Operation getting Karai back

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'WHAT!!?  Are you crazy!!?  Poison!?  No way Bishop!!'  Leo shouted at Bishop after hearing his plan.  Leonardo's response to his plan did not surprise The Utrom.  It was in fact exactly what he expected.  'Are you sure it's safe Bishop dude?'  Mikey asked.  'I am 100% sure it is safe.  I trust my fellow Utrom.  And Rook is a genius.'  This comment drew everyone's gaze towards Donnie.  The purple banded turtle looked around at all the eyes set upon him.  'Well Donnie?  What do you think?'  Leo asked.  Donnie looked at Leo with a distained expression.  'I dunno Leo, I'd need to analyse a sample to give an educated opinion.'  Leo glared at Bishop.  'Before I can give my consent I'm gonna need you to give a sample to Donnie.  He can give me a better idea.'  Bishop glared at the leader.  'Leonardo, we do not have the time, please.....'  But Leo held his ground.  'I'm sorry Bishop, but I just can't.....  It's too risky!'  Bishop could feel annoyance bubbling in his chest.  He and Leo held each others glare for a few seconds longer before Bishop closed his eyes and let out a long and annoyed sigh.  He reached into his pocket and pulled out two vials.  One containing a purple liquid, a second containing a green liquid.  Bishop handed them both to Leo.  'The green one is to make it seem as though she has gone into cardiac arrest, the purple is to counteract the effects.'  Bishops glare then turned to Donnie.  'Donatello, I will give you until this time tomorrow.  We must move swiftly.  Our window is getting smaller every hour we waste.'  Donnie nodded, indicating that he understood.  'We will meet you here again tomorrow night, be sure to bring these with you!'  Bishop instructed.  Although he was met with nothing but silence from Leo, Donnie looked up, 'D-don't worry Bishop .  I'll analyse a sample and get this back to you as soon as possible.'  Bishop was not happy with this delay, but trusted the turtles to do as he had asked.  They parted ways and once back in the lair Donnie headed straight to the lab.  

From her room (y/n) heard the turtles return, she decided to brave facing them.  She couldn't hide in her room forever.  She had to talk to them at some point.  She slowly made her way out of her room and towards the kitchen where Raph, and Leo were sat.  Raph was the first to spot her.  She gave him a small, unsure smile.  He simple gave her an angry glare, got up and walked away without saying a word.  She watched as he made his way to the Dojo.  She felt a wave of sadness wash over her.  She turned to leave quickly but was stopped by Leo's voice.  '(Y/n)?'  She froze for a second before turning to look at Leo.  'Oh, Hello Leo.'  The leader tilted his head, and observed her for a moment.  'You, uh, you ok?'  She looked down to the ground sadly.  'Yeah,  i'm ok.  Is um..... is Raph?'  She asked looking towards the Dojo.  Leo followed her gaze.  'Oh, uh.  Yeah.  He's ok..... I think he's just  little upset at hearing about your plans.'  'Oh.'  She said sadly without taking her eyes off the Dojo door.  'We're all upset (y/n).'  Leo continued, pulling (y/n)'s gaze onto him.  '(Y/n), you are a part of this family, and despite what you might think, you are loved.'  (Y/n) felt her stomach flip and the familiar sting of tears threatening to show themselves.  She quickly composed herself.  She knew if she showed any doubts about her plans to leave, Leo would notice and talk her into staying.  He had a way with words that made it hard to argue with him.  'It's for the best.'  She said coldly, looking back towards the Dojo to so to avoid eye contact.  Leo raised a non existent eye brow.  'For whom?'  (Y/n) felt herself getting a little frustrated at the questions.  'For everyone I guess.'  She snapped.  Leo sighed.  'Look (y/n).  If you really wanna leave that's your decision, we can't stop you.  But to say it's the best for everyone, I gotta tell you, your wrong on that one.'  'How Leo!?  How am I wrong?!  This isn't a decision I've made lightly!  I love it here!  I love you guys, I love Donnie!  But it just seems there's always something you have to protect me from Leo!  It's not fair on you or your family.  You have enough to deal with, I'm just another target for the bad guys to use to get to you!'  

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