matter how hard I strain I can't hear what they are saying or whom they belong to.  Until now.  First I look at my left hand there's nothing there, but I feel like something is touching it, and then I hear him  '(Y/n)?  Can you hear me? Baby? Please. Can you hear me?'  Is that Donnie's voice?  Where is he?  I look at my hand and make a fist.  ' (Y/n) please, listen to my voice please try to open your eyes'  I'm confused at this, my eyes are open.  Where IS he? I look around......  I can't see anything.  'Donnie?!'  I call out 'Where are you?  I can't see you!'   

Donnie's POV

I turn her head slightly to face me, '(y/n)?  Please?  Come back to me.'  Her eyes flicker again.  'She can hear me, im sure of it.'  I sit there not taking my eyes off her.  'C'mon (y/n)  hear me, please'  I beg.  Her hand moves again.  

Your POV

I can still hear him, his voice is getting closer, I'm still looking around for him.  'Wait, what's that?  For the first time i've been here, I see something,  a speck of light?  As I move towards it, Donnie's voice seemed all the clearer.  And so I began running, or what I thought was running.  The light became bigger, not brighter but bigger.  His voice was as clear as a bell, although I didn't understand why he was asking me to open my eyes.  Suddenly I had the sensation of falling as if the floor had disappeared from under me.  Then suddenly a jolt.  And my eyes open.

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