The Visit

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(Y/n) sat wracking her brains for an idea to help Donnie.  Without seeing the extent of the damage done to him she has no idea what he might need.  She still loved him deeply, and knowing that he's hurt and she couldn't help was killing her.  

After making sure (y/n) was ok, April had left and made her way down to the lair where Casey was waiting for her.  As she walked though the entrance of the lair she made a bee line for Leo.  'Where is he?'  She asked.  Leo sighed with a sad expression on his face he pointed towards the Dojo.  She rushed towards the Dojo, and towards where Donnie rested.  'Oh my goodness!'  She gasped dropping to her knees next to him.  'What happened to you?'  She whispered.  'Oh Donnie, (y/n) is so worried about you!  You should have seen her face when she heard the news.  Why'd you run off like that!?  She's not interested in that guy, She still loves you so much!'  April said unsure if he could hear her or not.  She had read somewhere that unconscious patients can still hear the voices of the people around them.  She hoped this was true and he could hear her.  He needs to know how wrong he was about the situation.  From ending it with (y/n) to thinking she was flirting with Aaron.  She reached out and held onto his hand whilst she continued to talk to him.  

Leo, Raph, and Casey stood at the doorway of the Dojo watching the one way exchange.  'Ya think he can hear her?'  Raph asked.  Leo shrugged.  'No idea, but anything's worth a try I guess.  the leader replied.  Raph and Casey both nodded in agreement.  'Where's Mikey?'  Casey asked.  'I haven't seen him all day.'  Raph looked at his friend.  'He's locked himself in his bedroom.'  Leo said sadly without taking his eyes from his unconscious brother.  'Yeah, took us forever ta get him ta go to sleep.  He hasn't come out since.'  Raph added solemnly.  All three looked over to April and Donnie.  'C'mon guys, I need a drink.'  Raph said moving from his spot at the door and headed towards the kitchen.  The two others followed him and sat down as Raph pulled out three beers from the fridge, he cracked them open and handed them out.  'Thanks bro!'  Casey said.  'Yeah, thanks Raph.'  Leo mumbled.  The three sat in silence.  Leo picked at the label on his bottle, Raph took a long swig, whilst Casey chugged his.  The tension could be cut with Leo's katanas.  'April told (y/n).'  Casey whispered.  Both Leo and Raph's heads snapped up.  'What!?'  Casey held up his hands.  'She was at (y/n)'s place when I messaged her.'  Leo and Raph looked at each other then back to their human friend.  'So..?  What did (y/n) say?'  It was Casey's turn to shrug.  'All I know is that she's worried out of her mind.  I don't really know what she said.'  

April was sat with Donnie for about an hour before she finally joined the three at the table.  Raph looked up.  'Beer?'  April nodded.  'Yes please.'  Raph got up and headed to the fridge, he pulled out another four beers, opened them and handed them out.  Once again they all sat in silence until finally Leo spoke.  'So, you told (y/n)?'  He asked.  April nodded and swallowed her first mouthful of beer. 'Was I not suppose to?'  Leo and Raph looked at each other then back to her.  'We weren't going to until we were sure of the damage.'  Leo said.  'What?!  And how long were you planning on keeping her in the dark?  She has a right to know Leo!'  Suddenly Raph and Leo felt a little guilty.  'Uh. well.....'  Leo began.  'Just because she and Donnie aren't together right now, you really think she shouldn't be told?  She hasn't just stopped loving him you know!'  April was annoyed.  And the guys knew all too well how sharp her tongue can get when she's mad.'  'Sigh, your right April.  We just didn't know what was for the best.'  Leo admitted.  April's expression softened.  'Well, for what its worth, she's beside herself right now.  She's so worried.  Do you guys know who did this?'  Raph glared angrily at the table, shaking his head 'No!'  He growled.  'But whoever it was is as good as dead, when I get my hands on them!'  Said the hit head through gritted teeth.  While the four sat at the table drinking their beer and talking amongst themselves Mikey was stirring.  He opened his door a crack and peeked out.  He was a turtle on a mission.  Using all his ninja skills he managed to reach the exit of the lair undetected and snuck out.  Inwardly praising himself for a job well done, he rushed up to street level and to his intended destination.

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