Rooftop Cocktails

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It had been a few days since (y/n) had moved back into her apartment and the couple were starting to get used to living separately again.  They still saw each other every day and (y/n) still went to the lair to train with them all, and continued to go on patrol with them.  Patrol.  That was something that was bothering Leonardo.  It was too quiet.  And he couldn't believe that all the bad guys in the city had just all gone away.  No.  There was something going on.  

He sat in his room with the radio set on the channel six news, waiting to hear of any criminal activity.  He also had the police scanner that Donnie and salvaged and repaired also switched on, Leo was sure he wouldn't miss anything.  The antique shop that the Purple Dragons hit the other night had been mentioned.  And then the mysterious return of all the stolen goods were given a separate mention.  'Authorities believe the thief had a change of heart and returned everything they had taken during their break in to Mr. Goldman the owner of Goldman Antiquities.  A spokeswoman for Mr. Goldman says that Mr. Goldman is grateful for the return of the items, but still disappointed with incident.'    The reporter said.  Leo rolled his eyes.  'If only you knew the truth.'  He mumbled to himself and turned the page of the book he was trying to read.  He couldn't fully concentrate.  His brain wouldn't shut up about how quiet the city was.  It was suspicious to him.  'Agghhh!!'  He cried and threw his book across the room.  He sat up and and swung his legs over the side of his bed and stood up, and walked across the room to his scanner.  He glared down at the appliance, almost willing the police to radio in a robbery, or the news reader to announce a Breaking News Story a strange sighting,  ANYTHING!!          

'I can't take this!!'  He shouts.  'It's driving me crazy!!'  Leo flung the door to his bedroom open and headed to the Lab where Donnie was working.  ''Donnie!?  You in here?'  Leo called.  Donnie looked up from his computer screen.  'Where else would be Leo?'  'D, i'm not in the mood!  Do you have any idea what the shell is going on in this city!?  Where's all the crime!?  The action!  I can't just sit twiddling my thumbs for another patrol!  You must have some clue Donnie, please tell me you have a clue!'  Donnie looked at his older brother.  'Sorry Leo, I'm just as baffled as you are.  I have no idea what's going on.'  Donnie replies with a shrug.  'It's kinda nice though, don't cha think?  Gives us a chance to relax a bit.'  Leo gasped and looked at his genius brother.  'NO!  I don't think this is NICE!!'  'Whoa, calm down Leo!  I was jus sayin!'  Donnie says holding his hands up in surrender.  'Uh, I'm sorry Don, I'm just so frustrated!  I know the bad guys haven't just up and left the city...'  'No, which suggests there are up to something, the question is what?'  Donnie said.  'Ugh.  I'm going to try and meditate!'  'Sure thing Leo.  That sounds like a good ldea!'  

'Yo Leo, wussup bro!'  Raph said seeing Leo storm out of the lab.  'Nothin!'  Leo snapped making a bee line to the dojo. 'Alright!  Geez!  No need to bite ma head off!  What's crawled up his shell?'  'Ah, he's jus cranky coz there's been no butt to kick these last few weeks.'  Mikey said from the sofa.  Raph watched as Leo made his way across the room and into the dojo.  

Once in the dojo, he lit some incense and candles, then dropped to his knees and closed his eyes, he took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly.  He repeated this a couple of times until he felt himself relax a bit, but not enough.  He closed his eyes tighter and began to inhale and exhale again.  He finally opened his eyes and groaned.  'Dammit!'  Leo slumped back and sighed.  'My son, what is the matter?'  A warm and familiar voice said.  Leo opened his eyes and turned to see Master Splinter looking down at him, with a concerned look in his eyes.  ' Father.  I, I'm just frustrated.  I can't concentrate.'  'Hmmmmm..... So I can see.  May I ask what it is on your mind?'  'Hai Sensei.'  Leo said as he began to explain his frustrations and concerns.  Master Splinter listened carefully to all Leo had to say.  'Hmmmmm.... I understand your concern my son, and you are correct.  The villains of this city have not just stopped their endeavours, and I highly doubt their agender has changed.'  This caught Leo's attention.  'So you think their still out there?'  Leo asked.  Master Splinter nodded.  'Indeed my son they are.  And when they do finally strike I have no doubt you will all be ready.'  Leo looked up at his father.  'But in the meantime, Donatello is correct.'  He continued. 'Try to relax a little my son, and do not over think this matter.  It is not good for your spirit.  Continue your patrols, and your training.  Do this and you will no doubt overcome anything.'  'But Sensei, how can I relax knowing something is brewing out there.'  Master Splinter smiled down at his eldest son.  'Maybe you should ask your brothers.'  He replied with a smirk.  'Ugh, I'll try Master Splinter.'  Leo promised.  'Good, now my son, go and relax with your brothers.'  'Hai Sensei.'  Leo said nodding his head respectfully, and leaving to join his brothers.   

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