April's Safe

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No ones POV

'So where is it!?'  (Y/n) asked.  'Our friend is trapped in there!  We need to get her out!'  Danny gave her another flirtatious smirk which all four turtles noticed.  'C'mon mole, the lady asked ya a question!'  Raph said.  'Or do I have ta pound the answer outta ya!?'  Leo put a hand on Raphs shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.  Danny looked at  Raph, 'Dude, your turtles. I'm pretty sure I can out run ya!  You couldn't get close enough!  But it's unnecessary, I was gonna tell ya anyways!'  Raph growled.  'So tell us!'  A voice came from behind Danny.  He turned to see Leo causing him to step back and trip landing on his backside.  'B-but you were there a second ago, how'd ya get there!?'  Leo looked down at the mole.  'I'm a turtle.  And a quick one at that!'  Leo responded.  

Danny glanced up to see all four turtles now looking down at him.  None of them trusted him 100%.  'Ok, ok sheesh, can't you fellas take a joke?'  Danny stood up and brushed himself down.  'There's an old abandoned warehouse on the other side of town.  Those Kraang things are using that as their new base.' 

At that all eyes then moved to Leo, who had his finger on his chin thinking.  'Half of us should head over there, whilst the others stay here and keep an eye on April via the Spy roach and the freight carrier.  Raph, Mikey and Casey you head across town to this warehouse,  take Danny with you.'   'WHAT!? You gotta be kiddin' me fearless!?!' Raph protested.  'Sorry Raph, but Danny is the only one who knows which Warehouse the Kraang are using.'  Leo explained to his hothead brother.  Raph clenched his fists in annoyance, but knew the leader was right.  'Fine!'  Raph agreed, 'But if he puts just ONE foot outta line, im gonna beat the pink off him!!'  Leo just looked from Raph to Danny.  'He's not kidding, he'll do it.'  He warned Danny flatly.  'Ehem, uh, noted.'  Danny said nervously.  And so the four of them started across town towards the Warehouse, whilst the others stayed back.

Donnie's POV

'Who the shell does that Danny think he is!? Making eyes at my girl!  I'm gonna have to keep an eye on him!  And I have to remember to thank Raph later!'  I was so deep in my internal rant that I didn't even hear Leo talking to me.  'Donnie? Don? D!!?'  'Oh uh, yeah!, Sorry Leo, what was that?'  Leo raised an eyebrow ridge at me.  'D, you ok?'  I look at my brother.  'Yeah, I just don't trust that Danny guy.'  Leo looked around toward Bishop.  'No, I don't either, but Bishop seems to.'  I nod and follow Leo's gaze towards Bishop.  '(Y/n) doesn't seem too keen on him either.'  Leo stated.  'Didn't she meet him once before?'  He asked me.  I nod again.  'Yeah, that same night that girl, ugh, ya know....  Her and Bishop met him in that bar just before that.'  Leo looks at me seriously. ' Ah, I see...  She never mentioned him to you?'  I sigh.  'I think that was the last thing on her mind Leo.'  'Hmmm.... Fair point.'  

No ones POV

(Y/n) was looking down to the streets when she noticed a 24 hour printing shop, when she suddenly had a light bulb moment.  'Guys, i'll be right back!'  She called over to the two brothers, and before they could say a thing, she was gone, making her way down to the streets.  Donnie and Leo looked at each other and shrugged, neither sure of what (y/n) was doing.  She appeared minutes later holding up paper and a pen.  Donnie's eye's lit up and he smiled.  'Yup, knew there was a reason I loved you!'  Leo still didn't quite get the idea until he watched (y/n) write something down and hold it up to the camera for April to see.  'A way to communicate back to April, (y/n) your brilliant!'  Leo said with a chuckle.  'No wonder Donnie likes you so much, your a smart ass jus like him! Heh heh!'  (Y/n) looked at the leader  'I have my moments'  she said.  So now they have a way to let April know the plan, also to inform her on what they know about the portal opening times. 

April's POV

'Oh thank god, there's hope!  And Casey is coming!  Suddenly she felt so much lighter.   I sat back and for the first time in hours I felt myself relax.  Although I can't help but look over to the "Dragon" And wonder how were gonna stop that thing.  

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